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The newsletter this week is packed. You’ll find the usual roundup of news, stories, jobs, and projects that we are watching. Plus, we have an extra special recap from ImpactScope detailing their Web3 for SDGs event that took place at Davos last month.
There is a lot of good news in the Web3 world this week, but we’d be amiss if we didn’t acknowledge the tragedy unfolding in Turkey and Syria earlier this week. On February 6, two devastating earthquakes with magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6 struck both countries. To date, they have caused over 16,000 fatalities and left hundreds of thousands of people in dire need of assistance. Like many around the world, the Web3 community has rallied to offer assistance and provide support. We’ve include a special section with resources from some of these groups. We hope, if you are able to, that you will consider making a donation.
WAGMI (we are going to make an impact)
xx Abeera & Sam
What’s Inside
👐 Earthquake Support Resources
🕊 Tweets of the Week
📣 Latest News
📚 What We’re Thinking About
🚀 Opportunities & Events
📡 On Our Radar
🌊ImpactScope’s Web3 for SDGs Davos WEF Event Recap
The potential of Web3 to accelerate the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is a hot topic right now. Web3 tools and token ecosystems, when designed well and deployed professionally, can usher in new paradigms in finance, governance, and innovation.
On Tuesday, January 17th, 2023 during the World Economic Forum week in Davos, Switzerland, the Web3 tools for SDGs event, organized and hosted by ImpactScope, showcased companies building Web3 tools to address 21st-century global challenges in education, carbon markets, poverty reduction, and plastic recycling.
Read more.
👐 Earthquake Support Resources

🕊 Tweets of the Week

📣 Latest News
OnChainMonkey by Metagood becomes the first 10k NFT collection to be inscribed on Bitcoin
HBAR Foundation announces the launch of AfrofutureDAO’s $1 million Africa Metaverse Fund
📚 What We’re Thinking About
⚡️ Updates from the Celo Social Impact Collective. (Celo)
🌱 Updates on the new Gitcoin grants program. (Gitcoin)
🔗 Amit Chu introduces the primary types of cross-chain messaging protocols, including those that are integrated with Celo. (Celo Foundation)
⚙️ Why Wheelcoin, the Learn2Earn and Impact2Earn app that rewards people for going greener chose Celo. (Boyd Cohen)
🗒 Mercy Corps Venture Annual Impact Report is out: Explore the newest companies in their portfolio, key trends to watch, and fails and lessons learned. (Mercy Corps Ventures)
🚀 The next frontier in cryptoeconomic Business Models. (Variant Fund)
👐 Millions in crypto donated to earthquake victims in Türkiye. (The Defiant)
🆘 Despite small sums raised so far, the push to utilize crypto to assist in the Turkey Syria disaster marks an important moment in the evolution of the industry. (The Defiant)
🌲 10 Web3 Social Impact trends to monitor in 2023. (Crypto Altruism)
🏛 Political, economic, and governance attitudes of blockchain users: a survey to evaluate crypto-political, crypto-economic, and crypto-governance sentiment in people who are part of a blockchain ecosystem. (Cornell University)
💻 Can Web3 deliver the social advantages promised by its evangelists when these longed-for benefits require the adoption of computer science's conceptualization of identity rather than of social science's? (Generative Identity)
🔆 Preparing international development professionals for the Digital Age [not Web3 specific but relevant]. (Center for Strategic and International Studies)
🔬 How an Open Science Commons Project built on Web3 infrastructure Empowers Community Discover. (Filecoin Foundation)
🪙 Why the crypto crash hasn’t sunk crypto philanthropy. (Candid Philanthropy News Digest)
🥥 How Kokonut DAO is funding and managing coconut farms using Web3. (@tmo.basin)
🛤 Designing Web3 for the Last Mile: IDEO Last Mile Money, Celo, Node, Bitmama, and Bitssa teamed up for a webinar on how to make Web3 work better for globally underserved users. The event is over, but a recording is available [password:vlKC9j*!]. (IDEO)
🪴 The Rise of Crypto's Brand of Regenerative Finance: Why are these groups of crypto natives building public goods for the long term rather than focusing on short term profits? (CoinDesk)
👯 How NFTs and Angry Teenagers can help regenerate land and empower local communities. (Forbes)
🚀 Opportunities & Events:
Apply: Treejer Protocol is hiring a Marketing Manager.
Apply: Open Lunar Foundation is hiring an Innovation Program Coordinator and a Research Fellow.
Apply: The Groundwork Fellowship is a three month online fellowship hosted by Metagov meant to bring community-based researchers into this design process.
Apply: The Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute is looking for creative, collegial, broad-minded thinkers from all backgrounds to participate in their fellow and storytellers programs.
Attend: MetaGov is hosting a Q&A for the 2023 Open Call for their Groundwork Fellowship on February 23.
Attend: DecentSocial is hosting a free digital unconference on Feb 11th for the builders of the decentralized social web.
Attend: ETHDenver Climate Summit is happening March 1.
Attend: ETHDenver CryptoEconDay by CryptoEconLab @ Protocol Lab is happening March 1.
📡 On Our Radar
Veritree verifies and monitors the impacts of tree planting to ensure visibility and accountability for your climate actions.
Crowd Funded Cures is a healthcare crypto company creating novel funding models for clinical trials to repurpose generic drugs to empower a better healthcare system.
Chamas are a grassroots form of women savings cooperatives common in Kenya. Regen Foundation is piloting on-the-ground research to understand how DAO governance and mechanisms from regenerative finance can bolster the legacy and future of Chamas.
Encointer enables communities everywhere to generate their own, autonomous currency, and use it to stimulate the local economy.
Other Internet is an applied research organization that studies and builds social technology.
Last Mile Money is a global collaborative network focused on connecting underserved communities to the digital economy.
RADAR’s Patron NFT launch reimagines research, tapping into the power of collective imagination in service of better futures.
The Collective Intelligence Project is an incubator for new governance models for transformative technology.
Heyy, just came across your Web3ForGood and I totally love it. I also run a web3 news substack for underrepresented creators called Facesofweb3. Would you be open to a recommendation exchange? Our subscribers need to be able to find each other!
Great job, once again!