2024 Update: Who Is Telling the Truth: Amy Wax or Penn Law School?
“I just realized that, actually, the Penn law school itself releases the class rankings of the top quarter of each year’s class as part of its graduation ceremony. Here, for example, is the Class of 2023 Honors.”:
From the comments: Two Asians, and the rest White with a few Unknowns.
“Here’s my quick run down of the top 39 (summa and magna cum laude). There may be a few errors and judgment calls:
Associate Jones Day White
Law Clerk E.D. Pa. U/K
Associate Paul Weiss White
Associate Wachtel White
Associate Arnold & Porter White
U/K U/K White
Law Clerk D.C. Cir. White
Associate Kirkland & Ellis White
Associate Selendy Gay White
Associate Cravath White
U/K U/K White
Associate Jones Day White
Associate Kirkland & Ellis White
Associate Perkins Coie White
Associate Hueston Hennigan White
Law Clerk D.N.J. White
Law Clerk 2d. Cir . White
Associate Davis Polk Asian
ADA City of Philadelphia White
Law Clerk D.C. Cir. White
Law Clerk Debevoise U/K
Law Clerk 3d.Cir. White
Associate Wachtel White
Staff Atty. CAIR White
Associate Ballard Spahr White
Associate Gibson Dunn Asian
Associate Altshuler Berzon White
Associate Covington & Burling White
Associate Davis Polk White
Associate Covington & Burling U/K
Legal Fellow NYCLU White
U/K U/K White
Associate Covington & Burling White
Associate Paul Hastings White
Law Clerk 3d.Cir. White
Associate Gibson Dunn White
Law Clerk 8th Cir. White
Associate Venable White
Law Clerk Court of Appeals U/K
The column that kicked off the anti-Wax hysteria:
Amy Wax and Larry Alexander, Paying the price for breakdown of the country's bourgeois culture, Aug 9, 2017.
Professor Wax’s cites hate-facts about affirmative action:
Amy Wax Resume:
EDUCATION: 1971-1975 B.S. summa cum laude in molecular biophysics and biochemistry, Yale College 1975-1976 Marshall Scholar in Philosophy, Physiology, and Psychology, Somerville College, Oxford University 1976-1981 M.D. cum laude with distinction in neuroscience, Harvard Medical School 1980-1981 First year student, Harvard Law School 1985-1987 Second and third year student, Columbia Law School, J.D., May 1987 1985-1987 Editor, Columbia Law Review; Senior Revising Editor (1986-1987); Symposium Editor, Kant's Legal Theory (April 1987)
Donate to the Amy Wax Defense Fund!
I caught her interview on Tucker. Brilliant, knowledgeable and so wise - she is everything the woke youngsters who criticize her will never be.
Can you provide a link to said interview? A search on TCN yields no results.
I love them!!
Amy Wax is the bravest person in academia. Most conservatives (Ann obviously excluded) spent years downplaying the affects of wokeness and DEI in college. The most they'd muster was some retort like "wait until these snowflakes enter the real world." Well guess what - now these perceptual victims have graduated college and have changed the real world. As someone who will be starting medical school this summer - you shouldn't be concerned about the future of medicine you should be terrified.
Affirmative action gets all the attention, but that's the LEAST of the problems in medicine. Yes, it's outrageous that black and Hispanic matriculants have a standard deviation lower average MCAT score, but surely white and Asian students that get accepted must be super geniuses to be able to get in, right? Nope, not anymore. Medical school is now completely un-meritocratic. It's not unusual for white or Asian students with perfect GPAs and MCATs to get rejected from every single school. At least if you're applying to college with high scores, then you'll get in somewhere. As a consequence of holistic admissions (a practice absent on the entire continent of Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc), the most important part of your medical school application is not your MCAT, GPA, research, or healthcare experience it is your writing.
There isn't a single medical school in the entire country that isn't pedal to the metal on recruiting activists. Almost every medical school asks at least one essay question (often requiring 500 word responses) about how you will contribute to the diversity of the student body or about why diversity is important. Most mission statements don't even mention patients anymore, but you'd be hard pressed to find any that don't drone on about diversity. My premed advisor even went behind my back and asked a friend of mine, who was also applying, if I was gay, and then told her to convince me to mention that I'm gay on my application.
I interviewed at a school recently where the Chancellor's welcome speech to start the day was an angry rant about Donald Trump. I pulled out my notepad at the time and started jotting down what he was saying because it was so insane. He went on and on about how "no person is illegal" and then said "Donald Trump thinks people can be illegal. He is wrong and he is evil." He went on to randomly say that Abraham Lincoln was actually a "leftist." Anyway, the craziest part of this impassioned rant was that it wasn't some heat of the moment lapse in judgement. On Student Doctor Network, you can read students who interviewed months before me also talking about this speech. Depressingly, all of the posters on SDN recounting this rant were fawning over him and saying that it made them want to choose to attend that particular school - those are going to be your future doctors.
How refreshing to find a brilliant Jewish woman like Dr. Wax who is on "our side" and not an anti-White Marxist subversive as are so many of her tribe.
Thank you, Ann. Tremendous interview with Professor Amy Wax, a hardened warrior the Left needs silenced.
“Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call “minorities.” — Joseph Sobran, “Liberty, Equality, Diversity,” Sobran’s: The Real News of the Month, April 1997, pp. 4-5.
Damn. Sad but true
There was a time when Islamic culture was superior in results. They made superior steel in Damascus, they invented the Arabic number system, they studied astronomy and other sciences, and so on. I think mostly, they were an expanding empire because of their desire to do so and their belief that their culture/religion was superior and was destined to control the world and all of its people, as taught by Mohammed. Eventually they forced the Europeans to fight back or die, so we had the Crusades. I think the Crusaders had major religious thought problems, but also that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and Mohammed in rejecting the forgiveness of sin offered by Christ made a major error and will eventually be judged and found guilty by this same Jesus who is Creator God. Sometimes the worldly success of a culture does not match the actual value of its belief system.
Speaking of adversary culture in law school, I wonder if Dr Wax has seen what has become of inter-scholastic and intercollegiate debate since blacks were given full sway to express their “argumentative” skills.
You mean a bunch of 75 IQ diversity placements screaming unintelligible words or phrases over and over again until the other side shuts up? Yeah, I've seen that.
Thanks, Ann. It’s so timely to have Amy Wax on your podcast, especially as the world stares in shock at the work product of Harvard-trained lawyer, DA Alvin Bragg, the 34 count Trump indictment.
We await a similar revelation from Emory Law’s Fani Wallis, daughter of a literal Black Panther.
I finally bought a paid subscription for a year!
Ann Coulter is the greatest polemicist alive!
She is truly divine and a national treasure!
Congratulations Ann on your Substack creations; your genius shines through it!
Me too.
Thanks Ann. This was a great interview.
The truth and sad truth is that some groups do have higher IQs than other groups. There is a pattern around the world that proves it. For example, Chinese do well in Singapore, Malaysia, US, Canada. Ashkenazi Jews do well in US, Israel, UK, Canada. The English settled the US, Canada, New Zealand and Australia and built those nations into advanced nations. Italians do well in Italy, US, Argentina. Yet with other groups, wherever they are, it’s the same pattern of poverty, family dysfunction, low educational achievement, criminality. Growing up, most people just assumed this, long before this diversity nonsense. The 1965 Immigration Act was a disaster and the people who wrote it never dealt with chain migration issues prior. It’s got so bad by 1973, that the House sponsor Congressmen Celler introduced a bill to increase more immigration from UK, Scandinavia and the House and Senate let the bill die. The ship has sailed. It’s over for the US and Europe an the only question is when it’s over.
What Penn Law has done to Amy Wax makes a mockery of the University of Pennsylvania's motto Leges sine Moribus vanae, which translates into English as “Laws without morals are useless.”
Thank you for this interview and conversation re: the fight in academia Ann and Amy. I did not know, yet am not surprised. Keep the fight and faith. Thank you both.
Hollywood is not trying to subtly elevate black people by showing them in TV, movies and advertising as “acting white.” No Woke white person would dream he has that right. She’d rather die.
What Hollywood is doing is, of course, directed at white people, not black. It is trying to convince us not to have our totally unwarranted fears and phobias, our inveterate bigoted racism, by portraying blacks — and everyone else, Asians, gays, transgenders, drag queens — as just like us. Nothing to fear, folks, as they pour in or are given your college placement.
“I’d like to teach the world to sing,
In perfect harmony.”
It is morale conditioning carried out in virtual reality by the educated Cloud People aimed at us, the deplorable Dirt People. Otherwise who knows what terrible things we’d do?
Matt Walsh today had more to say on this: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-matt-walsh-show/id1367210511?i=1000607757203
Loved last week, loved this week, on to Charles Murray next...
Amy Wax is one of my favorite people on Earth. Thanks, Ann.
This was the most brilliant Woman I have ever heard of! She explains everything in such a simple but brilliant way that even I who left home at the age of 15 and is now an octogenarian can understand. The Way to success for everyone is hard work honest+ responsibility, be an ethical person. I wonder if she has ever written a book if not she should! I have learned over the yrs that a person who can explain a complex theory or situation in simple terms are the smartest of them all. I wish her all the best!
Wikipedia has an article about her, in case you want to read that she is a bad person. At the end of the article is a list of "sources" that collectively contain more information than I have time to read. I do not see any mention of an AW actual book. Amazon lists two books written by "Amy Wax" - one on paint color schemes in your home, and one on "Race, Wrongs, and Remedies" about the best ways to improve the lives of black people.
I love her voice, I could listen to her on radio all day! The only other person that has a beautiful radio voice is Joyce Kauffman.
AC, great interview, it appears you have found your long lost Aunt😎
I love Ann Coulter; I love Heather Mac Donald; I love Amy Wax; I love the bold truth-tellers!
There’s a scholar named Amy so bright,
Who stands firm for what’s true and what’s right.
With courage she speaks,
Though critics might peek,
Her wisdom shines boldly in light!
1:01:00 I loved Ann's point about many paths to success and she'd rather be charismatic, athletic, and rich. Great point and obvious nod to Black people who've always excelled as athletes and entertainers.
The only problem with that is those parts to success are less certain than the celebrity route AND when these kids fall by the way side they don't have basic math, reading or job skills to make them marketable in a capitalist society.
Also middle class black people felt as if allowing their children to pursue those entertainment paths made their kids stereotypes. Elites need garbage men and some may enjoy watching a basketball game but they simultaneously look down on those professions.
Amy Wax's point about praising character I think tackles this judgemental hierarchy across social classes.
Also black people don't want immigration. I don't know a single working class black person who does. Elite blacks may want more of it but that may be because they are not Black American but an immigrant or child of one or because they've intermarried with one.
Many people are lost about how to protect their children from indoctrination in school, so I wrote a post about it.
In the post I talk about some tools I learned when I was a Family Law attorney that you can use to help inoculate your children from manipulation.
U should have Thomas sowell on ur show next.
Ann it seems like the republican party has painted u as dangerous when they shouldn't. I love everything about you n I just wish u would of get more exposure than ur male counterparts.
You are both HOT potatoes along with Heather Mac Donald!
schools are just indoctrination centers now, as we know. and they can't have people on staff who don't support the indoctrination.
"immigrants vote with their feet".... I like that.
Yes everyone the ladies have defined the threat well. It’s the herd, dirt cultures of the world evolving ever downward. Centuries of history have made this clear. These cultures have skipped the Age of Enlightenment and there is no circling back to collect what they missed. And the West is petrified of the violence these cultures portend, which is genocide of less than 10% of the world’s population, the Christian White West. Trying to quiet the herd has not and will not work.