So I was right two years ago...

Hunter Biden works for the CIA.

Pedo Joe works for the CIA.

Dr. Robert Malone works for the CIA.

Explains the lot.

I been saying this all along.


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So this explains where the $200+ Billion is going as I was thinking that's a lot of humanitarian aid and the British take their marching orders from the U.S. who used to control us. Puppet Queen Elizabeth II said had things been done right they would still be controlling the US even today. British taught the US Imperialism and Surveillance but our government tweaked it to better suit their needs. So many 3 & 4 letter departments of US government that has to go and Trump is not going to save us. Republican or Democrat really doesn't matter much because it's always been divide and conquer.

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Mar 1Liked by Greg Reese

Excellent! Thank you Greg for getting the word out. This piece is a must see in understanding how the NWO cult divides us to conquer and control the world. I recommend a deeper dive on the Obama / CIA / DARPA biolabs projects in Ukraine specifically targeting the DNA of Slavic people. The creation of gene-specific bioweapons is the new warfare template, replacing the nuclear proliferation arms race of the Cold War. Parking nuclear missiles across the border from Russia in Turkey by the U.S. during JFK’s administration...resulting in Russia parking missiles in Cubs, is akin to the U.S. building bioweapons labs in Ukraine targeting Russian dna....of course they are going to invade and have one of the first targets be the biolabs. This will come more to light as things develop.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Steve Bannon, prior to the Trump presidency, would sometimes refer to the CIA as a "fifth column". It was a Breitbart podcast where he talked about the CIA as a fifth column if I remember correctly.

A "fifth column" is defined as any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group.

A day after being sworn-in as the 45th president, Trump went to CIA HQ with Bannon and delivered a speech (it's on the CNN channel on YouTube.) At the end of the speech he looked over at Bannon with a smirk and said "...we may have to get you a larger room...and maybe it'll be built by somebody who knows how to build, and we won't have columns...do you understand that? we get rid of the columns!"

Soon after we had Schumer and Mudd saying that the CIA was gonna get him, and all hell broke loose.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Doesn't that interview resemble little girls sniveling and giggling while playing a game of jacks? After RT News became popular Putin once said in an interview that the best propaganda against the USA is the truth.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

"CIA Admits To Instigating War With Russia"

Noooo! I don't believe it. (Extreme sarcasm) LOL

The CIA is a tool of the Cabalists. The same Cabalists that are fully responsible for starting both World Wars and many more. The odds that they'll do it again are 100%!!

Sit tight, aside from the ongoing societal World War, and a handful of "dust-ups" like mass genocide in Palestine and DEW-started fires globally, ala 9-11, Americans may get the next war that our "tough-guy" national persona craves.

After all, war is the favorite spectator sport for Americans. Alas, we won't merely be spectators this time if it ...., perhaps rather when it occurs.

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Putin sees right through Tucker, and knows exactly what he is. Tucker is a government frontman, the not so obvious establishment, a CIA operative. He's friends with Hunter. He had Hunter write a letter of recommendation for his son to get into college. He's also a Johnny come lately. He comes out and exposes a bit something long after the fact, like he's bringing something new to light, when he knew long ago about it. That's called a limited hangout. They on both sides all move and interact within the same circle. The following link provides information on that.


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But why did the CIA come out of the closet? They used one of their house organs to proclaim what until recently they’d have labeled “conspiracy theory.” IMO this can only mean that the CIA wants to normalize their control of foreign affairs. Not only did they tell us they’re running the show, they also told us why it’s a good thing. It’s our job to shut up and obey, and when we do get the false flag, rally ‘round our saviors in the intelligence community. Keep those dollars flowing! Sign up your sons and daughters, too for something something democracy! Seriously it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that the IC will take overt control “for the good of the country.”

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I had a rude awakening when I heard Eric Jon Phillips' interview on Jeff Rense program in early 2000. His site: https://vaticanassassins.org/ He was the first one to speak of the Black Pope Peter-Hans Kolvenbach. I knew then there that we're dealing with most EVIL entity on Earth. He controls the pope or did and now we have Adolfo Nicolas. I bet he/they also control CIA who controls the presidents. And who controls these entities? Why Satan/Lucifer himself. While the Reptilians are in collusion with Lucifer causing havoc on Earth - this per remote viewers at Farsight Institute in Georgia, US. According to Farsight while Lucifer is not here in this sphere he is doing the 'evil' deed on other planets. They likened Lucifer with Marvel character Thanos who they deemed most closest portrayal to Lucifer.

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How long are people going to go along with this charade that Trump knew nothing about anything bad? He knew nothing about the CIA bases, bioweapon labs, and everything else going on in Ukraine? He knew nothing about covid, the collusion with the chinese to develop it, or the ‘vaccines’? I mean come on, really?

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The CIA is not working against Putin. All the intel agencies are said to be under the Jesuits so that Putin, his Intel and the CIA and others are WORKING TOGETHER to set up the world plan.

Putin and Carlson are in a propaganda interview to set the stage for the coming conflict and Greg and many other alt outlets are pushing the nation-state conflict version blaming it on the CIA as one of the diversion fake doors to lead you into.

The Free Masons and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta that has a Permanent Observer Mission at the UN are under the Jesuits


I suppose the head of the Jesuits reports to the Committee of 300 or 13, somewhere in there.

In any case don't stop short at the CIA level of the problem, that is the propaganda message here. Well, what will we do about it whatever message we believe? Still it's best to know the facts.

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Will the real Putin please stand up please stand up. Hahaha. We already know everyone is in on the play.

Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Even with the woman who lies in your embrace guard the words of your lips. Micah 7:5

Want the truth, then study the truth.


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Greg. Have you viewed Clips by Moonclutch about SATANIC layout of the Denver Airport on Rumble, Bitchute, BRIGHTEON, or Substack... They are short. I have more to come. They will be more informative... Please view if you can. Thx

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To many boogie men mentioned.

Limited hangouts.

All wars are Bankers wars.

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Interview with Pascal Nadjadi and a Documentary back up. "Operation Storm"

In brief Trump still President and current wartime Commander in Chief and draining the swamp. Biden dead and buried. Actor playing out his role.

The United States are since December 20th 2019 in a global covert Defence War. Consequently, the United States Law of War Manual 2015 (updated July 2023) is in force and applicable at any time and wherever you are on our planet Earth, naturally, of course, also on Swiss territory, which includes Berne and Geneva as well.



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When hasn't the CIA had their noses in things? And before they were called the CIA they were the same people under different names. Next we'll get the Arthur Jensen speech out of Network. "You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it!! Is that clear?! There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels."



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