The Mega Robo Weekly #4
In which Freddy helpfully recaps the events of MRB Book 1. Ummmm, SPOILERS?!?!
…WHO is in fact remembering things correctly? I guess you will have to read Mega Robo Bros: POWER UP for yourselves and decide!
I’ll be straight with you, dear readers, I have been completely flat out this week and haven’t had a chance to write anything for this newsletter. But, y’know, the REASON I have been flat out is that I am *working on the next series of Mega Robo Bros*, and I’m sure you’d rather I was doing that than just wanging on about it here, right?
Anyway I’m aiming to hit a big milestone on it by Friday, so I should have a bit more time next week to write a newsletter, which is currently looking like it will probably be some thoughts on the very important and somehow apparently still a thing issue of COMICS: ARE THEY IN FACT PROPER READING?
So there’s THAT to look forward to.
And a quick reminder that if you’d like to see me and an actual professor of A.I. and Robotics discussing questions of Morality and Mega Robo Bros, come find me at the Oxford Science Bazaar next Saturday, Feb 18th - details on their website!
See you there!