Does it makes sense to keel calling them Omicron? I mean, why are they subvariants of omicron and delta was not a subvariant of the previous one?

I am suspoicious that they want to keep the name omicron as a commercial strategy to sell omicron shots although the virus is already differemt

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Scary stuff, seems like Geert is going to be right again.

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I'll rely on my unjabbed natural immunity post covid to help me fight these fu$%ers.

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Isn’t this exactly what you and Geert have been warning about?

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how much is known (or strongly suspected, with some level of confidence) about the risks unjabbed people have, relative to the multiple-jabbed?

I'm not a scientist, so when you publish articles like this, it would be helpful to put in some clear messaging about whether or not we the unjabbed should be wary and take extra precautions (beyond what we already are doing), or if this threat is mainly, as far as you can tell, to the people with VAIDS.

Thank you.

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The fight to find the creators of this man made virus must never end , until the criminals are found, punished and put away for life. Fingers crossed the unvaxxed, with covid immunity from prior infection, will continue to maintain their health. Curious to know how the boosted in the Uk will fare, considering they are lining up at the clinics for their fifth jab!

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For the jabbed?

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And we know the next deadly outbreak will be blamed on the unvaxxed for being the cause of new variants.

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Paging Dr Vanden Bossche...

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I’m not even slightly concerned. I would never even consider the jab. I protect myself by “medical distancing.” I make sure I stay at least six feet away from any bogus “covid” “PCR test.” My immune system is hungry and would relish a nice covid meal but can’t seem to find one! Milking “covid” is an industry created by people getting paid to cry “wolf.” It’s a scam guaranteed to make you sick and progressively sicker the more you buy in, so don’t buy in unless you want to be sick. Let’s use our powers of scrutiny on the actual agents of the disease, not the “covid.”

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Why the obsessive tracking of every variant? Is this normal scientific behaviour, just thrust into the limelight by Covid obsession? Also, as the un-jabbed, who have been exposed to Covid, will have developed multiple B and T cell resistance to the viral capsule rather than just the "spike de jour", won't that provide natural immunity anyway, unless the viral capsule mutates wildly?

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Just sayin'... unjabbed here. Never had C0v to my knowledge (!)... I was having difficulty taking a deep breath for 3 weeks. No coughing. I thought it was early hayfever, and the hot flashes due to menopause... and antihistamines didn't do much. I kept taking my supplements. Home test for Cov tested negative. I had an azithromicin antibiotic -human prespcription as preventive for my cats-. Well, I used it on myself (no I won't go see a doctor - my vet has been more compassionate) and on day 5 I feel much better, Almost no hot flashes too. Go figure... I will upgrade my supplement regimen to pull through 100%.

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Not good news.

"They" are going to prove Geert right, and then "Double Down" with even more deadly Omicron "variants."

It's what I would do if I were "them."

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So what you're saying is, here we go again?

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