This is dead on. And ;yes, it has become more than apparent in the last four years that the nature of the US is much different than we thought. Or I should say the nature of the government power structure which has nothing to do with our constitution. I don't want this to sound like I hate America like our liberal adversaries. We may still be the best game in town, but we have a ver;y small window to stop these elitist globalist power assholes. And remember, our republic and states' rights give us an advantage no other county really has. So I haven't given up all hope. Yet.

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This is probably self-serving but I call what you are experiencing "the great unease." A recent column of mine on Santa Barbara Current (sbcurrent.com) expresses that unease. In any case, You are absolutely spot on. The surveillance system in place accounts for the failures of 2020 and 2022 to make any substantial changes. I worry greatly about the results of 2024, as none of the "emergency" apparatus constructed around Covid-19 has been removed. Best of luck to you... and all of us.

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I am repeating a post I made on yesterdays stack with added comments.

The Constitution was written by laymen to lay out how everyone was to be governed…by laymen representatives…not lawyers. Where they erred was in appointing too much power to SCOTUS. Rather than having Congress critiqued by lawyers they should have empaneled laymen to read new laws and have them amended to be understandable by anyone. Giving lawyers that power amounted to returning to the king the rule of law since all English law came down to the populace thru lawyers…his representatives. We in effect brought the king to our shores reinvented in SCOTUS. Just saw a critique by Shipwreck Crew re the Trump immunity trial. We could only have arrived at such a tangled web spun by lawyers coining such gooblygook as…standing. That word standing applies to a terraced community, kings/aristocracy/oligarcy on top and plebes on bottom. Not the community promised us by our Founders in our Founding documents. We have to take our Republic away from judges like roberts who could simply create a tax by fiat. That has to be stopped

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I had this same thought last night, “ A shadow now haunts my mind. I am deeply troubled in confronting the reality that the world and version of political truths that I have been propagandized to believe over my entire life is merely smoke and mirrors.” I believed we had a Republic where at least some representatives represented their constituents. I knew the spooks were a rouge force but failed to recognize the depth of their complete control of media and politicians. I completely missed the integration of health agencies and the military until Covid. I knew colleges were full of liberals in the 70/80’s but missed the post modernism guilt tsunami. Like most I was too busy working my ass off 24/7/365 to make a living and raise a family. I woke up in 2020 to find out I was a racist, sexist, extremist when all along I believed I had strived my whole life to treat EVERYONE with the respect and benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Now what? Another election rigged, more wasting of our taxes, printing money akin to bailing out the life boat in a storm with a coffee cup. The effectiveness of the propaganda is astounding and should but likely will not scare those still paralyzed into resistance. I always expected the end of the Republic just not before I was pushing up daisy’s. I can’t give up, and will continue to do whatever I can to break the stranglehold this corrupt and evil bureaucracy.

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Then you realize that every presidential election result had to have the blessing of the establishment first. Bush v Gore was a joke. Heads they win, tails you lose.

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Dr's.Malone, I don't know nor do I pretend to know all of the nuances of how the big tech companies suppress information, but I do know how I've just started to get WARNINGS ⚠️ about NOT TO SHARE my simple CONSERVATIVE articles with my friends 🧡 via emails 📧 or via texts!!!!

I'm not even on X nor on Fakebook anymore yet I still am feeling their tactics!

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Conspiracy theories. If you don’t believe that the powerful will conspire with each other for their own benefit you are a bit short of a full load.

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We see in so many countries that are more advanced than we are in totalitarianism a majority of the population willing to live under the thumb of the dictator year after year, decade after decade. The wanna be dictators here in America’s problem is the 80 million of us that are quite illuminated and pissed off about this governments attempts to rip their rights out from under us. We are well aware of their lies and their attempted manipulations. I think a slightly smaller part of our population is ok with government controlling them for they have no desire to grow many like watching government destruct the people that push the wagon. An equal number of our population are out to lunch and don’t pay it attention and don’t care. I realize there is 80 million or so more that are right now being brainwashed into the government Marxist system which doesn’t bode well for the first group which I am a part of. These fissures in our population makes me think that this country like all great societies will break apart. I truly think group number 2, the people in control now, are people that are unable to exist in a true free society. J.Goodrich

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Consider the field of peptic ulcer disease. It was universally taught/"universal scientific consensus" that stomach/duodenal ulcers were caused by "too much acid". Dr's Marshall and Warren proved that the ulcers were in fact caused by a bacteria named H. Pylori, not acid. For this, they were pilloried and attacked for disseminating "misinformation", (big pharma had profitable acid suppressing drugs to treat ulcers), nearly lost their medical licenses, and were "persona non grata" in the medical community. Then- they were proven right- conventional wisdom was completely wrong. Imagine what would have happened to them today in the contemporary scenario so well described by Dr. Malone.

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Solving the shortage of housing by letting in millions of people describes our government. It's like pouring oil on a fire. As it looks like blatant arson, the only question is why. People are starting to ask why the government's "solutions" seem to be opposite.

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Thank you! You have put into words very succinctly what keeps me from sleeping at night. Everyday I try to concentrate on appreciating those things in my life that may be ripped away at any moment by forces who think they can control my actions, my thoughts, my words. It often feels hopeless. But putting it all into words helps us all focus. Thank you, once again!!

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Couple thoughts:

It’s not a conspiracy if you’re right AND they’re out to get you;

Heliocentrism use to be pseudoscience;

Propaganda is just data/info from your perspective - if it’s a lie you lose credibility;

Clickbait headlines are annoying, but is it misinformation;

Sometimes, Satire and Parody are the only ways to make a point. Ask Jonathan Swift, or fables like “The Emperor’s New Cloths” or “Where’s the President’s Brain?”

Generally, I don’t worry about people as long as other people are permitted to oppose or make counter arguments;

What does concern me of late is that freedom of speech is being run through (leftist’s) algorithms and AI filters.

The old BBS of my youth is now a vastly larger system filled with “likes” and opinions monetized for those likes.

And Finally: Freedom of Speech is nothing if there isn’t also Freedom of Reach

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I share your sentiments. I am 85 years old and until a few years ago believed the U.S. government acted in my best interests. I served in the Navy during the Vietnam era and never questioned why we were there. I believed the Warren Commission's finding that JFK was killed by a single assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. I supported the premises on why we went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thought my voted counted and that we had fair and honest elections. Now I question everything I previously believed and everything I'm told today. It is a sad time in our history.

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The thing that is most frightening and baffling is that no matter how many good people do good things to reveal/stop the corrupt elites, they seem to roll right on. My daughter showed me an article this morning about German politicians wanting to crack down on persons who do not support the main stream political positions. They are talking of restricting travel and moving to cut off money supply of political opponents among other things. Their desperation to maintain power drives them to the unimaginable. Despite our best efforts we don’t seem to make a dent in what they are doing. This is one of several reasons I keep saying this is Evil at work. Therefore we need to call upon the Divine in this battle. We need an old fashion movement of Gods spirit that pulls us back to our foundational principles as a people and a nation. People like Dr. Malone are working in a vacuum where morality and ethics do not exist. The changes we seek require a moral and ethical people. The foundation in the west for our morality and our ethics was the Holy Bible.

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Love all your writings! I feel it will all get worse with no off ramp!! All a person can do is pray and prep!!! Get ready folks, this is just the beginning

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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