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#Budget2023 announced a new scheme: MISHTI i.e. Mangrove Initiative for Shoreline Habitats and Tangible Incomes
What are Mangroves and what makes them so important for the world and #UPSC?
Mangroves, what?
- Salt tolerant plant communities found in (sub)tropical intertidal regions
- Formed where intertidal flow with adequate sediments to set down roots
- Imp. for coastal biodiversity; act as bio-shield against extreme climatic events
Where do they grow in India?
- Indian State of Forests Report '21: In 9 states & 3 UTs
- WB have highest mangroves cover of 2114 sq km
- Total area ~5000 sq km
Why are Mangroves imp?
- Hold up 4x Carbon than other ecosystems
- 1% loss of mangroves -> 0.23 gigatons of CO2 (~520 barrels of oil)
Challenges & Threats
- Industrialization
- Land reclamation
- Climate change & tropical storms
- Increasing population in coastal area
- Increasing aquaculture demands and fisheries
- Rising demand for land, timer, folder, fuel-wood
So, what's MISHTI?
- In sync with India's NDCs
- India joined Mangrove Alliance for Climate at CoP27 in Egypt
- Implemented through MGNREGA Funds + Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management & Planning Authority (CAMPA) Funds
What's more needed to be done?
Extensive work with local communities. Why?
- Survival rate of Mangrove seed plantation is 50%
- Survival rate of Mangrove saplings is 60%
- Therefore, community ownership is must for Mangrove survivalCheck on discharge of untreated domestic & industrial effluents into rivers to stop disrupting intertidal flow
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