Nov 23, 2022Liked by Casey Newton

Casey, I sense you must be chuckling maniacally at some of these Stable Diffusion generations. For instance this one.

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A stranger tale than most fiction being written these days.

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Very well-written piece. I enjoy reading your scoops and takes.

It’s so ironic that Trump doesn’t want to post on Twitter because it’s a negative place with problems. It’s a good point that he doesn’t want to play a supporting role on the platform. I honestly hope he doesn’t Tweet because I’m not sure I can handle both Musk and Trump in the same place. It’s always “what scandal is there today?” But, I also agree with the original ban and think making moderation decisions by whim is not the best approach.

Meanwhile, the cuts at Twitter, and the ever-changing rules, continue to devastate. Still, I’ve seen so many people in my mentions defend it. I really wish people would open their eyes and maybe imagine what it would be like if it was their job that was taken over and they were treated that way. The lack of empathy is what gets me. Also, not listening to the people who are doing the job and close to the processes.

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The copyright thing is epic. Elon managed to recreate YouTube circa 2005

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"Musk needs Trump much more than Trump needs Twitter." Classic. 'Tis too true.

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