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About my new hedge fund
I've started a "fund of funds" hedge fund to enable my Substack subscribers to get above average returns in volatile markets (like the kind we might be entering now).
I’ve started an entity, Kirsch Capital, to provide superior investment returns for my Substack subscribers as well as high net worth individuals who are supportive of my work in getting the truth out. Profits from the hedge fund will go to funding VSRF and other related activities all in support of our mission to get the truth out. So it’s a win-win.
My hedge fund is a fund of fund strategies that focuses on investing in funds with over 15% returns in the 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year time periods. The best funds we invest in return over 20% in all three time periods.
If you’d like to suggest a fund, or a fund manager, for us to evaluate who has had 15% or greater returns in all of the 1, 3, and 5-year timeframe, please use this form to make a suggestion.
The benefits to suggesting
If we invest in one of your suggestions, we will guarantee that you’ll be able to invest in the portfolio we assemble. This is important because there is a hard limit set by law for the total number of smaller investors we can accommodate. So you’ll get first priority.
So it’s a win for us and for you.
I’ll be announcing more details soon.
Our focus right now is making sure we have done our homework in uncovering superior investment opportunities.
Please use this form to suggest a fund we should consider.
Update 2/15/23
Mathew Crawford was kind enough to write a long hit piece about me and my hedge fund. He never interviewed me for his article to address any of the issues he raised. He has absolutely no knowledge whatsoever with the screening tools we used and the funds we are engaged with.
It’s important to note that I have not solicited a dime from any of my readers to date in the fund. None of my readers have ever been offered an opportunity to invest and none of my readers have invested.
I hired a small staff of people to work on this full-time to get it set up and decide on investments. I spend very little of my own time on this: about 3 hours a week to review the progress.
The first investors in the fund will be high net worth individuals who are astute about investing.
He is correct that the best performing funds are often not advertised and closed to new investors, Renaissance Technologies Medallion Fund being the perfect example.
This is precisely why this effort has taken so long to identify a diversified set of high quality investment opportunities with superior returns that are uncorrelated with each other. Occasionally, these are new opportunities like Ed Dowd’s new fund where I have a personal relationship with the person starting it and that person has a long track record in the investment industry. Other times, we find high performing funds that are very difficult to get into without a personal introduction from someone I know. This is precisely why the effort is non-trivial, has taken a lot of time, and why I have full-time staff focused on this.
His “buyer beware” is great advice for any fund. I encourage everyone to never put more assets than you can afford to lose in any one fund including mine.
Also, I encourage everyone to read all the comments! As usual, there are a range of opinions from “shame on you” to “great idea.” Isn’t it nice that people have the ability to express their opinions?
Also, for those people who think this is a bad idea, here’s my offer: You get me $100M in funds for VSRF and I'll close the hedge fund.
The problem is that there are zero wealthy people who are spending millions a year on fighting the government narrative. The hedge fund is a way for me to generate those funds in a scalable way.
If you know of a BETTER way to create a pool of MILLIONS of dollars a year for organizations like VSRF and others to fight back, please let me know in the comments. So if you are going to criticize me, do so by telling me the superior alternative.
Thank you.
I've updated the article to respond to Crawford's hit piece on me.
It is remarkable that he is attacking people like me rather than focusing on the people who brought you the shots.
DId you see his alternative for generating funds to fund the legal and other efforts to fight back? I missed that.
The bottom line is this: If you know of a BETTER way to create a pool of MILLIONS of dollars a year for organizations like VSRF and others to fight back, please let me know in the comments.
Bottom line: If you are going to criticize me for creating a cash flow to fight back, do so by telling me the superior alternative. thanks.
The agenda has now moved on. Covid was the intro. Now more scaremongering going on with white balloons and train and truck derailments, toxic chemicals released. All countries aiding the third most corrupt country in the world. In the UK, 15 minute cities, surveillance cameras at self checkout in grocery stores, threats of digital ID, a cashless society, cbdc, illegal migrants in the thousands poring in, given accommodation in hotels, with meals, healthcare. All young men. Most people here are still living in “I didn’t want to know” land. Britain like NZ, Canada and Australia bought and paid for. Glad I am in my 70’s. Fear for future generations.