Is there any way that those of us who bought the hardback can see what’s in the new chapter?

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This is an excellent book. Dan is a writer gifted with the ability to explain the most abstract ideas in ways that make sense to those of us outside his profession. Even more importantly, to put these ideas in a narrative that is compelling to read. I will buy a few of these for my friends.

Change of subject. Did anyone notice that Jack Smith said there would be a “speedy trial”? That means he wants the trial to start 70 days from Tuesday. There is a specific law governing this for federal trials. (I think all states have separate speedy trial laws for state trials also).

Usually it’s the prosecutor trying to get a defendant to waive speedy trial rights. They usually have many cases in flight, and getting an indictment usually does NOT mean you’re ready with witnesses and a trial plan.

I don’t know if there are effective ways for a defendant to slow the process in any effective way. I am not a lawyer. This could see Trump in court in late August.

Two of Trump’s lawyers just quit. I suppose Judge Cannon will be accommodating to Trump, but there are limits to the delay she can create.

In the middle of this will be RICO and other criminal charges from GA, and possibly criminal indictments from the insurrection.

This is the summer of shit for Trump. He may be deciding—way too late—that running for president because Obama made public fun of you at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner was, after all, a shitty idea.

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Read and recommend! And donated to the Friends of the Library bookstore where I volunteer so it was resold and funds support library programs. So spreading the word and promoting literacy thanks to you!

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Highly recommend Dan's book! It is the reason I signed up for The Message Box!

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Dan, thank you, as ever, for your thinking. This was a good reminder to get the audiobook, so I can be delighted by your dulcet tones. Hardback & now audio acquired. Hi from melted-highway-ville, Philly!

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