Why take the chance with vaxxed blood? You just cannot blindly trust the medical community anymore.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022

Do you really believe you will receive pure blood upon request?

There is a reason the medical profession is in the toilet.

I opt to bleed out before trusting that I will receive untainted blood...

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McCullough wrote something about this some hours ago. It seems that, for now, the best option is self donation. Unless your authorities permit donations from family members or similar.

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Yeah what about vaxxed people that want pure blood as they don’t want to add more crap to their body. What about Unvaxxed who told people they were vaxxed to keep a job but now will say they are Unvaxxed and want pure blood.

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Did you see Dr McCullough’s article this morning on the courageous discourse substack on the issues surrounding an unvaccinated blood bank?

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Wait a second, didn't 2 babies die because hospitals refused to give unvaxxed blood to the babies, so why would we unvaxxed give up our good blood, it would probably be used for the rich or elite and I don't want them helped thanks anyway!!

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I was just getting ready to post the same... McCullough article is expressing a different opinion. This is all getting very interesting isn’t it? Seems there isn’t any “one science”. Never was.

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This exact problem happened when I had surgery in July. My surgeon asked me to sign a form in case they needed blood. I asked him if the blood was sorted -- vaxxed vs unvaxxed. He said he didn't know. I told him to please do his best but if I needed a transfusion to just let me die. I won't take that chance. At the time everyone there thought I was crazy because they tried to force me to wear a mask and I told them no. Then I asked them if they were sick with COVID? They all said no. So I said, Dr. Birx admitted that "asymptomatic spread" is not true. One nurse tried to argue but got a look from another one to just shut up. In other words, why are you so stupid??!!

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One has to have a death wish to go to a hospital now. They have a license to kill and get paid well doing it. You can't trust the whole system. Getting tainted blood is just one way to kill you quick (e.g. infants) or kill you slowly if your an adult. Even if you can access tainted blood they will not allow it to be used: https://yournews.com/2022/12/15/2474964/american-tragedy-baby-boy-dies-of-massive-blood-clot-after/

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Dr. McCoullough commented on this issue recently. see his substack. no optimistic. Dr A posted this idea days ago. go to Safeblood and read the FAQ. bottom line: don't hold your breath. in interim the answer may be saving your own blood. I welcome info on that.

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Did you see McCullough’s thoughts on all of the blood bank issues?

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The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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I saw this on another substack about all the places that are starting to talk and/or offer non tainted blood.


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I’ve not been vaxxed - but have had Covid (and resulting deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) - would my blood be considered “pure”? Or “spiked”?

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