I have been horrified at the number of commenters across platforms salivating at the idea of decimating iran. My stomach turns. Why would you want to kill so many people? *people*

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I spent only a short time in Iran two decades ago but it was a highlight of my life. My wife was mobbed by young excited girls (at talking to a westerner) “you don’t think we are all terrorists do you?” and they knew so much about my country. I know there have been changes but most Iranians just want to be Persian again. I understand that MI6 and the CIA almost called off Operation Ajax. I believe Iran would be a very different place if they had. Let’s not forget real people live in Iran.

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I am truly sorry for the USA and UK who have sunk to such moral lows I could never in my worst nightmares imagined this is where we would end up. Neither would I have contemplated leaving the country of my birth (UK) but I have made the decision to do just that. This is no knee jerk reaction but the unequivocal support of Israel and blatant bias shown has been the final straw.

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Somewhere on internet:

"1953 Iranian coup d'état: The United States Central Intelligence Agency and the UK were involved in overthrowing the government of Mohammad Mosaddegh in Iran, so as to retain power for Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi."

Evil r us.....we don't give one fuck about "democracy"....and never have.

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"To see Iran’s response as “disproportionate” is to admit you believe Israeli lives are worth literally orders of magnitude more than Iranian lives."

This also explains why to Zionists the loss of 33K+ (perhaps 100K) Palestinian lives in the six months of bombing Gaza aren't worth sh*t when compared to Israeli lives. Remember, in "Isreality" (Israeli Reality) only what the Israelis think and believe counts. Nobody else matters and anything they may do to protect themselves from Israeli aggression isn't justified and totally unprovoked. Yeah, it's crazy, but it makes complete sense to abusive narcissists.

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“Democracy” and “capitalism” are euphemisms for subjugation, both at home and away from.

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I am so weary of the inhumane shitheads, psychopaths. Thank you to all the good human beings protesting!

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Yes, “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!” is a self-identifying trait for Warmongers😱☠️

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I knew as soon as Iran did anything the human shaped grub known as Mike Pompeo would be invited to the MSM to give us his "expert" opinion.

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Simplicius has a good analysis of the Iranian retaliatory strikes on Israeli military bases. It looks like all or most of the Iranian ballistic missiles got through the Iron Dome and US/UK additional defenses, though most cheap drones and cruise missiles got taken out by expensive and limited-supply air defense missiles. https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/iran-breaches-anglo-zionist-defenses

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Cowardly scumbag who’s prepared to sacrifice humanity for naught.

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“They have plundered the world, stripping naked the land in their hunger… they are driven by greed, if their enemy be rich; by ambition, if poor… They ravage, they slaughter, they seize by false pretenses, and all of this they hail as the construction of empire. And when in their wake nothing remains but a desert, they call that peace.”

― Tacitus, The Agricola and The Germania

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

Mass media in the U.S implies mass indoctrination. When the owners of the planet dictate what the masses will hear, the propaganda machine relentlessly displays how easy it is to manipulate minds. When Big Daddy says: 'The sky is green', anyone who opposes the brainwashed are instructed to visit an optical shop and buy eyeglasses with shades of green.

The fact that nuclear Armageddon has not yet come home to roost is the surest sign that Lady Luck may have as much patience as God... but after the sixth day, even God went home.

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Our fearless leader, Trudeau, said yet again that "Israel has the right to defend itself". And others repeated after him. As if they were making vows to each other. Is there some kind of virus affecting world leaders so that they can no longer think in a straight line (that is saying that they ever did). Israel or the US or Germany or the UK are morally superior to who? Are they competing with each other to see who can destroy the earth the fastest? To see who can cause the most children to die? To see who can destroy the most infrastructure belonging to "human animals" the fastest. Biden or Trump; take your choice of which one you want to create more chaos and danger. And I don't see many choices that are good for the people anywhere else either.

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"Of course there are going to be populations who refuse to be subjugated," and rightly so.

The real danger is the damage that has been done already. You can't go through what we have seen lately by Israel and its grovelling acolyte, America, without wanting to see some kind of solution that is able to satisfy Palestinians, the victims of these months of criminal activities.

That should also mean penalties for the two criminal countries involved, Israel and the USA.

How does that happen. What international organisation has the authority to institute, or better still, demand that a resolution is put in place immediately? The ICJ has proven itself to be a synthetic powder puff organisational, looking so very serious but in too many cases, the Judges are totally influenced by the governments in their own countries. Therefore , just another United Nations.

Now that organisations, the UN, should be the controllers of such decisions but it also is totally dependent on threats to withhold funding, and of course, the number one weapon called the US VETO.

So once again, it is totally politicised.

Over time we have seen people like the devious Israelis who conjur up all sorts of support mechanisms to influence the UN vote. Tourism being one; exports being another. If you are cunning enough in dealing with an Island with a very small population but with a vote in the General Assembly, it is an easy task to bribe them in many different ways as has been the case by Israel seeking support from all and sundry. Bribery and corruption after all, is the predominant Israeli weapon of choice. The USA on the other hand use threats, economic bullying, and sanctions as their weapons of choice. Standard practice for 70 years.

The winner under those circumstances is the bully boy with the largest stockpile of weaponry, these days meaning nuclear warheads. What a world we have become.

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Well, the entire west is a Zionist entity when it comes to middle eastern politics (I prefer to call the region west Asia but whatever..) so there’s that.. and the reason the west is Zionist is not because they love the Jews in particular.. they love the Zionist ideology that was born from the supremacist imperialist mind in Europe. If Hitler and Satan got together and had a child, it would be Zionist Israel..

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