So grateful that you are covering this with integrity and hard truths, it’s imperative that you continue to be the most proactive voice for people who are being dehumanized

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I have been appalled at the coverage of the Israel-Gaza conflict given by U.S. main stream media. This morning Aljazeera English’s Listening Post explained just how bad the censorship really is. The 26 minute VIDEO can be found here: https://www.aljazeera.com/program/the-listening-post/2023/10/22/israel-gaza-genocidal-rhetoric-and-the-fog-of-war Here is just one notable example of censorship.

“Critics are being marginalized. Palestinian commentators brought on to speak during live newscasts say that those channels have failed to share the segments online as they normally do. A few days after the Hamas attack on Israel, MSNBC, viewers noticed that three of the network's most prominent hosts, Mehdi Hassan, Ayman Mohyeldin, and Ali Velshi had their shows taken off the air. MSNBC said that changes to its programming were coincidental - the result of a shift to more live coverage of the war. But there was not so much as a tweet from any of the three journalists sidelined, which was uncharacteristic of them and quite telling. All three of the hosts are Muslim and have been critical of Israel. The idea that it's even remotely controversial to call what Israel imposed on Palestinians a form of apartheid is laughable. Their absence from the airwaves, even if temporary, deprives the network’s viewers of some informed points of view different ones. What that does, is it excludes a critical perspective from this conversation.”

This is only one example of many that totally falsifies what it actually happening in our media. Near the end of the program is this note. “Edward Said died 20 years ago – the Palestinian writer best known for his book Orientalism. He wrote that ‘Muslims and Arabs are essentially seen as either oil suppliers or potential terrorists. The western media presents crude caricatures of the Islamic world that makes the region vulnerable to military aggression.’”

I start my mornings watch DemocracyNow! and then Aljazeera English Live on YouTube.

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Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023

We are all Palestinians now. What is happening in Gaza will eventually happen to all of us as the USA and Israel are showing the way of our future. In the midst of ongoing climate collapse, wars are endlessly fueled by the USA in an effort to keep its “economy” afloat. One would think the world would manage to gather together to deal with the climate issue. But no. Humans apparently will NEVER get beyond their war mongering madness. My heart goes out to all those in Gaza and all around the world that have been dealt death blows by the USA and its endless weaponry sold and doled out on a daily basis for many decades if not centuries now. Enjoy what remaining years we have left. Be kind to those around you for that is all that truly matters in the end. I leave you with the following quote:

“When the power of Love overcomes the Love of power, the world will know peace.”— Jimi Hendrix

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Thank you Chris. Thank you for your unflinching support of the truth.

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Thank you, Chris, for being a real journalist. The US MSM have simply become stenographers for the US government. They might as well bundle up USG press releases, staple them together and call them a newspaper. The EU is just as bad. I think it's ironic that we used to mock the likes of Pravda, Izvestia, and Tass as government mouthpieces and we call the US president the leader of the free world. What a joke! All the US/UK/ EU MSM are just government mouthpieces and pretty much all of the world is free except for those countries under the control of the United States.

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But we're standing with Israel because they're the "good guy", the "victim"...! Yeah, OK, whatever. Yes, as I have said, I wish Hamas would have targeted Israeli industrial sites and military rather than the civilian areas, but then again, what has Israel been doing all this time to the Palestinians...brings the question to me: "What do you expect to happen..."?

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Behind his "Aw'shucks, just a working-class Irish boy from Scranton with a heart of gold and compassion from here to forever" pitch, Biden is a monster.

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It comes as no surprise that Bibi Netanyahu and his Likud advocates hate the Palestians; and have hated the Palestinians for decades. This is more than Hamas. It is about punishing and decimating an entire population of Arabs. Joseph R. Biden has given Israel free rein in this. Israel sees that as an endorsement for their slaughter.

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The US has a history of perpetrating holocausts or supporting holocausts committed by other countries, so it is not surprising what is happening now. Seeing Biden hug Netanyahu and the US support for Israel’s indiscriminate bombing, starvation and dehydration killing, men women children and babies makes me sick. Israel and the US has lost whatever soul it every had. This behavior will lead to major blowback through internal and external forces which is going to eventually lead to the collapse of Israel and the US. We are seeing it already happening in both the US and Israel.

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Our slavish obedience to Israel's long-term ethnic cleansing strategy is among the greatest threats to our "national security". Exactly the opposite of the drumbeat coming from these odious spokespeople at DOD, DOS, and WH and their media echo chamber, all of whom insist we must be permanently attached to Israel or we're doomed.

The US government is incapable of learning. It's in a perpetual state of infancy.

From bin Laden's Letter to America:

"As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

a) You attacked us in Palestine:"


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Mr. Hedges, I appreciate your truth telling, but reading this article leaves me feeling more hopeless than before. It feels like we can either look forward to a World War or the total destruction of the Palestinian people. Either choice is despicable.

As a Palestinian American, I've been following the news on every platform looking for glimmers of hope that this time it will be different. This time, people will see and speak up for the Palestinians. I've been heartened by the world wide protests and the increased visibility of the horrors Palestinians face at the hands of a Genocidal Israel. At the same time, I am dismayed that Western governments and Israel's Hasbara machinery are escalating their tactics to punish any and all that speak up.

Is there any hope that a third option will emerge, that Western leaders will realize that the people of the world have had a enough of their Imperial destruction, and that they'd do better to back track and look for a more diplomatic approach?

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Thank you for sharing what information you have about the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict. I am deeply disappointed in the approach the Biden Administration is taking to this issue, though I am not the least bit surprised. Over the years, I've watched innumerable American administrations offer unconditional support to multiple Israeli governments engaged in the brutal oppression of the Palestinians. Quite frankly, I am sickened by it.

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Isn't the motif of this process of obliteration of the Gazens by the bosses of government (Netyanahu and Biden) analogous to that of corporate bosses in their execution (of their attitude, purpose and intent) of corporate take overs of other corporations? Minus metal, high tech weaponry and physical killing? In my long years here on earth I've witnessed an attitudinal change among the (mis)leadership and the citizenry which seems to coincide with the diversity, strategic-ness and highly focussed corporate actions to dominate all structures of governance including the Fourth Estate subsequent to the Powell Memorandum. The sharp contrast between the Kennedy/LBJ years in attitudes by the leadership class and the citizenry leads me to ask - What force has been sufficiently strong to effect such changes?

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“as morally bankrupt and as complicit in genocide as those who witnessed the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews and did nothing.”

My father escaped Germany in a milk crate in 1938. His father lost his life in a slave camp.

I don’t like to use this quote too often, but he, and others, believed that if the Jews had not been the target of Hitler, they would have been his most enthusiastic allies.

This is not specific to Jews, but can be witnessed throughout history in the structure of genocidal movements. Some sort of meta-Milgram experiment, you might call it. It’s just not that hard to find people willing to carry out-and rationalize-horrific acts.

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Then the Palestinians are doomed, because all those props supplied by the US will remain. And WWIII is virtually certain. Then we all die. That is what US world domination has led us to.

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How can these great articles be tweeted for the world to read? Does anybody know?

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