Why worry about Hamas, and Hezbollah, when the worst terrorists are in charge of the Israeli Ministry of Health?

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This is being censored and suppressed like crazy. It needs to go viral. People were bought off to turn Israel into Pfizrael.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

A worldwide massacre

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I dont know much about the media in Israel, but our media will continue to ignore and nothing else will happen.

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Yaffa's work is so important!! She's amazing. I wrote about this story here, although it can use some updates! https://etana.substack.com/p/safe-and-effective-wash-rinse-repeat

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Not to sound rude, I felt devastated when I heard Israel was getting its citizens on the fully vaxed mandate trying to hit 100%.

After the Holocaust, how do we humans run straight for the slaughter!?

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Buckle up folks...

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Heaven forbid that any of the health agencies or big pharma would ever lie to the people. It just doesn't happen...ask the media and government.

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Prison time might do the trick.

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I’ve never been so disappointed. As a staunch supporter of Israel and it’s principles, this is the most grievous act of betrayal perpetrated upon her own people. Proving corruption transcends every political, national and ideological spectrum globally. The vaccine mandates also decimated Jewish law and the very reason Israel was founded. “ Never Again”

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I am a retired physician but I still do my CME routinely through Journal Watch 2x/yr exams in internal medicine. I also get Journal Watch communications in both IM & Neurology. The most recent edition of the JWatch.org IM communication states “Laying Some Spurious COVID-19 Treatments to Rest” and cites a New England Journal of Medicine article dated August 18, 2022 claiming A randomized trial of ivermectin showed no benefits in managing COVID-19. “ all participants were overweight or obese and had COVID-19 symptoms for about five days before enrollment. About half had been vaccinated against COVID-19, and only a minority had medical comorbidities.“ For doctors like Dr. Alexander and other doctors who support the use of ivermectin I think they need to challenge the New England Journal of Medicine: Is ivermectin in fact useless for the early treatment of such patients? The NEJM seems to be claiming as such. As I am not practicing medicine this is not about me or money; it is a question as to whether this journal is the definitive answer to the Ivermectin question or not. I hope Dr. Alexander gets an opportunity to read my note and perhaps he and other physicians might consider responding to the journal in some way and informing their readers as to the outcome.Thank you.

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I can barely write this. My cousins and aunt all live in Israel along woth childhood friends. My first cousin reached out to me via email in late 2020. I couldn’t respond. I knew the truth of the Domicide starting in April 2020. My sister and rest of my family were covidiots , believing everything they were told and now my sister is Psychotic and viscious after 2 Moderna shots. I wanted to warn my cousin but couldn’t. I was afraid of her response to my warnings if she believed the Israeli govt narrative. I have to finally respond to her. I pray to God she didn’t get injected snd didn’t allow all her children to be injected. I’m afraid to find out. Israelis are done of THE most brainwashed population. Even worse than here in the US.

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Anyone who's still " donating to Israel" you can stop now. They are clearly intent on wiping themselves off the map now..

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So this was planned, because we in the states also do not know the true denominator...

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Anyone who took undergraduate biology and had a basic knowledge of

1. the primary mechanism of action of viral infection,

2. the role of the innate immune system in

A. detecting and fighting viruses and bacteria and

B. training the adaptive immune system with the debris produced by that fight to produce specific adaptive immune responses against proteins of those pathogens to stop future encounters so early in infection as to be unnoticeable, and

3. the primary mechanism of action of a viral protein vaccine to accomplish 2 B without the threat and damage of 1 and 2 A,

would have understood from the earliest mention by four different companies that

just happened to focus on the single viral surface protein most vulnerable to mutation, the mutation of which would

just happen to render any adaptive immune response to it useless, which event would

just happen to necessitate their producing and selling a series of products based on continually mutated versions of the same single viral protein, and to administer it would

just happen to choose four different methods that

just happened to use exactly the same primary mechanism of action that

just happened to be the same weird, roundabout way, unprecedented in 170 years of vaccine research, to get the innate immune system to present the debris of a protein of a viral pathogen to the T and B cells of the adaptive immune system, that also

just happened to be exactly the same primary mechanism of action used by viruses

to invade healthy cells,

to infect them with viral RNA,

to hijack the cell’s protein synthesis machinery,

to produce large quantities of physiologically-useless but biologically active viral protein,

to disrupt normal cell activity and downstream processes dependent on that activity,

to stress cells to the point of apoptosis or

to signal the innate immune system by the presence in the cell of viral RNA and viral protein that it was virally compromised,

to trigger the innate immune system to launch innate immune inflammatory attacks to kill those cells,

and that they were going to do this by sneaking Covi-19 RNA, not into just the ACE2-expressing cells, but into ANY cell their delivery vehicles happened to bump into in any tissue of any organ in the body,

that person would have understood there was no possible way this giant intersectionality of weird coincidences, immense payoffs, and guaranteed protection from liability would not end in truly grievous disaster for the 3.61 billion and counting it was foisted on.

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