Bill Clinton left a stain on history that may never come out
By: Ann Coulter:
February 6, 2023 | 10:47 pm
Happy twenty-fifth anniversary of the greatest headline in world history!
Thus began the nation’s one-year slog through President Bill Clinton’s lies and calumnies, ending in his disgrace and impeachment.
Now, that was an impeachment. You missed a good one, kids. President Trump was impeached for making an (allegedly) inappropriate call to the president of Ukraine? Oh please. To discuss what Clinton did in the Oval Office the whole country needed a V-chip.
The history books can record that Clinton was the first president to have his semen analyzed by the FBI, the first president to have his capacity to induce orgasm described on national TV, the first president to use White House sinks as sexual aids and the first president to be credibly accused of rape within two weeks of being acquitted in an impeachment trial.
He also left us with the immortal words: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman — Miss Lewinsky.” That later proved to be a big, fat whopping lie when Clinton’s semen turned up on that woman’s dress.
Some will say this trivializes the Clinton presidency. Perhaps. But we are also accepting “You better get some ice on that.” Said to Juanita Broaddrick after, she claims, he violently raped her at Little Rock’s Camelot Hotel.
Abraham Lincoln’s second inaugural address used the word “God” fourteen times. Ronald Reagan’s second inaugural address used the words “free” or ”freedom” nineteen times. Bill Clinton’s second inaugural address used the word “consensual” six times.
Before becoming president, as well as during his presidency, Clinton kept handling the help. Most significantly, as governor, he’d used state troopers to bring Paula Jones, a low-level state employee, to his hotel room, where he proceeded to drop his pants and say, “Kiss it.”
Jones fled the room, told several friends about it, but took no further action until years later, when she returned to Little Rock and found out a national magazine had identified her as one of Clinton’s bimbos.
By then, Clinton was president, so when Jones held a press conference to tell the truth about what had happened in that hotel room, it should have been huge news — right? Instead, the president clammed up, his lawyer called it “tabloid trash,” and Clinton’s PR team in the media decided Jones was just “some sleazy woman with big hair coming out of the trailer parks.”
To defend her name, Jones sued Clinton under the 1964 Civil Rights Act — heretofore the most sacred law in the nation! — for discriminating against her on the basis of sex. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination.
Cut to legal commentators, including at the New York Times — but not Ann Coulter — predicting that the Supreme Court would not allow Jones’s suit to go forward. The Court ruled, 9-0, Ann was right. …
Read the whole thing in the UK Spectator here.
Bill Clinton really degraded the moral level of the presidency. I believe the toxic political discourse began when the left and the media went in open arms defending Clinton trivializing the event. People say it’s just a personal affair but I 1000% disagree. I really hate the lie about how this was just an affair when he was a clear rapist, which in other words means he's a criminal. He should have been removed for this. I really appreciate all the hard work you did during the impeachment Ann! Thanks a lot!
Happy Anniversary!
My favorite defender of Clinton was Nina Burleigh, the female journalist -- what else? -- who said she’d gladly don the presidential knee pads and service Bill for preserving abortion rights.