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The enemy is not in a hurry. You must learn to think with its mind to be prepared.
Bioweapons exhibit unmistakable characteristics:
1. The sophisticated ones tend to mutate in order to make sure spectroscopic analysis would always lag behind the real situation and conditions caused by it wouldn’t be possible to diagnose and, therefore, treat. In the case of the “covid” injections, plausible deniability and the preventing accurate identification of the ingredients were ensured by mixing a more-or-less random selection of few dozen toxins, pathogens, parasites, and graphenes from a selection of 3-1,200 possibilities in each batch, while manipulating the outcome with further similar components from chemtrails, muzzles, “tests,” or even cleaning agents and hand sanitizers.
2. Primitive bioweapons work simply because there is no antidote for them (still, some of them are traceable, so military-grade operations tend to avoid them, unless it doesn’t matter, as the case happens to be with the US using depleted Uranium warheads in all its wars, causing cancers, birth defects, and who-knows-what-else even decades later). The smallpox pathogen used to be the only bioweapon of the kind for decades, but in the age of genetic warfare, nothing is impossible.
3. Genetic warfare has been an option for over 20 years, and specific targeting is an option, making racial or ethnic cleansing a walk in the park. As all important players possess the ability to deploy such bioweapons, a stalemate has been created, just like no parties would ever dare to unleash nuclear strikes (nuclear bombs don’t exist, anyway, except for dirty bombs and warheads with depleted uranium from power plants).
4. About 6-8 months ago, a “supercomputer” was tasked to develop chemicals that can be used as bioweapons, because there are no antidotes for them. I believe, it took the machine 50 minutes to come up with about 400 brand-new concoctions. Once these are used, humans don’t stand a chance, and once they are introduced over specific areas, the symptoms can easily mimic an “epidemic” or a “pandemic.”
5. Real bioweapons must mutate to become weaker and weaker; they have an expiration date ranging from a few seconds to a few months in order to prevent total annihilation that would include its deployers, too.
6. Combining the impact of various sources is also a characteristic of bioweapons. That was definitely the case in the history of universal poisoning that included the “covid” injections.* Various entities are capable of activating or enhancing the impact of each other1:
7. Several psyops are also initiated in order to send the intended targets on a wild goose chase. In the aftermath of convid, mRNA and spike protein prominently serve this purpose. In addition, such diversions include AIDS (which just like “covid,” doesn’t exist), extraterrestrials, scapegoating specific groups (preferably “secret societies” that are not secret enough to be publicly-known), the impending doom of WW3, “climate change” exacerbated by geo-engineering,
new pathogens, “viruses,” or “variants,” but something as mundane drag queens, “mass shootings,” and debating elections or abortion are also in use. Hope and exercise have also been weaponized:
With the versaility of the delivery systems, even the injections have become a side show.
The Titanic is sinking and the band on board is playing a lot of tunes.
*It has been a question if NLHs (nano-lipid hydrogels) are bioweapons. They are definitely highly toxic and certainly serve as delivery agents of bioweapons. They can be used to deliver mRNA technology into the body, but that is an unlikely option, unless it’s okay for everyone around to die. However, NLHs have been found in the “covid” injections and they are apparently used for delivering self-assembling nano-computers into the body. The graphene in the injections is pliable with the help of 5G or similar technologies, resulting in high and versatile applicability.
Even allopathic “Medicine” cautions about the impact of combining its poisons, mistakenly called “medications”:
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Thinking and acting on your own
One area of the bio weapon information I cannot seem to wrap my head around is the unvaxxed being affected by the vaxxed shedding. If the true culprit is the lipid nano particles then how are these transmitted to the unvaxxed? And if a person is affected by this shedding is it as potent as if you got the vax? Or is it some sort of lessened outcome. Also does this mean the unvaxxed person now has the lipid nano particles in their body? Or is it some other toxin that is shed and produces symptoms in the unvaxxed? If someone has the answers to my questions I would greatly appreciate the response!
There is a book available free online pdf by Ken Alibek called Biohazard.
It's old now published 20 years ago but gives a great insight into how governments behaved in the past and maybe an idea of how much worse things might have become