Exposed: The Truth About LinkedIn's Job Applicant Numbers
Think the high numbers of job applicants on LinkedIn are too overwhelming? Think again. Here is the truth behind the figures and why you shouldn't let them scare you away from your dream job.
You might feel discouraged while searching for a new job on LinkedIn due to the overwhelming number of applicants listed under each job posting. It's natural to think that your chances of standing out might be slim.
However, it is important to note that these numbers can be significantly misleading, and they’re not an accurate reflection of reality. As a recruiter, I know that the number of applicants shown on LinkedIn is often inaccurate and incomplete. So don’t let those numbers fool you!
You should still apply for jobs even if the number on those job postings seems too high. Here’s why…
Incomplete and Inaccurate Numbers
It's important to note that the number of applicants displayed on LinkedIn may not always be reliable - and by always, I mean almost every single time. There have been reports from many recruiters that the number often appears lower than the true amount of applicants.
It's common knowledge among recruiters that a significant number of potential candidates never complete the application process, and even for those who do, they may not meet the qualifications required for the role.
Over the years, I’ve talked to many other recruiters about the industry. Based on those discussions, I estimate that between 20 and 25% of candidates who click the “Apply” button on LinkedIn never finish their registration.
It’s also important to remember that just because someone has applied for a job doesn’t mean they’re qualified. In fact, many recruiters will tell you that they’ve received applications from people who are not even remotely qualified for the position they applied for.
As many recruiters confirmed to me, between 40 and 60% of applications that companies receive are rejected because these candidates don’t meet the requirements - skills, location, seniority, or the right experience.
So, while it might seem like there are dozens or even hundreds of applicants competing against you, the reality is that most of them probably aren’t even qualified for the role, meaning that your chances of being noticed are actually much higher than you think!
Is Number Of Applicants On Linkedin Accurate?
Update: At the end of 2023, LinkedIn changed the way they display the number of candidates. Now, instead of showing a specific number, the maximum you will see is "Over 100 applicants."
Not Every Remote Job Advert is a Remote Job
There are lots of talks these days about the benefits of working remotely. And it’s true. There are a lot of advantages to ditching commuting and setting up shop at home. But it’s important to understand that just because a job is advertised as being remote doesn’t mean that it’s open to everyone in the world.
In many cases, companies will only consider candidates based in the same country as the role. For example, if you see a remote job advertised in the US, but you’re based in Europe, you’re probably not going to get it. Or if you’re based in France and you want to apply for a role based in Italy. In this case, that remote opportunity is probably only open to people actually living in Italy.
There are many things involved, such as labor laws, payroll, and tax laws. So, hiring someone from APEC in a role in EMEA or vice versa would not be as easy as it seems. Sometimes a remote opportunity is not truly remote. Hence, even though you will see dozens of other applicants applying for the same role as you, you might be the only person who ‘wouldn’t need a work permit.
A Company Hires Multiple People
If you’ve been job-hunting for a while, you’ve probably noticed that some companies seem to post the same role over and over again, they call it the evergreen job (aka recurring job). If a company is looking for dozens of the same roles over the year, they keep one position open during the entire year so they can still get new candidates into the process.
This practice results in hundreds of applications submitted under one position that is open. While this strategy may help companies save money, it can also lead to frustration and confusion for job seekers.
See How You Compare with Other Applicants
Job-hunting is hard enough as it is without having to worry about whether you’re going to get discouraged before you even apply. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what LinkedIn does with their online job postings. By including the number of applicants in their postings, they’re inadvertently triggering people’s insecurities and discouraging them from applying.
Even worse, they use phrases like “see how you compare” in order to get you to buy their service and see their premium LinkedIn account so you can check how you compare to others who applied.
But they don’t mention that recruiters and hiring managers are the ones who will be evaluating your resume against other applications. So, this LinkedIn data has zero value! Checking how you compare with other applicants will only depress you or give you false hope. It will only reinforce people’s fears about how they measure up to other applicants.
Last Thoughts
When it comes to job postings, the number of applicants shouldn’t discourage you! In most cases, the number of applicants is not an accurate representation of who is actually qualified for the job. Thus, while it might seem like there are hundreds or even thousands of people competing against you, the reality is that most of them probably aren’t qualified for the job.
That means your chances of being noticed are actually much higher than you think! So, don’t be discouraged by the number of applicants you see on LinkedIn — it’s often an inaccurate and incomplete representation of reality.
Keep applying, and you’ll eventually find the right opportunity!
If you want to learn more about the job market, consider getting this book, Job Search Guide. Get a competitive edge in today's job market by gaining valuable insights on how to secure your dream job!
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This article unpacks a great deal about applicant numbers on LinkedIn and how misleading they can be. The insight that anywhere between 40-80% of applicants could be disqualified for not completing their application or not being suitable for the role, makes those large numbers much less scary and boosts your own confidence in applying. Thanks for sharing this insight!
Useful for a lot of job seekers! Thanks for the wisdom! Also, I don't have any problem with LinkedIn marketing using the pain points of job seekers to monetize. It is just how modern marketing works nowadays. What I do have an issue with is how expensive LinkedIn premium is!