Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“Congress must step in and re-affirm their right to approve or reject treaties, even those masking as international agreements.” Still waiting for Congress to take back the constitutional powers they once had: control of the purse and the power to make war. It’s little more than a rubber stamp at this point.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s hard to believe 1 American citizen (aka President) has been making 94% of our international decisions for 334,000,000 Americans. This tyrannical power goes against every fiber of our nation’s founding. It’s time for Congress to step up and correct this anti-democratic wrong.

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I never thought the sovereignty of the united states would be in question. What's happening just shows the horrible quality of political leadership in our once great country.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For a socialist to head the UN is the perfect place for him. Globalist shills want power at the expense of human freedom. Naomi Wolf has pulled the curtain back on what ails us in this country - groupthink is deadly. She was once duped, but is no more. Wake up, wokesters! Claim your freedom under the US Constitution before it's too late!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The UN laughably claims that its purpose is to:

Maintain international peace and security

Protect human rights

Deliver humanitarian aid

Promote sustainable development

Uphold international law.

Can anyone reasonably claim that the UN does any of the above? No, of course they don't.

Clearly the goal of the UN is one-world government, preferably by authoritarian leftists.

There is one thing and one thing only standing in the way of that craven goal - the Constitution of the United States of America and a free people willing to fight and die to preserve and defend it. Question is........are you?

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Turns out that The John Birch Society, formed to oppose the implementation of the UN, , were right on the money. Seeing the UN as an eventual threat to national sovereignty, they did everything a man could do to awaken his neighbors.

And the press pilloried the JBS and the idea of a global government as a bad idea. The same press that applauded JFK's speech on the need for a free and responsible press. The same players that then stayed silent in the face of governments clear complicity in the assassination of that very same president.

And now they want to bandy about the idea that we should regard only 'approved journalists'. It is contemptible. We must, as one, refuse to submit to any such governmental decree which strips us of personal and national sovereignty.

In the end it is only what we do as individuals that will change this. It is no one else's responsibility to bail you out of this, it is YOUR/MY job.

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Congress and the Judiciary are the branches of government that have truly let us down as a nation. As to Congress, it is the Republican Party that is primarily culpable. They left the playing field last century and assumed the role of Controlled Opposition in a Uniparty, leaving the American people totally exposed to the creeping corruption of the Democrats, eventually joining that corruption and bringing us to a state of the dictatorship of the elite. As to the Judiciary, they failed to police and enforce the US Constitution where Separation of Powers and the laws of governance are concerned. Corruption will creep into and overtake any system of governance, whether State or Corporate, if checks and balances are ignored and accountability is not maintained. The result is a degradation and eventual destruction of the Rule of Law.

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At what point is the UN indistinguishable from the WEF?

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a kid, I remember that signing of the United Nations agreement and how people were so hopeful that it would help establish peace in the world. Over the years I have watched it evolve into typical partisan politics with the U.S. providing most of the funding while other nations stabbed us in the back in its council sessions and edicts. Obama was bent on changing this countries policies to align with the socialist hegemony that had been created in the UN and now Biden, being an extension of Obama's presidency is fast forwarding the demise of our sovereignty to the UN and the WEF. If Trump is not re-elected, we will see that disintegration within a few short years. However I fear that Trump will be just a bump in the road for the socialist take-over.

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This is an excellent review of the state of dysfunction that we are in. The sad news, IMO, is that this cannot and will not be fixed in a peaceful way. Things are too far gone...

We shall see - and, soon.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nice to meet you , Mr. Guterres. Incredible how little known this powerful man is.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for identifying and addressing this vital topic! IMO the imposition of the Globalist rule would/will be devastating for our nation in particular and the rest of the World in general. As you have established, our documents bring substantive question to the practices our Nation has been following. IMO to commit our Nation to, especially the current Globalists whims, is extremely likely to become devastating!

The issue of the role of Congress (in this case, in particular the Senate) is coming to light and demands scrutiny and reforms. Our Congress has progressively abandon its roles in representing the valid interests of our County. There is the lesser (in this case) issue of their turning over much of the law making, as occasioned by their legislation, to the Administrative State (without even so much as subsequent rights of review - to assure the rules and regulations reflect intent). In this case, they have been/are avoiding responsibility for reining in the Executive authority as regards treaties. It, to me, is likely the authority of the Executive Officer to commit our Country to International agreements, is in itself is worthy of further review and consideration.

Now, if enough of us agree, to come up with strategies to impact and reform these critical deficiencies! Now to climb aboard to make a difference.

You are so appreciated in so many ways and in particular your abilities to find, document and open for consideration the many issues deviling our present and our futures.


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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Julian Huxley was what could be called a founding father of the United Nations even the apologist summary of his life in Wikipedia makes for a chilling read.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The 30 X 30 land grab is a huge component of this threat.

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Asking Congress to step up and do its job is a daunting task. It has occurred to me that there is a Frankenstein metaphor to describe Congress and stepping up. Did Dr. Frankenstein build his monster as a scientific experiment or was he creating cheap labor. Was Congress actually intending to smooth the ship of state by creating all these agencies or had they simply become too lazy to do the heavy lifting of governance? And like the good dr. have they totally lost control of the monster they have created and now fear to make any effort to rein it in--which with their power of the purse they surely can?

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Congress needs to step up and demand the President follow the Constitution. The President doesn’t have Carte Blanche. Everyone needs to contact their congressmen . Now!

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