TCP and UDP are both transport layer protocols used for sending data over a network.
Difference between TCP and UDP?
✅ TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-oriented protocol, meaning it establishes a reliable connection between devices before sending data and it guarantees that data is received in the order it was sent. It also provides error-checking and correction to ensure data integrity.
✅ UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a connectionless protocol, meaning it does not establish a dedicated connection before sending data. It does not guarantee that data will be received in the order it was sent and does not provide error-checking and correction.
✅ In summary, TCP is a connection-oriented protocol that guarantees data integrity and ordering, while UDP is a connectionless protocol that doesn't guarantee data integrity and ordering.
When would you use UDP over TCP?
✅ Where speed is more important than reliability: Because UDP does not establish a dedicated connection and does not guarantee delivery, it has a lower overhead and can be faster for sending small amounts of data.
✅ Real-time streaming: Applications that require real-time streaming, such as online gaming or video conferencing, may use UDP to reduce the delay in sending and receiving data.
✅ Broadcasting: UDP can be used for broadcasting messages to multiple recipients, as it does not require a separate connection for each recipient.
✅ Low-latency: Applications that require low-latency, such as voice over IP (VoIP) or online gaming, may use UDP to reduce the delay in sending and receiving data.
When would you use TCP over UDP?
✅ Web browsing: TCP is the primary protocol used for web browsing, as it enables reliable communication between a web server and a web browser. This is important for loading complex web pages, where many resources such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files need to be downloaded and assembled correctly.
✅ Large data transfers: TCP is well-suited for transferring large amounts of data, such as video files or software updates, because it guarantees that all data will be received and assembled in the correct order. Even if there are occasional delays or lost packets, TCP will automatically resend any missing data to ensure that the transfer is complete.
✅ Critical data transmission: TCP is a reliable protocol that guarantees the delivery of data, making it ideal for transmitting critical data such as financial transactions, email messages, and file transfers. In situations where data integrity is essential, such as when transmitting sensitive or confidential data, TCP is the preferred choice.
TL;DR - The table I have created below displays the differences between each one and where they are generally used in the world of computing.
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