Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I hear all of the pampered Ivy League students chant death to the Jews and death to America, I wonder if they could be kind enough to put their mass murders on hold until after all of us have paid their student loans off in full?

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Dr. Malone, in todays world I really hate traveling. I don’t envy you giving up so much of your precious time showing up to help all of us, wether people realize it or not, I realize it. I can see how you can get frustrated by people that don’t appreciate what you do. As an example I remember about a year ago, someone, a subscriber, posting how privileged you were by being at a conference in Europe not sure where, maybe Belgium and thinking who in their right mind wants to be traveling period let alone in a pandemic!!! Well I know most all of us have complete gratitude for you and your wife and the sacrifice you both make for all of us. A Heartfelt Thank You!!!!!!

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

the Trump toon indicating his mentoring for dumping more taxes into Ukraine is NOT gonna' make America Great again. . .

talk about cognitive dissonance for the next election! ?

. . . reminds me of his failure to call out the lies of the Covid vax and faked pandemic.

SO, Trump is elected for 2024. Disease X shows up right on time. . . What WILL he do?

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The frenzy of spring planting, clean-up, building planters, and general farm labor had me working from sunup to sundown this week. I suppose, at some level, I have been trying to escape from the depressing state of the world." That explains my fervor weed pulling efforts this spring!

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One other piece concerning the power of language. "trying to resist" anything can actually feed what you want to avoid. I was taught this in hospice. Going forward, making positive statements toward wellness etc. It's an old lesson in martial arts, a person can get really hurt by resisting the movement towards them. Take that energy coming towards you and move it thru with force and clarity. No anger needed, just clear intention.

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Have fun at the MEGA Conference.

Sadly, neither MEGA nor MAGA will work unless we have the WILL to make the HARD CHOICES needed to right this ship 🚢!!!

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can’t find the health freedom summit in Palm Springs event … can you provide the link ? Thanks

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks!! Those funnies and that video was just what I needed today. You’ve warned everyone who wants to know about the world affairs. I thank you for that.

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Re the vidio..a name for some who undervalue themselves, ie sharks…as in pool sharks. Remember once in student union at Univ. of Okla. a visitor from Kan. was interested in a game of billiards. Asked if any good replied he said hse actually had not played in a few yrs. And then proceeded to demolish his opponent. Think he made an 8 bank shot. Then admitted his last game was at the national billards tournament. All in fun then but a warning about false modesty.

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a block button that I would use if I had a cyber bully attacking everyone that commented on my Substack blog.

I have already ran into this happening twice by some hiding cyber bully on Substack blogs where I was a paid subscriber.

Apparently though, the writers of the Substack never bothered to read the comments and see this bully at work.

I had to unsubscribe to both of them.

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi! Doc: I know is tiresome, but haters gonna hate, and sometimes the "cyberbullies" are not even human! Please plain ignore them. We, your tribe, know your value. F*** the rest!

Congrats for the beautiful farm and family (human and furry-feathered one).

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, don't get too discouraged by the haters. I'm not sure their numbers truly reflect the % of the general public. I think most of them are being paid by the Deep State.

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"Destroying planet Earth, one fart at a time."

The "environmentalists" must breathe a collective sigh of relief that those vast herds of Plains Buffalo were eradicated so long ago. Can you imagine? The seas would be boiling by now.

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I read an interesting article by Jeffrey Tucker on Alex Jones and free speech yesterday. So nice to know that people are finally recognizing just how long the gov has been in control. https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/as-it-turns-out-we-can-handle-alex-jones-5637189

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I would guess the comment"really getting tired" of the crap is a major understatement. I just read AMD about the behind the scenes propaganda used by the gov. and pharma to mass hypnotize everyone they can, and it works to a great extent. Waking up to this seems to happen one person at a time, not in large numbers, caused by a combination of paranoia and delusional psychosis. When you tell a fact like "I'm tired" etc. too bad you need to clarify that you're not whining. Holding your head in your hands perhaps, but whining? NOT.

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Salient. Thankyou

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