Apr 28Liked by Linh Dinh

The Economist was always a Rothschild rag (literally owned by the Rothschild, Cadbury and Agnelli families, three of the richest families in Europe), but it has gotten considerably worse in the last years. They used to at least have decent prose, now not even that. Anything that's bad, you can count on them to defend. But defending "transgender milk" really has hit a new low... :-(

As for America, I wish all it did was "harming its own citizens" ... No, they want to harm everyone, from pushing "trans rights" in Albania and Uganda to promoting multiculturalism in Japan (Obama's handler Rahm Emmanuel is there as US Ambassador, making sure it happens).

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Apr 28Liked by Linh Dinh


Your 8 words about him has been met with 2,000 words from Kevin Barrett, who defends Ron Unz and accuses you of being some sort of disinfo agent. The real disinfo agent may in fact be Unz with his preposterous theory that covid was a US biowarfare attack on China gone wrong and that the vax campaign was a desperate attempt to protect American citizens from the blowback. Unz plays the part of the dissident who ultimately carries water for the establishment -- a role mastered by Noam Chomsky. Unz repeatedly dissed "anti-vaxxers" who figured out, correctly, that Uncle Sam was not there to help them. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have documented the legal bureaucracy that facilitated this attack by the US government on its own citizens. There is a mountain of evidence that the c-19 injections caused millions of deaths and injuries -- all of it officially ignored. If we had a caring government, why would this be? Unz never explains why 190 countries were immediately onboard with the supposed "pandemic", all with the same line, the same fear campaign. If this was an emergency blowback, how did it get organized so quickly and so consistently across the world?

It would be good for Ron Unz to spend a few days with people who were seriously injured by the real bioweapon -- the covid injection. And it's a pity that someone as intelligent as Kevin Barrett has thrown in his lot with Ron Unz. It's to your credit that you left that site Linh.

As to the Jewish role: who heads the CDC, HHS, Pfizer,the US government itself? Will Mandy Clohen expose the lies of Rochelle Walensky and Albert Bourla? No, the CDC is still pushing the vax.

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For anyone who can't see past the paywall on Kevin Barret's site, I posted this reply to his article attacking Linh. Long live Palestine! Long live Linh Dinh! Thank you sincerely, Linh, for loving Americans more and working to protect what is important about America harder than too many who were born here.


Dear Kevin, I think it is always wise to be slow to side with a protected, well connected man who is a member of the class of people who has privilege in the US (same group that contains Harvey Weinstein, Alan Dershowits, Sam Bankman-Fried, Jonathan Pollard and a huge number of others who seem to be above the law) against a very fearless and honest man who was ejected from Western society for telling the truth about this unearned and dangerous Jewish privilege system. While it is tempting to huddle with the propped up side to catch a break for a while, Unz's position may well be another case of manipulation by those who seek to enslave us. My personal experience with Unz and my careful study into the COVID scam as someone who was already vax critical and big pharma critical showed me that while his website seems to be a free for all for all views, it was only when I tried to bring reason to his COVID death estimates that I found my comments censored on his website. Granted, most other times my comments were not on his articles. So maybe he just heavily curates responses to his own theories, but it made me very suspicious. Another reason I am suspicious is from my past experience being part of the same activist community as Noam Chomsky at MIT. We thought he was just a sincere critic of the US in order to help it become better country. We thought it odd how he always seemed to fail to notice the importance of the pro-Israel lobby and that when asked by Amy Goodman where he would live if not in the US well into the BDS movement, he glowingly said "Israel." He lavished praise on Israel and Amy Goodman couldn't have been more pleased to hear it. Years later come to learn he was connected to Geoffrey Epstein and at least on one occasion dined with Ehud Barak. Oh, I see. We thought he was a sincere patriot trying to make his country better, but he was really an agent for Israel trying to lay blame for all of Israel's crimes on the US. See his book "Fateful Triangle" in this new light, for example. Who is Ron Unz friendly with? Why did the debate between Ron Unz and E Michael Jones on the Killstream recently remind me of Noam Chomsky's style of dismissing valid concerns such as about 9/11 or the JFK assassination or the pro-Israel Lobby? Why is Unz not de-platformed from youtube and the old twitter management while E Michael Jones is/was? And most importantly I, as a person with a science background, ask, "why would Ron Unz feel the need to suppress dissenting perspectives of how to estimate COVID or jab deaths?" That isn't how western science resolves disputes. What value system does Ron Unz operate on to frame inquiry into scientific questions if not evidence based reason? What is the history of race selective bioweapons research in Israel? What do more expert researchers like Standford Prof. John Ioannidis and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi have to say about the risks of COVID vs. COVID jabs? What do researchers have to say about the dangers of the incentivized hospital protocols making a relativeley survivable disease much more dangerous? You are out of your depth on this one, Kevin. Not sure how Islam is on humility (or more likely your holdover values from being a leftist academic imbued with the Jewish revolutionary spirit), but if you come home to the founding faith of your civilization, Roman Catholicism, you can be reminded that it is wise to be humble. If, instead, you want to ditch the learning of your forebears and run away from this land instead of fighting to save it from those who seek to trample its important precedents of free speech, freedom to worship, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom to bear arms, and freedom from unreasonable searches among others, then maybe you should focus on things in your new home instead of slandering those who do have the stones to stand up to this monstrous attack on us all via the apparatus of Jewish privilege. In other words, if you want to pile on Linh Dinh based on your very weak grasp of the debate on COVID, you are going to have to come through me first. God protect Linh Dinh and all who suffer for trying to protect decent, hardworking, sincere people from the Jewish privilege apparatus and the demonic COVID jabs. And may God help you, Kevin, to seek humility and discernment. Logos is rising, Kevin. Don't work to impede it.

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Thank you, Linh Dinh, for an excellent Postcard. All your comments about the Economist are bulls eye perfect! And I so enjoyed your remarks about America: men, lactating and otherwise, and the rest of the astute observations about this degenerating former nation.

The only exception are the two videos at the end. I hope I never see anything like those two tasteless excuses for entertainment ever again.

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Apr 28·edited Apr 28Liked by Linh Dinh

Those Ukrainians they cannot kill they have at least driven from the country. I have often wondered if one goal (perhaps even the main one) of “Project Ukraine” is to depopulate that sad place. Obviously, hundreds of thousands have died. But besides that, millions have fled the country, many of whom have stated they intend never to return. The fact that a few large multinationals and BlackRock own huge tracts of land in Western Ukraine seems like good motive for this. (I first read about a good while back, but for any who have not, a good piece appears as the last item in Simplicius the Thinker’s most recent Substack post (at https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/sitrep-42724-us-admits-top-weapons). 400 square kilometers ceded to these corporations! How's that for corruption?

I must rather shamefully admit that years (MANY years!) ago before I knew better, I once considered “The Economist” an authoritative source, a somewhat weightier version of “Time” magazine, and read it faithfully almost cover-to-cover every week. Gradually, I got wiser and it grew worse, and I came to understand it for what it was, a journal of empire talking points. It dependably puts out the globalist establishment line whenever there is any wiggle room to do so. Interestingly, in the first small paragraph you reproduce about the Ukraine package, the paragraph itself is straightforward reporting, while the hidden-in-plain-sight editorializing is built into the title, preconditioning you on its proper interpretation.

Your list of the ways in which Russia, China, and Iran differ from the West is pretty much spot on. But no one should get too comfortable with that idea and start uncritically seeing everything as black and white. While I can’t say regarding Iran, both China and Russia are busy implementing their own flavors of the WEF digital prison we are being slowly herded into, including their own versions of the jab. It seems that despite contending with one another regarding their other differences, the global Masters of the Universe are in complete accord on the need to get the herd under lock and key.

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Recently learned TikTok is the only popular social media site in the USA remaining that is not censoring Israel/Gaza clips and discussion. At last it made sense why seizing control of TikTok was bundled with more military funding for Israel.

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during the COVID I was ill but refused to go to hospital I regarded is a flu

and soon recovered

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Very dark yet again.

Russian and China still pushed jabs on their people. Just maybe not 'jew jabs' but we don't exactly know the long term effects of those etiher.

This is a horrorshow image of America and a description of the absolute worst aspects. It contains a lot of truth but there are still some decent people in America who hate all these things you describe.

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Most likely Linh has moved past any desire for a personal quarrel with either Unz or Barrett, which of course would be just as well. HOW-ever, in reading Barrett's column, it was very unpleasant to see him state that Linh's "Jewjab" moniker was intended by Linh to mean the "vax" does not affect Jews. which is a completely disingenuous claim. I would tell anyone who asks that the "Jewjab" label means that the "vax" was 1) created by Jewish pharmaceuticals, or 2) used by compliant servants of the US state to effect a Jewish agenda. There could naturally be a third meaning of which I am unaware.

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According to the CFR`s Foreign Relations,NATO should(will) send troops to Ukraine,no US-troops though,well,at least not before the next mock-elections.Good old Lets you and him fight.

The war that is being prepared will be a struggle between international capital and the ruling dynasties. Capital does not wish to have anyone above it; knows no God nor Master and wants all states to be governed as big banks. Their profit is to become the sole guiding principle of the rulers.Business...only.-Cardinal John Murphy Farley of New York in Lourdes, France,July 1914.

We cannot allow entire european nations to be treated as mere stock portfolios-Hitler

(Sorry for repeating:)Its All About The Dollar Bill-Johnny Guitar Watson.

Linh Dinh goes where other columnists wont,making them look like a bagful of wimps..no small feat,that!Hats off!

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The Economist, that piece of crap, is simply the house journal of the Rothschilds.

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after the people are gone there will probably still be animals left - and as time passes there will be new animals - the laws of physics cannot be disobeyed

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I waited to read Kevin Barrett's comments, Linh. It seems that we can't always choose our "bedfellows" according to a checklist. Invariably, all of them have feet of clay. I suppose that you and I do too, but no need to open that can of worms. In any event, I have poked at Ron Unz a few times for his pro-jab ideology. I obviously haven't made any headway at changing his position on that. I think that it has more to do with the fact that he went along with getting the jab, even though his reasoning process probably would have convinced him otherwise, because he has always had one foot in the Republican establishment muck and another foot in the silicon valley muck, where he apparently amassed his fortune. He is a good example, perhaps, of the schizophrenia that engulfs even the best analysts of our misbegotten civilization. They only need remind themselves of Jesus' admonition against trying to squeeze all of your earthly riches into heaven. Only the poor, it seems, can maintain that purity of heart that allows escape from this asylum.

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I apologize for being off topic, but I need to shout out some concern for a fellow Substacker, one w/ some overlap in fellow subscribers. Has anybody else noticed that Karl Haemers, Taboo Truth, has gone missing for a couple of months? Most unlike him.

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As you state Victoria Nuland achieved her goal - killing off the gullible Ukrainians who allowed themselves to be totally brainwashed with western propaganda and are paying the dearest price - the price of extinction. However, the coveted Crimea, a jewel in the crown, will remain Russian and Khazaria will not be resurrected and there is nothing she can do about that. Her tribe will lose this war with the Slavs again. By the way, why do you think she stepped down Linh?

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Good find of degenerate woke music vids.

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