On Privacy
For Substack policies, see their footer information available on most pages.
I will keep this brief and simple: I have no intention of collecting any personal information from the general readership. I have been burned too many times by others who sell data. I won’t do that. Period.
Personal email correspondence is just that and shall remain so.
Participants who post comments or participate in chats are subject to Substack’s rules. I may need to have your email address in the event of a moderation issue, as discussed in the next section.
Terms of Use
For Substack’s policies, see their footer information available on most pages.
All content I write is subject to revision at any time. Announcements will be posted when there are significant changes, such as factual corrections or information that provides additional details or context. This is reasonably likely because 1) I am always tinkering with what I write, 2) details about topics can change based on new information at any time, and 3) the law is a critical component of this project that is constantly in flux.
Your active participation (by making comments in posts or in The Forum implies your agreement to abide by these guidelines:
I expect and will enforce common sense rules of civil behavior.
All comments will initially be moderated and approved before posting. I hope to abandon this policy if participants can successfully self-police. The following should be your guide to standards and acceptable behavior and decorum.
There will be no profanity. You will not use grawlix or special characters to mask letters to get around that edict. Personal attacks will get you barred from the site.
The nature of this project will necessarily include discussions of historical, contemporary, statutory, and regulatory law from international, US Federal, and individual state perspectives. I easily see potentially heated debates about correlations between political ideologies and the nitty-gritty real-world intersection of vested interest blocks, including corporate, governmental, and social interest groups. I can also foresee disagreements over discussions about goals, key concepts, and action procedures. I will not allow discussions to devolve into chaos and dysfunction.
The Rules
This site exists in the public domain, intended for use by the general public, but it is not a public site (in the sense of .gov sites). My site, my rules, take it or leave.
I didn’t decide to take on the work involved here on a whim. If you choose to stick around, and especially if you intend to actively participate, take this seriously so that if we gain traction, others watching will see we should be taken very seriously [6/19/23: already seeing signs of being monitored]. We can become a force to be reckoned with as agents of change.
Behave like adults who share and strive for a common purpose. If the collective can’t do that, know I am willing to pull the plug on this entire proposition at any time. Life is short and getting shorter. There are actual, relaxing things I could do with my time and money than this in my impending retirement.
If we are copasetic, welcome aboard.