Can we admit NOW that all the government SOLUTIONS are deadly, they are successfully killing us and will continue their depopulation efforts in future psyops? Anyone?

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The only thing that needs to die is allopathic medicine.

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Lots of us -- albeit a teeny tiny minority of us -- in the nation founded on the 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒔 of individual liberty "screamed" about how none of what the lousy governors did was lawful. To no avail. To ridicule. To insult.

𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆 of what you've described here, Dr. Alexander, could have happened in a country that lived up to those ideals. If the vast majority under the fat part of the Bell curve had lived up to those ideals vs. what we saw? 𝑵𝒐𝒏𝒆 -- or very close to none -- of what happened could have happened. A brave nation with grownups in it would have forbade it.

Sure. Stupid doctors. Morons in "public health". Doofuses in blue uniforms "just following orders." Grown men and women crapping their pants over an infection that we knew by APRIL 2020 disproportionately affected the old and infirm.

Some of us -- so very few of us -- went about our business. We shopped in stores that were open and dealt with our fellow "Americans" stares -- and worse. When accosted, we 'splained to the fools in snot pouches our 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 to forego this medical intervention. IOW, some of us stood. Some of us tried to explain to our fellow "Americans" that if they cooperated with the snot pouches, next up was a needle.

Sure. Death by the system. Yup. But much more importantly, death by cooperation, subservience, cowardice, and the unforgiveable sin of failing to defend freedom.

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Covid cost Trump the election.

It wasn't because of the way he handled it.

It wasn't because of the covid damaged economy.

It was because the democrats used covid to illegally change voting procedures, making the theft of the election possible.


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Hear! Hear! This is one of about five massive unreported scandals, public health protocols that produced probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of unnecessary deaths.

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I completely agree. If they hadn't made such a fuzz about it, hardly anyone would have noticed that a new virus was going around. Maybe some would have wondered that the flu season was a little more intense than usual, but that's it. I have one addition however: It was not just your inept stupid idiotic specious corrupted morons in the US. Italy started it. Spain followed a few days later. Then the US jumped on the train that was already running. Right from the beginning, this whole moronic lunacy was global.

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Covid = Election Fraud

It was all created to take back power and money. Period. It was never about health.

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Pandemic of malpractice

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All human evil comes from a single cause, man's inability to sit still in a room. --Blaise Pascal

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Never leave out the lazy, inept, and sheeple doctors across the nation, in every state, city and neighborhood, the hundreds of thousands who went along to get along or were indeed too lazy or inept to do their own easy research. What was your local doctor, you know, the one who wasn’t there in his office when it all began hiding from his ‘diseased’ patients, then demanding you mask up, social distance AND THEN GET JABBED AND BOOSTED? Is he a 1) Sheeple 2) lazy and inept or 3) corrupt?

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prison is too good for them

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Agree that this has been a nightmare in the way it was handled and probably how it originated but, "that COVID is and was just a regular influenza-like illness."-absolutely not. I've been an inpatient nurse for 19 years and there has never been a flu season like covid. Never have so many filled up our hospital so fast and required oxygen. Never have I seen bodies lying in the ante-room because the morgue was full, never have I had to take care of 12 patients at a time, and never have I seen patients that looked well enough to go home soon, just drop and code after continuing to take off their oxygen. I will continue to remember the young man in his 20's that I had to send to step down because we could not keep his O2 saturation up without high flow. He lingered for 3 more weeks after being sent to ICU and intubated before dying. And my 56 yr old friend who died at home after starting to recover from covid who refused to consult with any medical professional and apparently refused to follow any protocol that I published regularly on my FB feed because apparently he had started to see me as someone untrustworthy once I posted that covid was not just a regular flu?

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The real loser was Trump?????? I think the real losers were the people, especially the ones who were killed and maimed and we are just seeing the beginning of the die-off

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This was never a health problem, it was also an economic problem. In the EU they passed a law that 75% of retirement funds had to be invested in green energy. The trade union funds manage a substantial amount of the 3 trillion in retirement funds that “invest” in green energy. We now have a federal socialist government that wants to use those funds for low income/public housing, and a state government wanting to use the funds for its green energy dream. I also read on an economics post that during the GFC investment firm Blackrock and Goldman Sachs acquired most of the 401K assets investments and sunk them into the failed Chinese housing company. In other words where countries have strong socialist welfare policies the ponzu scheme is falling apart. They need the older/ elderly populations to disappear or risk exposure. In Uk and Italy, and I’m sure they are not alone they were deliberately sedating, and giving morphine in nursing homes - literally state sponsored murder. All the extra excess deaths were seen by these psychopaths as a bonus to accelerate the depopulation agenda.😢

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This sounds like a normal illness to Yeadon and you? This sounds like the flu or cold?


autoimmune diseases; bleeding disorders; blood clots; cancers; chronic skin eruptions; cognitive impairment; diabetes; disabling fatigue; dyspnea; heart attack; hemodynamic instability; hemorrhaging; high cholesterol; high blood pressure, hypoxia; immunodeficiency; inflammation/dysfunction/damage in every organ, gland, and joint; multisystem disorders; loss cognitive abilities; loss of executive function; loss of huge amounts of hair; loss of hearing; loss of teeth; loss of vision up through blindness; MCAS; meningococcal disease; neurological diseases and damage; oral thrush; paralysis; pneumonia; POTS; recurring shingles; seizures; strange bugs in urine; strokes; tremors; and on and on.


Those are only a small percent of the wide-ranging reactions infectees experienced in 2020.

Here is a cardiologist and some others who suffered the Y&A flu in 2020:



Is Trump a malinger? Was he faking dyspnea and hypoxia to enjoy an ICU vacation? A major reason why he and so many others support the COVID shots is because they fear the Y&A flu.

Deniers were the reason one of the persecuted coined the term Long COVID. This group suffers basically the same issues as the shot injured. One group does not exist and the other only partially exists in your world.

Since the beginning, the injured have greatly exceeded deaths which you all have been obsessing over. Suggest asking the real God why your eyes cannot see, your ears cannot hear, and your heart is hardened.

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Yes, I did read your substack when sent. I am now wondering about Mad Cow Disease, Bird and swine flu. Ebola was imported to the US, but didn't take off, since we do not have the same burial customs usually. It just doesn't seem like zoonotic RNA viruses are much to be afraid of at all from Jonathan Couey's talk. I love the way he did not disparage people who questioned the existence of viruses. Very diplomatic. Bubonic plague was carried on rats in fleas which were very portable. I am wondering now about why so many birds are being culled with the excuse of stopping H1N1.

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