We have lost the brave and brightest not only in the military, but also in our healthcare field because of the draconian mandated directives  that had nothing to do with creating good health outcomes, but to control the medical narrative to push the experimental MRNA injections that reprogram cellular function! The great harm that has been bestowed on Americans and across the world is just starting to emerge!

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This was a deliberate and fully planned/coordinated effort to eviscerate the nation's military. Any consideration to provide back pay to those who were forced out for refusing to roll up their sleeves is a red herring, either that or someone higher up realizes they need those men & women or we are toast militarily, which we effectively are already anyway

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What about all the psychological terror they employed on our fine men and women of our military?

What about the damage caused by these dangerous life damaging injections?

What about weakening the worlds finest military?

What about the lying on data coming out of the DMED, which was never addressed?

What young person would ever sign up for a military who is given all these injections who can now be put to market without testing in humans?

What about the family members of the military who have to live with the damages caused by the psychological and pysical damage done by the military brass?

Who ordered the Code Red?

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I got kicked out of nursing school but now I'm going to graduate in May. 4.00 gpa.

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All those released should be reinstated, apologized to , paid for back pay . And it should all come out of Austin’s and the other elitist tyrant’s pockets . The taxpayers are not responsible, their utter stupidity is though

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Illegally coercing every service member w EUA shots and zero informed consent violates multiple laws, US codes, UCMJ & Constitutional rights, and it was done 100% knowingly. DOD is responsible for this entire pandemic and vaccines, and gleefully used its own service members, along w the American public, as test subjects. Back pay isn’t going to be enough restitution, not even close.

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Tell us how you REALLY feel, Dr. Alexander. I am right there with you! I am praying that my grandson who is active duty military and deployed overseas will have no adverse effects from the two shots he was required/forced to receive. So far so good. I have told him to refuse any further demands for “boosters.”

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Its a real shame when soldiers who rise to the top become traitors against their country and their own fighting men, to do the whims of an ELITE class who care absolutely nothing about them.. The joint chiefs of Staff, all the services leaders and people like Austin who is the current defense secretary, but he is just one in a long line of traitors.. Every war we have ever fought in was started by propaganda and BS to get us involved for reasons other then stated.. The soldiers were sacrificed, and the public whipped into a frenzy to go along with the USA USA USA so called patriotic chant LIES.. Austin is told what to do in his capacity just like the ones before him, and all the rest doing these dirty deeds.. Its especially shameful when so called fighting soldiers bend over for ELITE cowards, who are ELITE SLIMES, and would wet themselves if they ever had to think about fighting, much less do it.. If there was ever a time in history to refuse an order, or lose your job or resign it is now, and not doing that is COWARDLY and SHAMEFUL.. WE WILL REMEMBER....

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All those fired should be compensated

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Austin is an idiot.

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Alexander I must say you are the leader of the bravest❣️

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They are increasingly trying to erase the damage they caused.

No amnesty. Accountability!

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Absolutely... You are right on Dr Alexander

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

One look at Lloyd Austin and the only thing I can say is, "May the farce be with you!"

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The whole “ be as woke as you can be “ motto created by these idiots is a pathway to our complete destruction.

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Reparations are definitely in order in this case! For ANYONE fired over this fraudulent jab, or injured by it.

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