A few days ago, I posted a story a longtime reader I trust sent me I felt was in the public interest to know. It ended up being picked up by The Daily Sceptic and a few days later by Fox News.
Dr. Miller did an excellent job in the five minutes Fox News provided to him and added an important dimension to the story for those of you who have already read the previous article. I would highly recommend you watch it if you can.
Note: Since Twitter has recently banned their videos from being embedded on Substack (which is a massive problem for many of us here), I went with a different way to share it. The interview can be viewed above via Substack or below on Rumble.
Note: As far as I know, this is the first time this Substack has been mentioned on national television!
When Doctor Miller contacted me, I was hopeful his story would go viral (it had a few elements suggesting it could, and unlike many of them, whose details are faked to increase virality, I knew his was authentic). The reason I wanted it to go viral is because many doctors have seen the exact same things Dr. Miller has but feel terrified to speak out. Having the social proof of others doing it (e.g., Peter McCullough), especially on national television, will give them the courage to speak out and start the tsunami necessary to change what has happened.
When the state-level vaccine mandates were being pushed across the nation at the end of Obama's presidency (e.g., SB2777 in California), what really disturbed me were the attitudes I saw my colleagues (who strongly supported those early mandates) held toward the unvaccinated. There was a palpable degree of hatred for the unvaccinated, and they often wished the children would die from the diseases they were not vaccinated against (which was utterly non-sensical if you had taken the time to research the actual risks and benefits of each of the vaccines they wanted to mandate).
What I found particularly disturbing was how open the discussions were and that no one ever called them out on it. In juxtaposition, these were the same people I regularly heard espouse the need to address all injustices and affronts to personal dignity patients experienced. I had even seen a few cases where they tried to destroy a colleague's career for committing what I deemed to be an insignificant microaggression.
The best way I could summarize what I saw was that although many of these people actively spoke out against anything even remotely related to Nazism, I (and colleagues felt) these people would have been the first to rat on their neighbors for hiding Jews had they lived in Nazi Germany.
Because of what I witnessed in 2015-2016, I was not quite as surprised as many of my colleagues (e.g., Dr. Miller) by what I saw happen during COVID-19. To some extent this makes sense in hindsight, as I am now almost certain the cutthroat campaign for school vaccines mandates across the nation that happened then was meant to lay the groundwork for the COVID-19 vaccine mandates,
Nonetheless, it still was utterly dystopian to see how much scorn many members of my profession directed towards the unvaccinated. Especially since many of them were also willing to violate their previously unquestioned duties as physicians to each patient and not care for many patients appropriate because of the patient’s unwillingness to take an ineffective and potentially lethal vaccination.
Josh Guetzkow for example put together an excellent summary of the hatred the unvaccinated faced, which was repeatedly scientifically quantified to greatly exceed that faced by other groups that are commonly discriminated against. The saddest thing about this was that the hatred was based on the big lie that the COVID-19 vaccines prevented transmission (and the non-sensical logic the vaccine “worked” but somehow simultaneously did not protect you from catching the disease from the unvaccinated).
Josh also shared many examples of hatred expressed towards anti-vaxxers prior to COVID-19 during the initial PR campaign we witnessed for school mandates at the end of Obama’s presidency.
A few comments on the screenshots before I paste them in. Perhaps the most amazing thing about these statements is that people felt that it was OK to express these opinions “out loud” in public on-line settings and were often encouraged and congratulated by others.
This is in contrast to other forms of prejudice that people have become more reluctant to express openly as such views are seen as illegitimate or not acceptable in polite society. But here they felt no shame. And since these people had no problem expressing their views in public, I am not going to go out of my way to protect their identities, though in some cases the screenshots were anonymized before being sent to me.
Dr. Miller's testimony and those like his are critical for our current era. Something needs to be done about the collective hypnosis that took over the medical profession that all of us with open hearts and minds, could clearly was happening. The more people who speak out, the sooner it will happen. For those wishing to see Dr. Miller's full story (it covers a lot of things not discussed in the video), it can be viewed here:
My core mission with this Substack is to provide the information I believe will best benefit the public in these extremely challenging times, and it can only happen if we all come together, are honest, and see things with a clear spirit. I put a lot of work into this platform because we are at a time where history has many different directions it can go in, and what we do now will ripple out far into the future.
I am profoundly grateful Dr. Miller trusted me to help him spread his message and allowing me to be part of making a tangible positive impact. If you can share his interview with others (which can also be viewed directly on Fox News here), please do so, as this touches on a point much of the public can get behind.
I thank each of you for your support and for making it possible for me to feel like I am making a difference. It means a lot to me.
Great work in propelling this story into wider public consciousness!! I agree with your assessment of the anti-vax sentiment pre-covid. I wrote about it here, with some screenshots of the kind of vitriol you describe against unvaccinated children prior to the pandemic: https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/the-ugly-demonization-of-the-unvaccinated
How's the revised version which includes your excellent article?
Nice article. I think this sentence needs work, “Something needs to be done about the collective hypnosis that took over the medical profession that all of us with open hearts and minds, could clearly was happening.”
Well done!
One voice is timid.
Two, benign.
Three are stressed.
Four grow in time.
Eight are a movement
Sixteen form a crew
Thirty two punch power
Sixty four more then ensue
A hundred, a thousand they keep on dividing.
Spreading the message and slowly unblinding
All the phony messages and heresies of old.
The narrative thus begins to unfold
And true healing can actually help
A sickened society living in doubt.
But remember, it has to start with the first tiny step.
By those daring to go against the grain.
Those rebels others consider insane.
The bravest, the courage, those with integrity.
Those are the heroes
They dance when it rains.
You are a hero doc.
Each day, the army gets bigger until soon critical mass is upon us and the blast will shake the foundations of our mass delusion forever.
That's my goal. I know initially it's very slow, but I accepted that when I started this (I was doing a lot before I made this substack). I'm just one human, so these things take time to reach the critical wave, but I am overjoyed at how much progress has happened.
Correction: You're just one human... doing what GOD approves. That qualifier changes Everything.
Dr. Miller is also just one human... doing what GOD approves.
Daily Sceptic and Fox are putting his story, and your Substack, on a bigger map because GOD is throwing a monkey-wrench into the lie-machine.
And it's not just the 'vax' fraud. The Reset is faltering, on several fronts at once.
Entire countries are finding excuses to dial back their commitments to "zero carbon emissions", "green energy", required "vaccinations" for all ages, and medical "gender affirmation", to name a few. Meanwhile China (the world's biggest CO2 emitter) is building new coal plants and flipping the bird at the West. The WEF is pretending not to notice, but they must be privately tearing their hair out.
Except for Klaus Schwab, but only because he has none.
Yes, we have reason to laugh along with GOD (Ps. 2:3-4).
In fact, I am now looking at these setbacks as a kind of spiritual vaccination... and the mounting backlash as evidence of spiritual herd immunity forming among those who love the Truth. A significant part of humanity will never again trust the global authorities. This is hugely important for the future.
For that very purpose, the Reset gang was goaded into moving too far, too fast. And even now, they are behind the ball in realizing that they no longer HAVE the ball under control.
The 'great transhumanist reset' will eventually be allowed (temporarily) force itself on the whole world. "Behold, I have told you in advance." (Jesus, 30 AD) But not until GOD says it's time.
The USA is now openly a wicked country. I expect that we have suffering ahead of us. I pray God has mercy on us.
Well said. Re Klaus 'you will own nothing and be happy - or else' Schwab, I wrote this. I know it's not Christmas but it might amuse.
The whole thing has been part of God's plan, the end time story to end all stories.
Transhumanists are very silly like Satan who is trans him/her/itself, he is very confused.
Yes, transhumanists are confused. They've fallen for the oldest lie in human history - "You won't die, instead you will become like gods."
Satan however is not confused. He knows exactly what he's doing by making that lie look like it's now in reach. He knows his time is running out.
He's read the last chapter of the Book just like we have, and he has no illusions about how it will end for him. But hatred for the Holy One drives him to drag as many human souls as he can with him into Death, just to cause pain in Heaven.
OTOH Satan has a history of being blindsided by GOD's counter-moves. Because with all his dark brilliance, the one thing he doesn't understand is the Love which is "stronger than Death".
Beautiful Conway Judge. 🥰
I wonder what the MWD thinks is the percentage of critical mass we need to shit this and change the tide? Or anyone else that wants to guess? And where are we in that "critical mass" shift?
No idea. However I feel we are very close to the point its inevitable it will happen.
I hope you’re right. Out here in SF Bay Area I see no signs of a critical mass awakening though. And there are a lot of (supposedly) smart people out here!
Unfortunately, schooled no longer means informed. It means brainwashed by academia
That’s why I left the Bay Area in June 2020. The outlook was horrible.
I am reminded of the hundredth monkey legend... it does feel like the synchronicities are accelerating and more and more like hearted folk connecting.
I often wonder myself.
I think it lies somewhere around twenty percent. Eg, sort of like the 80-20 rule.
I'd say we are nearing ten percent now.
But if we were all to reach one more... Just one. That quickly doubles to that magic twenty percent.
I had a patient get a booster the other day. I just smacked myself in the head and quietly asked myself why. I do not know the patient well enough yet and she seems like a guarded person. Most often I get to know my patients and speak my truth. I feel more and more comfortable doing that. But I should do it with everyone! Maybe it will turn their tide....
Those people will only change their views once they realize they are in the minority and no longer have social proof.
Sometimes the best statement is made by asking a well presented question.
That way it's their choice.
That way, you won't lose any licences you hold either.
Yes, I was just so taken aback. 65 yo female, think (so no obesity to worry about) and in relatively good health. So when she dropped this bomb in front of me, I was so shut down. If I had been more aware, maybe I could have asked what her concerns were that would at this time bring her to the booster as a covid protection. I am not even sure I can formulate the question! I feel like saying, you look young, healthy and seem to have very few risk factors, why the heck would you use a vaccine that could do more harm than good? What are you worried about? Severe disease? Long covid? Tell me? And trust me, like the AMD, I could tell some stories about SAE and weird stuff in my patients since the vaccines began.
As a doctor are you afraid to tell her the truth that the vaccine could harm her?
We need doctors to make a stand and say no to harmful drugs/vaccines to their patients but I believe most doctors are to afraid to lose their jobs.
As a non-medical person if a doctor (I don't have one and haven't been to one in 5 years) that I voluntarily made an appointment with responded with concern and gentleness as such, "Oh, I hope you will contact me before you receive another 'booster'. We, in the medical field, are reassessing the need for them. And thank you for telling me you have gotten the boosters it helps me keep an eye out for certain effects." I would not be offended and it would possibly open up room for more q&a.
I have a friend was was going to the May Clinic for medical detox (4 weeks to improve his health which wasn't good). In order to go he needed a booster (this was when the first booster shot #3 came out). So he did it and didn't feel well afterwards and pretty soon after the booster. By the time he got to Mayo, he was in atrial fibrillation and this was new to him. He did not have a cardiac condition prior to this. He had gained 20# in fluid. His cardiologist (which he had to get because of his vax injury) said no more.covid shots ever. So fast forward to last month, he decided to go back again to Mayo for medical detox. They are now no longer pushing COVID vax! So maybe there will be docs who are in the know and have stones enough to speak up.
My husband nearly died of pericarditis in Spring 2017, likely brought on by a fissure in the sac from the 1990's. Long story, wont go into to it now. But, as a result he does not have a pericardial sac. When the whole mess got let loose in Spring 2020 I was fixated on this being a tyrannical/totalitarian move due to my lifelong interest in the subject and refused all efforts to comply. My husband was literally the "compliant officer" for years at the university where he was also the general council. You can imagine the conversations at our kitchen table. Nonetheless, I prevailed when it came time to not vaccinate for this event. He had to deal with a lot more bullshit, obviously, but with my support he remained unvaxxed. He had a routine visit with his cardiologist in the Spring of '22. The cardi asked him if the "doctor's excuse" he had given him had worked. He then told my husband to never take one and that he was currently "reading RFK jr's book on Fauci and was shocked at what he was learning." Doctors are, generally speaking, intelligent people and open to persuasion when confronted with good research. Getting the information into their hands - and them having the time to view it - will help.
I am glad you persisted. My husband was going to go along to get along. And I told him the gut specialist I work with said don't. He expected problems.with autoimmune diseases and cancer. And since at the time I was 46, I said I am young enough that I don't want an increased odds of those. And come to find out about the clotting stuff, my husband has a clotting disorder genetically. He has no issues but it may not have been good. We are both unvaxxed.
💬 the best statement is made by asking a well presented question
Socratic method 101 🙂
Socrates was smart even if he is super old by today's standards.
It's simple and effective.
Stale pale male. And dead. A complete set of red flags screaming at contorted faces of smug woke folk wriggling in pain of their righteous indignation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
PS Your poem is powerful beyond words 😊
Thank you.
I guess I was in an inspired mood after reading the post.
It seems to work that way.
The Branch Covidians are mentally ill, just like their political counterparts within the Demoncratic Party.
it is discussed here with the Author of "Mass Formation" Mattias Desmet:
Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist with a master’s degree in statistics, gained worldwide recognition toward the end of 2021, when he presented the concept of “mass formation” as an explanation for the absurd and irrational behavior we were seeing with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.
Mass formation is a form of mass hypnosis that emerges when specific conditions are met, and almost always precede the rise of totalitarian systems.
Four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation to arise are widespread loneliness and lack of social bonding, which leads to experiencing life as meaningless, which leads to widespread free-floating anxiety and discontent, which leads to widespread free-floating frustration and aggression, which results in feeling out of control.
Under mass formation, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom.
Key strategies to disrupt the mass formation process are to speak out against it and to practice nonviolent resistance. Dissenting voices keep totalitarian systems from deteriorating into abject inhumanity where people are willing to commit heinous atrocities.
Ultimately, “totalitarianism” refers to the ambition of the system. It wants to eliminate the ability of individual choice, and in so doing, it destroys the core of what it is to be human. The quicker a system destroys the individual, the sooner the system collapses.
The % would be very difficult to judge but the timing less so in my books. Mid-May this year looking good.
I love the symbolism, message and story here from Charles Eisenstein about critical gathering needed. https://youtu.be/XinVOpdcbVc
I love that poem... May I share?
Of course you can.
Thank you. ;)
amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-honest-doctors-story-made-national/comment/14860233 🔥🤩
To attempt a riff on Churchill, true words when rhyming are best of all! A welcome weapon of peaceful conquest 😊 Should be shared far & wide to ignite hearts & minds, one-by-one and then in avalanche-ish droves, all the way up to the magic 21%.
Wonderful to get these stories out there. May they touch hearts and minds.
My family and I are veterans of the 2019 New York vaccine war. I gathered with other parents to fight the good fight, and when we lost, we gathered to discuss our options. We saw the writing on the wall. We talked about vaccine passports coming long before that was cool. I knew something big was coming, and I knew it would also target people of faith. Even then, I was still continuously shocked by how people rolled over for covid insanity.
In other new, may the tide turn. Mississippi hasn't had a religious exemption in something like 40 years and as of today, a federal judge ruled they need to have one.
Thank you for the work you did there (I read all about in the groups I belonged to). I imagine doing that in hindsight made it clear what happened was a test run for COVID-19.
Wow, that is great news. I live far from there but have had a personal reason for caring that kids in Mississippi not be subjected to that!
Thank you for fighting the good fight. I am in Canada and wasn't aware of the state level laws changing. I saw rhetoric changing and becoming much more charged and divisive on social media in that time period. I also believed it was preparatory although that implies quite a lot of conspiracy.
It was deeply concerning to watch each step of the pandemic happen. I am concerned that it will happen again. The fear messaging worked way too well. I hope that enough people have realized that they need to think critically, be happy, faithful, and grounded not fearful, and not blindly trust authority to prevent lockdowns and passports from happening again.
"Hypnosis"... interesting it's mentioned. Why do people seem idiotic and not understanding the facts? I believe there's been a massive covert brain-washing operation through screens (subliminal imaging) and ultrasound (there's a patent on hypnotic voiceover). Anybody got more proofs than this?:
This could help your efforts:
Free “wake-up” movies!
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Open season for human culling:
I fail to understand why anybody should need a religious exemption when common sense should be sufficient. Viz:
Vaccines contain poisons.
Poisons harm and kill (and always have), therefore
I will not have the vaccines.
Bravo Dr. Miller and AMD for bringing a glowing light on this darkness of what once was our Hippocratic Oath . I got singled out today and can no longer train residents. I’m getting an attorney.
When the time comes I am always happy to publish an Op-Ed from you since I know you are legit (Brandon's helped me on a few things I've written here)!
Go get ‘em!!!!
GR is getting stupid
Darn right you’re getting an attorney! I will be praying! 🙏🤨
Might I suggest you listen to this interview that Jordan Peterson does with a doctor/politician from Minnesota? It discusses how he was brought before the medical boards six times for this covid boloney. It just came out yesterday. I listened while doing a jigsaw puzzle. And the need for a good attorney...
Thank you! Wish I could send this to all the medical professionals I work with but they’re zombies.
Dr. Scott Jensen is one of the early heroes of the Covid era. Indefatigable.
Amy I listening it’s very good !!!
Thank u Amy
Good for you Bro!
you're a true warrior! go for it!
I am saddened by this development, but not surprised. Are you still able to work in L and D?
Ironic, that.
Oh really?
For your views on the covid jabs?
Little snitches.
Since the world is now a prison.
Jailhouse rules make sense
And what happens to snitches in jail?
I don't recall hearing any good things...
Good luck though, I hope you get justice and set the record straight.
Thank u
Can we help you financially?
Thank you for your kindness, but I’m good you .
My mom is an NP in northern WI. She works with a lady doctor from the country of Jordan. She said this woman was a vociferous advocate for the COVID vaccines until a few weeks ago. She got her third booster (4th shot) and promptly had her 2nd COVID diagnosis. Now she says she “won’t be getting anymore of these shots” since they clearly don’t work. Maybe people are starting to wake up.
So, it only took four shots and two bouts of Covid, and all the doctor concludes is that the shots don’t work?
It's like asking a doc their view...if they think it has protection, run the other way! Not only is the doc clueless, I wouldn't want to trust my medical care to someone so blindly dumb.
One of my co-workers, due to being in a covid shot trial, ended up getting 6 of these shots and got Covid at least twice. He is very silent on the issue now but was once a huge advocate. But, again, 6 shots??
While the good doctor mentioned the parable of the good Samaritan, I was also reminded of Matthew 5:10
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." (English Standard Version)
Thank you for posting this important story. You wrote, "There was a palpable degree of hatred for the unvaccinated . . . " I myself experienced this during a visit to a doctor who demanded I put my mask back on. I tried to talk her into allowing me to explain my illness w/o the mask. But she threw her pen down hard and exclaimed, loudly and angrily, "THIS VISIT IS TERMINATED!!" To which I relented and put my mask on, sarcastically saying, "I beg your forgiveness" The visit was followed by substandard care which included at least THREE incorrect medication prescriptions for which I had to email her several times, speak to assistants by phone, and visit the pharmacy over and over. I changed doctors.
I really hate when they do that...
Also I tried to explain this in this article why they do that:
I clicked on your link to read this. Since it dates back to early 2022, I was unaware of Substack and your wonderful articles. What a sad and concerning discussion of our health care with vaccine injuries being hidden. Some of the comments were heartbreaking stories about family members. Truly sad.
This kind of treatment horrifies me . I am so sorry you were put through that. I want as little to do with allopathic medicine as possible now. My trust in the medical system was low before this covid bs mess, now it is completely bottomed out.
We experienced a similar event during an ER visit and it really makes one wonder where their anger comes from, it is so out of place. Fear can certainly cause angry outbursts but an outburst during visit with an MD? It is bizarre and it seems it was systemic. There was true hostility and hatred towards anyone not toeing the line. So much trust has been lost.
I tried to explain this in this article why they do that:
just read that now. . . Great job Doc.
I have to say, as a young engineer, I caught myself pontificating wrongly about some things which I knew others, less trained, had no idea about. Pride. Later, to find I was actually wrong.
Humbling, to realize you yourself have been less than authentic to others. . .
Much of what you describe in that tome is so very authentic and reveals your self-knowledge and awareness. To such a level, few I believe, have risen.
It’s also a lack of Brain Energy (Dr. Chris Palmer’s book) due to lack of proper nutrition and insidious indoctrination.
I experienced this hatred years ago. When the mrna shots came out, I was more prepared for it than would have been; maybe a blessing after all.
I would have fired that doctor on the spot. Why did you put up with that??????
Yes. And then report the interaction to the state professional board. Though nothing may come of the complaint, they at least have to investigate it and the doctor would have been, at minimum, inconvenienced and had to secure an attorney and go through the process.
Hopefully more doctors will be brave and speak up. It’s truly sad they need a dosage of bravery to do what every doctor should willingly do. If more had spoken up, the AMA’s threats against their licenses would have been harder to hold over their heads.
That's why they are always isolated so they can't band together.
They're banding together.
The Canadian mainstream government supported press is not doing a very good job of reporting their testimonies, but at least there's a record:
I tend to think the attorneys are an even bigger problem than these doctors.
and apparently now the judges as well. If this entire nightmare has been directed by US DoD (likely with CIA support), are there ANY judges willing to stand up against them? If the DoD was/is directing the show, there's a name for that, and it's not a "Democratic Republic".
Thanks to people like you and this other doctor, the truth is coming out. Bless you for your encouraging and courageous work.
NJ, the home state of big pharma, came very, very close to losing the religious exemption for vaccination in January 2020 right before the covid plandemic started. Thank God for the NJ mama bears! We fought back hard and we won!
The mama bears did so much work during the school vaccine campaign most still don't know about.
I recommend your Substack to all the critical thinkers I know--of course you're making a difference! :)
Thank you : )
yep, I also recommend our very own anonymous doc.
Doc, knowing you are taking care of at least some of the citizens of the US is a great comfort-- even if you can't be there for those here in the ether, you give us all HOPE. Hope that we can find our OWN integrative med doc who can think independently.
Thank you sir.
MWD, so much of what you and Dr. Miller wrote resonates with me. As an informed CA resident, 2015 was a traumatic year. I marched in Sacramento against SB277 along with thousands of others who poured into the capitol building to protest the vaccine mandates for CA’s school children only to be treated with complete disdain by legislators. I agree, 2015-16 was a prelude to COVID mandates. When news was heard that SB277 had passed, many including myself, grieved the loss of medical freedom not only for CA school children but for the eventual certain loss of medical freedom for our nation and the world. I am thankful, however, that the struggle and loss strengthened my resolve against future vaccine mandates (as I’m sure it did for many) which we know was key to actually staying safe during the pandemic.
On Dr Miller’s topic, I am a hospital worker in the Bay Area so I was privy to overhearing derogatory conversations about the unvaccinated. Nurses and doctors held very strong beliefs that the unvaccinated did not deserve care. It stemmed from a resentment over the false belief that the covid vaccines stopped the spread and anti vaxxer’s choice to reject the medical community’s recommendation to be vaccinated. Eventually because of COVID vaccine mandates which singled me out, I was found out as an antivaxxer. Some coworkers stopped talking to me or could no longer look me in the eye. Like I was no longer the person they knew. So when I read Dr Miller’s story I knew in my heart it was true.
Words are insufficient to say thank you MWD and thank you to Dr Miller for your contributions to humanity. No doubt you both have much treasure stored up in heaven.
I heard that it so many places too. I really wanted to call them out, but I know that would have just got me sent to HR and fired and not changed their mind.
Were you able to read the broader chronology I put together with what happened with SB277 and the other bills? I linked to the first part in the article here. The whole thing was metiuclously planned out from the start by Gates and co.
All of these scenarios are and have been planned. There is a definite evil agenda to decimate the human population. It is not merely a ‘conspiracy’ but rather a confederacy. There is a puppeteer pulling the strings and my opinion it is satanic. And I personally believe it is orchestrated by the Jesuits.(http://www.usa-the-republic.com/religion/Jesuit_Oath_of_Office.pdf)
Eph 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. “
Correct. I have said elsewhere it is not for nothing that 'Vaccination' an anagram of 'Icon Vatican'.
And rather amazingly 'medication' is an anagram of 'decimation'.
It's all in the word and in the beginning was the Word...
I will most definitely read the link on SB277. There was no doubt the decision to pass the bill was firmly made before it moved through the legislature. It was terrifying to watch it unfold.
Wonderful to learn of truly compassionate doctors.
I, at 67, was in the hospital for COVID unvaccinated. Oxygen went down to 76. I was lectured about getting the jab and bit my tongue as I needed some help. Basically I just got a steroid. But I’m thankful it wasn’t one of those worse ventilator stories.
Me too
The anchor's statement at the end, saying that Dr. Miller lost everything...How about God used Dr. Miller in a mighty way and then led him to a new mission field!
From Matthew 16:
24 Then Jesus said unto His disciples, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.
26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
I loved Dr. Miller's response when asked if he would do it again, and he said, without hesitation, "Yes. Just wish I had done it earlier." What a good man.
I began speaking out against vaccines in 2017 and was excoriated by many...no...make that excoriated by all.
Now I have to hold my "I told you so" tantra, though it seems so right to rub their noses in it, these vaccinated-all.
Despite everything they still engage in polite patter and pithy yik-yak, oblivious to the approach of the abyss they are facing.
What can I say? It seems such a long trek, this brief last three years... Lord help me arrange the lifeboats to hold as many as will board.
A lot of people owe Alex Jones an apology. He says himself that most of what he did was read what they researched and wrote about and tried to tell us what they were planning.
The frogs do too.
Alex Jones used to have a forum on his website dedicated to vaccines and health. There was a ton of information on there and I can't find it anymore. He was one of the first to expose the dangers of ALL vaccines 20 to 25 years ago. I learned a LOT from his site and now it's gone.
Is the profession of MDs hopelessly corrupted? Sure seems so.
There are a lot of really good doctors out there too.
I believe you, AMD. But we folks out here don’t know how to find them…
I know this Doc means well, but I would say 98% of the Doctors today are part of the system and will do what they are told. It is best to take your health into your own hands unless it's an emergency. I have for the last 10 years (I'm a cancer survivor) and have not seen a doctor in that time.
Agreed, even in the UK things are very bad. If I have not said, I was diagnosed with cancer early 2020. I had immuno-therapy until I realised in Sept that year that I was poisoned with sodium nitrite (E250) in bacon I ate. The doctors were useless and never asked about my diet.
I now know that cancer is primarily due to poisoning of the body and not what we are told.
I avoid doctors like the plague.
"I thank each of you for your support and for making it possible for me to feel like I am making a difference."
Make no mistake, you are making a huge difference. I find your blog to be wealth of good information.
: )
Dr Miller is a hero
You do make a difference, a HUGE difference - thank you for your courage in being a Medical TRUTH Freedom Warrior. Our Creator has you in the Palm of His/Her Hand. GOD bless you . . .
Thank you.
His hand. Our Father God.
"When the state-level vaccine mandates were being pushed across the nation at the end of Obama's presidency (e.g., SB2777 in California), what really disturbed me were the attitudes I saw my colleagues (who strongly supported those early mandates) held toward the unvaccinated. There was a palpable degree of hatred for the unvaccinated, and they often wished the children would die from the diseases they were not vaccinated against (which was utterly non-sensical if you had taken the time to research the actual risks and benefits of each of the vaccines they wanted to mandate). "
this explains everything
I saw the same thing happen to my patients at our community hospital. They were treated worse than lepers and made to feel ashamed and defensive. I now have an entire group of patients who absolutely refuse to go to the hospital ER or clinic, or have labs and screenings done because of how they were treated by physicians (and I use that term loosely), nurses and administrators. I wonder if these so-called medical professionals would treat their own mothers that way.
Happened to me!
This terrifies me. The idea that I might end up in an ER keeps me up at night, and the behavior you're describing is exactly why. And I don't see how to change that. Any time I've brought it up to doctors, they get defensive and call me immature for wanting to be treated like a human.
Why don’t people just lie and say they’ve had it? I mean no one wants to lie but at this point what does it matter I’m the whole scheme of things whether you’ve been vaxxed or not as far as ones treatment goes? It doesn’t matter one bit. It’s not like they will remotely think you’ve been vax injured. Over all of it. They can bug off.
I am sure a lot of people do. I am privileged enough that I did not have to, so I made a point to be unvaccinated so it was known they had to have a plan to handle us being unvaccinated.
My husband lied and survived! Look up his story on rumble, protocol kills and former feds. Why not lie, they do! All lies!
Do you have a link? I’d love to hear it.
It matters very much because it is lies and believing them that got us into this fine old mess in the first place. Standing up to the stupid arrogant doctors is very necessary or more will be harmed or die and I am sure you do not want that.
Thankfully A MWD is not one of them.
As to the proud fools, yes I say 'rebuff Gog!'
You can rearrange the letters if it doesn't make sense. :)
That is a possibility, especially in regards to the treatment of COVID and other viral illnesses, however many early cancers will go undetected until it’s too late to do anything about them. I see it as a kind of double edged sword.
Most cancers caused mostly by poor diet, environmental poisons, vaccines and most big pharma drugs.
Also screening faulty as most doctors do not understand what cancer really is. Avoiding being screened and having a false positive given must be considered in the equation.
Screening has done nothing but drive massive overtreatment. Vast majority are anomalies that nearly always clear themselves. The only people who actually benefit are the medical and pharma industries. I will never submit to blanket population screening, esp as every healthy person I know who got on that train always end up on a bunch of pills and constantly sick from all those deadly deadly pre-illnesses they "found early". In the meantime, I'm older than any of them, do not get physicals period,do not screen, only go if absolutely necessary (meaning significantly symptomatic and nothing else has helped) which is rare, and I'm just fine. In fact, one of my so much healthier yearly physical regular cancer screening siblings relies on my help a lot because of all those issues she didn't seem to have before starting regular asymptomatic exams and overmedication.
My mom too. No vaxxes, no exams, and has only been in hospital to have kids. She's 76 and has had a clot surgery, the only significant hospital-level problem she's had in her life--and at 76, they are stunned that she's even alive without regular medicalization of her entire life , twenty pills a day, and is even bouncing back better than nearly anyone else they've seen her age. Gee whiz could it be because she avoided looking for problems that aren't problems, unnecessary surgeries and marinating in barrels of unnecessary pharma? Naw, must be a miracle.
Thank you. If you haven't seen, I did this on what caused my facial palsy and which the ignorant NHS doctors in the UK called a melanoma cancer (in my neck, not on the skin mind).
Damn. That's incredible. I'm sorry that happened to you, even sorrier that the garbage responsible, as usual, hides behind a well-funded cover.
I had chronic migraines for years and at some point otc meds didn't touch it anymore. Still wouldn't go to doctor because every person I knew who went for this was lambasted with deadly Pharma and surgeries that caused more problems and often didn't help the original problem (one woman was partially paralyzed). My dad challenged me to a healthy eating bet for two weeks, and by the end I realized several sure migraine triggered during that time had failed to produce so much as a mild headache. And while I still get migraines, they're more to the tune of about four a year maybe five when they used to be at least one to three times a month.
Not one doctor in this country would have ever suggested that though, since a better healthier diet is far less profitable than a fistful of Rx, one for the first problem and the rest for the network of pharma induced complications. And if something in the food is causing so many issues, whether deliberate or accidentally, its nearly impossible to bring it to light since the criminals responsible own the system.
To this day I feel I dodged a bullet, but at the time my dad in particular was pressuring me to see a doctor no matter what. Yes, the same dad who later challenged me to an eat healthy challenge.
Thank you and that is encouraging to hear re migraines. I am broadly aware we can get dehydrated easily and need to drink sufficient clean uncontaminated water.
Whilst I haven't researched in any detail, I strongly suspect that big pharma pills for headaches are just another scam when what is required is water. I have never as far as I am aware taken tablets for headaches.
The thing is of course they say take with a glass of water. This would be the real cure of a headache, the water not the pill.
May you find the solution to resolve all your migraines. That solution may be water!!
yep. I saw the same ugliness. They lost the plot. Vaccines became more important than kids.
The Leftist loves nothing more than to hate their enemy and icing on the cake if they have a justification to punish and destroy them.
Because they hate themselves, Nick.
How is this different from what you are advocating against "Leftists?"
And, of course, these are "Leftists" in name only, because they don't care about the average working person at all. There's another name for them, and it's "Limousine Liberals." And they work to enhance the power of huge chunks of capital, which makes them the complete opposite of actual leftists.
It appears you do not grasp the concept of "leftist," Tyrone.
Kindly elaborate. I think I "grasp the concept" better than many.
There can only be TWO types of Leftist.
Airtight definitions that I don't find consistent with the reality I experience. Must make it easy for you to feel righteous, though.
Really? The majority of Leftists to the Clot Shots which proves they are Brain Dead!
"Us and them" mentality justifies itself in different ways to different people. I think it's sclerotic and simplistic. Comforting but limiting a person't potential.
I agree. I would say "people in this grou(in thius case, anyone politically left wing) I disagree with are either evil or stupid and nothing else" is no different from that establishment Democrat narrative that all "antivaxxers" or Republicans or Trumpers are just evil or stupid and nothing else. Esp since in my experience, most of those "limo liberals" and their supporters took the shots as an anti-Trump virtue signal and seem to continue basting themselves because they can't accept people as "stupid or evil" as right wingers could have been right about anything.
Make that money more important than kids.
you do need to include what came after die otherwise you are quoting me out of context ;)
ok. fair. done. thanks
Well done.
All thanks to you ;)
You can never predict how a chain of events will ripple out.
Bravo! God bless Dr. Miller. When my stats were in the low 70’s my family had trouble getting O2 at home for me. After a grueling weekend they found a company to deliver to the house. We bought the concentrator too. I knew I wouldn’t have a chance in the hospital, but with a family and friend effort and through God’s grace, I pulled through at home. We need ten thousand more Dr. Millers. Thank you for getting the word out.
I told a lot of people to buy them off craigslist during the pandemic. That saved more lives than I can count.
And God bless you too.
What we also need is a database of MD's who are 'off the grid'.
How can we find Doc's like A Midwestern Doctor and Dr. Miller that are near where we live?
What would be good search parameters for a person to use to find these 'alternative' Docs?
The reason that database does not exist is because the first people who would use it would be the ones who wanted to shut them down.
That's what I was afraid of. These are truly perilous times. Thanks for ALL you do, you are a Godsend!
Members of Congress and other elites--like the ones who went on ivermectin, in secret.
"Nonetheless, it still was utterly dystopian to see how much scorn many members of my profession directed towards the unvaccinated. Especially since many of them they were also willing to violate their previously unquestioned duties as physicians to each patient and not care for many patients appropriate because of the patient’s unwillingness to take a potentially lethal vaccination."
One seldom covered story during the lockdown years was the severe shortage of mirrors...
Dr. Miller is what "Courage" and "Integrity" look like. I had to give up 1 long time doctors and one long-time medical facility for their lack of integrity regarding masks. One other doctor actually deliberately started an argument with me over whether I had been vaccinated yelling at me how stupid I am. I wrote to him cited data and among other things said, "I don’t care who you are or how smart you think you are; it is unacceptable to treat anyone like that much less your patients. And the fact that you think you can do so speaks volumes to your lack of integrity. I don’t think you are naïve as you suggested; I think you are stubborn clinging to the official narrative that has generated Mass Formation Psychosis regardless of the data. " That was exactly one year ago.
A lack of courage cuts to the root of a lot of issues we are facing now. Part of the social contract doctors sign because of the powers and privileges we give them is that they should have the courage to do what's right.
I think I would have ridiculed the stupid doctor.
In 2020 when I was undergoing immuno-therapy for cancer (another story) the NHS was insisting on the silly masks. It was June, it was 30 degrees outside, beautiful day.
I refused to wear a mask as I had been through April and May when they weren't considered necessary and I was visiting the hospital. I worked out at beginning of June the whole fraud and knew that masks were utterly pointless.
I had to argue about this with oncology nurse outside (she was masked). I said 'If the government said we could cure Covid by Christmas if we all jumpy off Beachy Head (a high chalk sea cliff), would you do it?'
Most people would say 'No, that's ridiculous!' However, she said 'you can't ask me that' and averted her eyes.
I then had a run in with the moronic oncologist who said he had his staff to think about to which I replied 'You don't care about your staff....' (as a building surveyor I understood about Health & Safety law and the need to liaise properly with individuals and their needs and to conduct proper assessments for each case). He turned away in obvious frustration or disgust.
It was only when an administrator came out that it was agreed that I did not have to wear a mask (it was always advisory only despite what the propagandists said).
Inside when having my treatment I realised the implications of what the nurse had said. She had been thinking of suicide! I wept, I truly did.
I did speak to her again at some point and asked how she was and she seemed to have improved.
But this is but one example of gross evil of what has happened, the ignorance of the medical profession of whom I am heartily disgusted with rare exceptions such as MWD and Sam Bailey on the internet.
I did this to ridicule the ridiculous and to focus my anger.
Oh, I think my letter was ridicule enough with some cold hard facts including the fact that my sister had died when she got the first Pfizer shot and after spending 2 months on a ventilator. And as I left the letter with his staff I told her I would not be coming back.
I am so hopeful that your words had an impact!
Me too, but knowing him I doubt they did.
Bravo ShastaBetty!
It's refreshing and I rejoice when I hear another doctor come forward bravely with the truth.
Conventional doctors are trained and habituated to dissociate from both acute and chronic harms from the “risks” side of the risk/benefits equation. I’d go as far as to say they're also, like many lay people, brainwashed about the safety, efficacy or even need for vaccines. Vaccines are based on a limited reductionist model of medicine which not everyone subscribes to. It is not a sin to reject it, other than in the eyes of the makers due to their greed.
Great way to sum it up!
Prosecute the hospital (administrators and culpable doctors both) for malpractice and homicide! That said, vitamin C works wonders.
It's overall been one of the most consistently effective therapies for COVID at each stage of the illness. Other ones work better but they only fit in certain places.
Indeed so because COVID, a.k.a the 'flu is poisoning/nutritional deficiency, Each person is an individual and treated individually. as you do we gather.
Indeed, the cure is in the name CoviD.
As it appeared on the MSM, owned by the globalists, it is obviously an application of the latest strategy employed against the gullible, when part if the truth is revealed in order to regain the public's trust after years of more aggressive manipulation and lies:
How about the $38k of blood money for killing 5G-injured people, who went for "medical" help with the symptoms of radiation poisoning that exactly matched those of the invented illness, "covid," that still cannot be diagnosed, because the PCR and the antigen tests are fraudulent?
The "medical community" proved themselves to be what they have always been in the last several decades, except in a higher gear now:
The have been "diagnosing" from symptoms, while even the last medical school dropout can tell you that the same symptoms can be due to several causes. Moreover, they invented illnesses and treated the symptoms, which created more symptoms to be "treated":
The current "medical" paradigm must be re-invented, although it might be a tad late for that:
What makes people sick?
I don't think it's healthy to be this black pilled about everything.
Being realistic allows for being prepared. If that's "black-pilled," then let it be.
Agree. It’ll literally drive you nuts.
Ray, you speak the truth. Doctors almost killed me when I had cancer 13 years ago. It has left a sour taste in mouth for the medical profession. I pray I never have to see a doctor again as long as I live.
This Doctor means well and he thinks he is making a difference. He is just bringing to light what most of us already know on these substacks articles. The system is too HUGE for him to make a difference. The government, medical bureaucracy and Big Harma would all have to crash and burn to change ANYTHING!!!! And that will NOT happen.
The best thing for the lay person to do is to take one's health into their own hands and avoid doctors unless it's emergency. The system is to big to change anything. In fact it is going to get WORSE!!!
They nearly killed me twice, but their colleagues saved me from them twice, too.
I focus on what's happening and what can be done about it without causing more harm than doing any good.
This doctor labels me "black-pilled," whereas my objective is not to convince others, but to inform, entertain, and inspire; once people make up their own minds, they cannot blame others for their decisions. People who can see clearly also have a chance to prepare realistically for what's coming, although it doesn't look like too many, including me, will have a decent chance:
Most importantly, people must keep in touch; that's something that everyone can do:
As for reading resources, it has become complicated, because even the most well-meaning people cannot be fully right:
Only two days ago, I published a few examples of independent thinking:
Yet I have plenty more similar articles.
As for me, I avoid "doctors," no matter what. As I usually put it, "here, in the village, we prefer to die of natural causes." With all the general poisoning around, that's become quite impossible, but I certainly won't need "medical help," when the time comes. :)
You mean it's a Limited Hangout?
Apparently so. :)
Every fully vaccinated and boosted member of the medical community who mistreated and vilified the unvaccinated will get exactly what he or she deserves. it's called karma.
I agree.
Repeating what I posted re Dr. Miller’s experience and courage on 04/12: Wow, what a horrendous set of experiences Dr. Miller had to endure due to his high integrity and honor. He stands for what is in the best interest of patients, not inane corporate policies. Hence all the attacks he had to withstand. Disturbing to read of how his fellow medical professional and staff lacked the guts and integrity to support his honesty, but like little snowflakes, they simply sided with whatever administration mandated and resented Dr. Miller’s showing up their perfidy. Putting it all together, this experience is a detailed damning documentary of corporate and supporting professional medical cowards destruction of our medical care system. I also appreciate Midwest Doctor’s set of three good recommendations.
Why are the hospitals and staff that refused to treat non-vaccinated people who died due to their willful failure to provide treatment not charged with manslaughter at the very least? They really should feel consequences for maliciously causing death.
Thank you for posting Dr. Millers story and am so grateful for your discernment that his story could possibly break out nationally!!
Thank you.
As a contractor for hospitals I was always mandated a flu shot. I had found my away around getting the documents and never getting the shot. Was always weary of those shots b/c I’ve never had flu in my life… why would I need it with zero patient contact? But systems changed quite quickly. “Mandatory” anything makes my intuition perk up and my FU system be on high alert. Thanks for all the time you’ve put into all your stacks. I feel like I’m still dealing with cognitive dissonance b/c I work in HC. But I KNOW what I feel which is part of the problem. Gotta conform to an extent to be employed. It’s an incredible moral mind F.
I refused to ever work at places that required the flu shots.
Thank you to Dr. Miller! He’s so courageous. God bless his wife too for supporting his decision. Florida is fortunate to have them!
One becomes two. Two becomes ten. Ten becomes…….
Get ready for a bunch of new subs Doc!!!!!!
God bless Dr. Miller.
That's my goal! : )
back in the mid-1990s, the University of Missouri/Columbia "Student Health" dept (we all called it Student Death) began a several month long prodding of me to get another MMR, as my childhood one had "expired" by being injected a whopping 2 months before an arbitrary date set by some authority figure.
I ignored them for probably 6 months until they started threatening to make it difficult to attend school over the issue. Then I went into the establishment and told them that to continue school I'd let them inject me against my better judgement. They gave me a liability release form to sign which included some details of the injection info insert, including "possible risk of side effects up to and including death."
I told them no way was I going to sign anything that would prevent me or my family from being able to sue their pants off if they damaged or killed me with a shot which shouldn't be needed anyway as I'd already had one which was supposed to "provide lifelong immunity," but if they insisted they could still inject me and deal with any negative consequences themselves.
This was back in the years before things got truly idiotic, and I was told to write down my reasons for noncompliance and sign it, and they'd file it as a philosophical objection. I'd have to leave campus if there was an outbreak of measles, mumps, or rubella amongst the injected population.
Amusingly, within a couple years, there was a huge outbreak of whooping cough in the injected population, showing that their "vaccines" are indeed garbage which do not function as advertised.
MIller trusted you because he could see you are kind and trustworthy.
Thank you.
I'm really appreciating your voice in these times, Mr Midwestern Doctor, particularly as you write with such a sense of calm and measuredness. You're up there with John Campbell in the importance of what you are saying and how you reach people. Thanks for putting so much time and effort into this Substack.
Thank you
Interesting to watch Dr. Campbell's evolution during the last 6 months in particular.
Dear MWD and Dr. Miller,
It is hard to know the words to thank you both and communicate how much your morality, and writings, mean to those of us who "knew," by common sense that what was being fed to us over the years was fraudulent science. More and more is now being uncovered about the psychological warfare that is being done to the public. We have been lied to and manipulated for years, and now it is all out full scale warfare. Given it is so hard to know what to do, I also very much appreciate your action plan at the end of the article.
Yes just keep patiently telling the truth and making sure you keep looking in areas where uncertainty remains. We see only 10% of what lies under the surface like the iceberg.
It is those who persevere who achieve success, not the technically brilliant.
But if one has both that is wonderful. But overall it is most important to remember every little helps, nothing is wasted.
Thank you Dr. Miller! You’ve joined the other hero’s at FLCCC and around the world who stand up to this madness.
God Bless you and your family!
You sort of got to wonder how a doctor would think a cloth, paper mask, or silly plastic shield would stop microscopic viruses. It's like preventing a mosquito from flying through a chain link fence. And how could a physician not believe in natural immunity and persist on coercing those who already contracted the virus to be vaxxed. And why would a doctor not question the validity of the PCR tests, especially when asymptomatics often tested positive. But most importantly, how could a doctor ignore or coverup the severe side effects frequently appearing after many took the experimental mRNA toxin.
Hospitals are "money sucking machines" so it's easy to see how administrators would force staff to follow all the fraudulent COVID protocols to secure millions in government funds. However, why did doctors in small private practices during the scamdemic act like such A-holes? Was it out of ignorance, cowardice, or a combination of both.
I think it's just best to let the actions speak for themselves.
Not just doctors. My place is STILL requiring masks with/as patients. I knew I was in the twilight zone when I was reading reports discounting natural immunity. There are MANY reasons I'm planning a move but one of them is getting out from under the thumb of people trying to make decisions for me!
That sums it up, the scamdemic has little do with health but is all about control and compliance.
"You sort of got to wonder how a doctor would think..."
Most don't. They like the money, position and authority, moral or otherwise, and many have a supposed moral authority which is merely hot air.
"Was it out of ignorance, cowardice, or a combination of both." Both and love of money and a loathing of those they see as inferior as they have been proud and boastful.
During the scamdemic doctors revealed they're ignorant and arrogant, two repulsive personality traits and ironically the antithesis of what a physician should be.
Finally mainstream media is speaking about the atrocities. It is about time.
We've been working very hard to make this happen. This is not the first time either; we really owe the previous people like Dowd, Malone, McCullough and Kirsch who have opened the conversation.
Yes. And thanks to early media exposure from Mark Steyn in UK and our own Tucker Carlson who started to question the narrative with his own unvaccinated status and refusal to comply with FOX mandate.
A stark reminder. Just a note Tucker talked about Substack in 2020 when he interviewed Alex Berenson. That’s how I found it
Sometimes, you just want to shake people as hard as possible in hopes that they will wake up from this evil spell that has plagued humanity. Those who still think it’s a virus which threatens us are sorely misinformed. Feels like that rough God’s about to come riding on in. https://youtu.be/yYTm4Ajm6BE
Freaking LOVED THAT SONG! ... how have I never heard it before?
One of many jewels in Sir Van's crown known only to his fans. There are a few hundred others as well.
Dear AMD. You are a gift to doctoring and a gift to humanity 🎁. So grateful for you! 🙏.
Good on FOX for airing this: https://rumble.com/v2ipwge-james-miller-on-fox-and-friends.html
And HUGE congrats 🍾 for the national shout-out. You deserve the recognition.
This is all Dr. Miller. We owe him a big thank you.
Yes, indeed! But he, like you, is one voice we need to build a groundswell of voices. You’re all heroes!
watching this in fits and starts but have to comment. . . as the good doc recalls his previous trauma surgery experience how he had to steel himself against the fear of being covered in "HIV Positive blood of patients' . . ."
I recall descriptions of the amazing experiments where volunteers from the armed forces were used as guinea pigs to be coughed on by Flu epidemic patients in WW I.
Two inexplicable examples where a VIRUS should have easily infected people but failed to. This has never really been addressed subsequently in any experiments of which I am aware.
Sorry for the off subject tangent. . . It just STRUCK me!
Yes, germ theory is a load of old cobblers or whatever suitable epithet you care to use. So one cannot, under any circumstances catch the 'flu or indeed other so-called viral diseases.
You can get bacteria, fungal spores, poisons and parasites from others to a degree (but even then your immune system status is what matters and how you maintain it) but you can't catch a bug that in essence does not assist.
What does exist as seen under the electron microscope is the exosome which is fried and not foe.
Something beneficial has been lied about by big pharma to foist its toxic chemicals upon us for profit.
As a veteran, and the grandson/son of WW1 and WW2 veterans, I had this drive as a kid to learn about 20th century history and ideology. I never thought I would see it ever again past the 1980s. It only happened in far away places. My grandmother was the one to tell me there a little bit of Nazi in all of us, waiting for the right "key" to unleash the madness. COVID/wokeness has confirm this for me!
Having a clear conscience means a lot, and Dr. Miller has that. I want to think there are a lot of very conflicted and ashamed doctors who will speak out one day, but I'm not optimistic.
Conscience. That is a topic that needs addressing. I believe the secular-ness and nominal tolerance that are promoted all around us are drumming conscience out of humanity. Every disagreement is now blood sport.
He seemed a little nervous, but there should be hundreds of similar stories in videos and with written records of the sickcare crimes we've seen on a daily basis. Health is the most sacred of our possessions and most precious. To violate bodily integrity and to even attack it is quite evil!
I can only imagine how hard it was for him to do that. When he sent me the initial article, I asked him multiple times "are you sure you are ok with me posting, it may go viral and put you in the spot light" but he consented.
He did, but I was nervous for him! Seriously. I don't think we can appreciate the bravery and courage it takes to speak out publicly. There is still a huge stigma attached to any dissent within the medical community. I work in a law firm which handles medical malpractice cases and you should hear how lawyers talk about the whole Covid narrative. They are all, almost without exception, totalitarians at heart. It was shocking for me to witness.
Thank you for bringing Dr. Miller's story here and kudos for your website being mentioned on national media!
I wonder if people on Medicaid are also treated differently than those who have better insurance. 2 years ago I started having symptoms of a heart attack and went to the ER at a hospital that i once worked at when nuns were in charge. My first visit I was treated well, but all my tests were normal. A few days later I was back and then a 3rd time where they found a UTI and I was admitted.
On my 6th visit with the same symptoms and my BP was 220/160 a doctor came in and while looking at the wall asked me what I wanted them to do for me. I was stunned that he wasn’t concerned about my BP so I just said that if I have a stroke I can at least get promoted attention. He walked out before I was done speaking. This was how my 4th and 5th visits went.
As I left the campus I looked at the pillar that had stood there since the nuns opened the hospital.
"Above all else care of the sick must be given as it were Christ in person."
I did not receive that care. I’ve left out most of the horror I experienced during my trips, but it’s made me wonder if hospital staff look down their nose at those more misfortunate than they are.
Dr. Miller nailed this point.
Thanks again.
One of the major issues is that the healthcare system is deliberately overworked, so corners always get cut and this typically happens to the poor. This is a longstanding issue in medicine (e.g., most medical residents train on the poor who can't get care elsewhere and when my dear friend had to get vented, we made sure he went to a hospital with no residents).
What I find most heartening in reading your column is finding evidence of humanity and integrity within some people in the medical establishment. Doctors and the entire system of which they are a part has for so much time now sold its soul to big Pharma that I don't recognize the profession I joined almost 40 years ago. And it is not just the health care industry: it is government, the media, the telecommunications industry, big Ag, the pharmaceutical companies (of course), the university system, corporate America... the list goes on and on. Watching the poison of the globalists destroy our system while so many watch Netflix and plan their next vacation has been heartbreaking, so it is healing to read stories such as Dr. Miller's and your own that remind me that there still lives virtue and persons with values in this sick, sick world.
One of my mottos is "don't sell your soul to the eye on the back of the dollar bill."
Does Netflix also have the brainwave frequency color modulation to hypnotize viewers?
Off topic ... but I guess it involves the question of honest experts ...
Regarding “early spread,” I’m going to go ahead and say it: I was right. The “experts” were wrong.
Bill, there was no such thing as early spread, the whole thing was a psyop, I have known this since 2020 when the lies about viruses cam crashing down for me in June. As I have been struggling with my health it took me a while to get my site together and the truth about it all written up.
I suppose you might have seen these but I will attach in case not.
The 'flu is essentially poisoning of the body, not some alien bug, so it will not spread, it merely appears to do so because of false reasoning and big pharma agenda and advertising to promote the lies.
Thank you Dr Miller for standing up and doing what is right! My husband Jeff was killed in the hospital by this very thing. A healthy man taking no meds and no health issues and yes unvaxxed!
Killed... I’m so sorry that you lost every thing but God will bless you abundantly 🙏🏻♥️✝️🌈🛐
I am profoundly grateful for what you are doing! The hardest thing about Covid for me was losing faith in the rationality of other humans. It was unsettling to watch as people lost their minds over a virus that was obviously MUCH LESS dangerous than we were being told. The way fear was used by the media was unbelievable. And many that I work with (who RAN to get in line when the vaccine was available!) are still oblivious to most of the harm we allowed to happen to our society.
When I see this truth coming out, I feel some hope again!!!
WHY did formally SANE Humans fall for all this BS ? Mattias Desmet explains Here:
He is the Author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism Hardcover – June 23, 2022
by Mattias Desmet ..and coined the term "MASS FORMATION" = Mattias suggests that literally 30% are permanently Brainwashed; 30% Wide Awake since Day 1; the other 40% is brainwashed but can be swayed with TRUTH...
Professor Mattias Desmet, a Belgian psychologist with a master’s degree in statistics, gained worldwide recognition toward the end of 2021, when he presented the concept of “mass formation” as an explanation for the absurd and irrational behavior we were seeing with regard to the COVID pandemic and its countermeasures.
Mass formation is a form of mass hypnosis that emerges when specific conditions are met, and almost always precede the rise of totalitarian systems.
Four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation to arise are widespread loneliness and lack of social bonding, which leads to experiencing life as meaningless, which leads to widespread free-floating anxiety and discontent, which leads to widespread free-floating frustration and aggression, which results in feeling out of control.
Under mass formation, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom.
Key strategies to disrupt the mass formation process are to speak out against it and to practice nonviolent resistance. Dissenting voices keep totalitarian systems from deteriorating into abject inhumanity where people are willing to commit heinous atrocities.
Ultimately, “totalitarianism” refers to the ambition of the system. It wants to eliminate the ability of individual choice, and in so doing, it destroys the core of what it is to be human. The quicker a system destroys the individual, the sooner the system collapses.
Desmet has a very unique understanding of Toltalitarian states that matches my own and I've never seen anyone else put into writing.
Sorry for the typos, was excited to get that note out there! 😄
Thank you for posting this. I was hospitalized in Georgia with COVID as an unvaccinated individual and was openly mocked, mistreated, and neglected during my time in the hospital by hospital staff. My stay was traumatic and I am still grappling with in today. Mine is one of countless stories out there. I am grateful for individuals like yourself, and this gentleman, that are willing to expose what has been going on for far too long.
PTSD from poor medical care is a major problem very few people work with I hear from patients all the time, especially following hospital discharges.
I’m sorry you went through that. I suppose there’s no point in reporting them to your state medical board if you are in a blue state...
Thank you. Probably not. I made a complaint to the hospital to no avail. I was kind of gaslit in the process. Which made it all even worse. I wrote a short book about my experience, which was about what I went through in the hospital
and my NDE. I was hoping to make people aware of what has been going on in hospitals but also give them hope. I feel as if I have survivors guilt sometimes. I know and experienced a lot of what many went through and did not survive.
April, as someone who deals with complaints made to state medical boards, I say make the complaint. At minimum they have to investigate which means an investigation is opened and the provider or facility will have to go through at least an interview of some sort. Lawyers are usually involved and it is an inconvenience. As the saying goes, "the process is the punishment."
That’s a good idea. Thank you for letting me know about that!
"Hypnosis"... interesting you mentioned it. Why do people seem idiotic and not understanding the facts? I believe there's been a massive covert brain-washing operation through screens (subliminal imaging) and ultrasound (there's a patent on hypnotic voiceover). Anybody got more proofs than this?:
This could help your efforts:
Free “wake-up” movies!
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Open season for human culling:
Many thanks for your post, sadly all to have been anticipated given all the other reported evils around and the diatribes against the unjabbed.
I have to say though that I think the unjabbed receiving a lesser care from hospitals is a blessing in many cases given that they probably would have poisoned/killed by the hospital protocols.
It seems clear that the whole thing was a Satanic thrust against those who would do the will of God willingly.
Nothing new......Big Harma bribes doctors to push their drugs.
Blue Cross BRIBED doctors to push patients into taking deadly mRNA covid “vaccines”
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 by: Ethan Huff
Just awesome 👏🏼
Primeval, visceral fear of the unclean: and that is exactly how the Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews, and many supposedly educated and liberal Germans co-operated with the Holocaust.
I have close family connections: my mother was a German teenager in 1939, a Red cross nurse on a Luftwaffe airfield, and a War bride: our family photo albums are full of jolly seaside holidays on the Baltic coast, where even the sandcastles flew swastika flags... the family was intimately connected to the Regime , in many respects.
There are many Doctor Mengele types in the American medical system. Dr. Mengele was not an isolated case from the atrocities committed during World War 2. The mindset of Dr Mengele is alive and well today in this modern era of science. It has always been so since the beginning of time. When entering the medical system, keep your head on a swivel.
Well take it from a Shrink........
"The transference neuroses of liberals:
Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., M.D. ‘‘The Liberal Mind The Psychological Causes of Political Madness’’ 2006
pp 328-330:
The Values of the Liberal Mind
Like all other human beings, the modern liberal reveals his true character, including his madness, in what he values and devalues, in what he articulates with passion. Of special interest, however, are the many values about which the modern liberal mind is not passionate: his agenda does not insist that the individual is the ultimate economic, social and political unit; it does not idealize individual liberty and the structure of law and order essential to it; it does not defend the basic rights of property and contract; it does not aspire to ideals of authentic autonomy and mutuality; it does not preach an ethic of self-reliance and self-determination; it does not praise courage, forbearance or resilience; it does not celebrate the ethics of consent or the blessings of voluntary cooperation. It does not advocate moral rectitude or understand the critical role of morality in human relating. The liberal agenda does not comprehend an identity of competence, appreciate its importance, or analyze the developmental conditions and social institutions that promote its achievement. The liberal agenda does not understand or recognize personal sovereignty or impose strict limits on coercion by the state. It does not celebrate the genuine altruism of private charity. It does not learn history's lessons on the evils of collectivism.
What the liberal mind is passionate about is a world filled with pity, sorrow, neediness, misfortune, poverty, suspicion, mistrust, anger, exploitation, discrimination, victimization, alienation and injustice. Those who occupy this world are ''workers,'' ''minorities,'' ''the little guy,'' ''women,'' and the ''unemployed.'' They are poor, weak, sick, wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited and victimized. They bear no responsibility for their problems. None of their agonies are attributable to faults or failings of their own: not to poor choices, bad habits, faulty judgment, wishful thinking, lack of ambition, low frustration tolerance, mental illness or defects in character. None of the victims' plight is caused by failure to plan for the future or learn from experience. Instead, the ''root causes'' of all this pain lie in faulty social conditions: poverty, disease, war, ignorance, unemployment, racial prejudice, ethnic and gender discrimination, modern technology, capitalism, globalization and imperialism. In the radical liberal mind, this suffering is inflicted on the innocent by various predators and persecutors: ''Big Business,'' ''Big Corporations,'' ''greedy capitalists, ''U.S. Imperialists,'' ''the oppressors,'' ''the rich,'' ''the wealthy,'' ''the powerful'' and ''the selfish.''
The liberal cure for this endless malaise is a very large authoritarian government that regulates and manages society through a cradle to grave agenda of redistributive caretaking. It is a government everywhere doing everything for everyone. The liberal motto is ''In Government We Trust.'' To rescue the people from their troubled lives, the agenda recommends denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and other-pity, fosters government dependency, promotes sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, excuses financial obligation, justifies theft, ignores rudeness, prescribes complaining and blaming, denigrates marriage and the family, legalizes all abortion, defies religious and social tradition, declares inequality unjust, and rebels against the duties of citizenship. Through multiple entitlements to unearned goods, services and social status, the liberal politician promises to ensure everyone's material welfare, provide for everyone's healthcare, protect everyone's self-esteem, correct everyone's social and political disadvantage, educate every citizen, and eliminate all class distinctions. With liberal intellectuals sharing the glory, the liberal politician is the hero in this melodrama. He takes credit for providing his constituents with whatever they want or need even though he has not produced by his own effort any of the goods, services or status transferred to them but has instead taken them from others by force.
It should be apparent by now that these social policies and the passions that drive them contradict all that is rational in human relating, and they are therefore irrational in themselves. But the faulty conceptions that lie behind these passions cannot be viewed as mere cognitive slippage. The degree of modern liberalism's irrationality far exceeds any misunderstanding that can be attributed to faulty fact gathering or logical error: Indeed, under careful scrutiny, liberalism's distortions of the normal ability to reason can only be understood as the product of psychopathology. So extravagant are the patterns of thinking, emoting, behaving and relating that characterize the liberal mind that its relentless protests and demands become understandable only as disorders of the psyche. The modern liberal mind, its distorted perceptions and its destructive agenda are the product of disturbed personalities."
I'm so grateful for you!
Thank you for your support.
Thank for sharing the story of a courageous doctor whose integrity and honesty has only to be admired. I have made sure this is shared. , Finally Truth will always triumph over Evil.
Thanks MW Dr. The animosity of the injected towards the uninjected is just a defence mechanism.
Their evil, wicked nastiness is just them covering up the fact that they were fooled, forced on too many cases to be injected. Their remorse is predictable. The anger precedes the resignation phase. That then leads to the remorseful phase. It will fade over time but the me me me resent will remain for ever.
It's very possible.
It is like religion.
Ideological constructs of VACCINATION
Fantastic interview with the Honest Doctor, thanks for giving him a platform. I will send the link to my contacts.
Thank you!
We the socalled unvaxxed are the new unvaxxed.
We the easy scapegoats are easy targets for cancellation and humiliation, as if we are speaking Russian, and as if that was a crime...
Great video with Dr. Miller at the Fox link. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing Dr. Miller’s story. Kudos to Fox as well. I pray he has tremendous success in Florida!
So glad to see this got out! Your time is well spent here and making a difference.
As they're louder than words...
Apologies for credit card glitch. New details have been supplied.
Thank you so much for your support.
When I was young, many, if not most general practitioners & specialists had individual practices.
For over 20 years my internist was part of a group practice. A few yers ago the group practice was “acquired” by a very large hospital. Now the doctor who I admire and trust is subject, for better or worse, to the hospital’s groupthink policies. I’m not sure this is a good thing.
I still trust & respect my doctor, but not the organization he is now a part of; I used to work at this very hospital, and know first hand how its senior administrators “operate”.
Not sure what you mean.
So glad FOX picked that story up and the Doc got called a good guy! YES!! 👍🏻
Beautiful. 🙏❤
I am curious what the AMD thinks about what unvaxxed should do...every time we go to a doctor, they ask are we vaxxed. Should we say yes? They now have an ICD 10 code for unvaxxed. They need a way to track the medical histories of all of us, not just some of us! They found a way to capture our medical histories through this ICD10 code. I am considering saying I am vaxxed. It is funny how prior to this, you went to the docs, and no one asked about your vax history. It didn't matter. Now it's the first question. It's like they only care about your vax status (only for covid!) then your gender preferences, pronouns and race. It's bizarro world. I am also thinking I will check all boxes for my gender and my race. And when they ask me my income, put in 10K or 1 million. Not sure how I should answer that question! What do others think? I also have a friend who has no record of having covid on her medical record. She plans to tell her doctors going forward that she never had covid (she moved so she has all new providers). I wanted to have that I had it on my medical record in case natural immunity ever became useful. Again, now I feel like I am just helping them gain stats on their "shit show" systems and responses. I do plan to basically use my functional medicine practitioner and avoid all traditional medical doctors unless I break a bone. I am contemplating dropping out of health insurance and joining a Christian healthcare coalition. I feel like that would be a better use/support of my healthcare monies.
I know this is a terrible answer but I never see doctors who take insurance.
I pay the functional medicine practitioner privately because that is all she does. And I am healthy and she takes any blood work that is needed. I am debating getting breast US as opposed to a mammogram. Plus with a deductible, I end up paying for a lot out of pocket. This whole 3 years has redefined or distilled down for me what I believe. I started down a path about mind body connections due to Dr Lissa Rankin and Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belie and PSYCH-K). And now I feel more aligned with mother nature has my back. I am also comfortable with the idea of my own death. I would rather die a more natural death than tubes, wires, meds, and surgeries. Maybe if I was sick or diagnosed with something I would feel differently. But for now, less is more to me and for me!
Great way to avoid medical decisions about your care and treatment being made by insurance functionaries rather than independent doctors you trust.
Stay away from doctors and hospitals at all costs!
You don’t have to answer questionnaires that they give you. Those are for data collection that gets sent to third parties. It started with Obamacare.
I would only answer questions that pertain to the reason for my visit.
LOVE THIS! Take back your own power to decide.
Let's get these lying bastards and throw them in Jail now
Fauci Gates Klaus Soros and Deepstate Muppets.
WOW!!! I am so happy!!!! That is the first ‘Legacy News Media’ report that I have seen in over two years, TGANKS to Epoch Mews, and Substack, and I am happy to report that I have become so accustomed to the LONG FORMAT, IN DEPTH, Thoughtful and insightful report, that when that little snippet of a’news’ report was over, it left me thinking’What the heck, where was the REST of the report??? You have allowed, trained my brain to EXPECT MORE TRUE THOUGHTFUL, CONSEQUENTIAL CONTENT!!! THANK YOU!!! A Midwestern Doctor, Thank you SUBSTACK and EPICH NEWS!!
A few other people have been on, but Miller isn't a public figure, which is what's more unprecedented about this and a sign the dam is breaking.
I turn the channel every time Mark Siegel, Fox's "go to" MD comes on Fox. His take on almost all medical issues is purely pharma driven drivel.
The entire nation of Samoa got the anti-vaxxer treatment. https://norstadt.substack.com/p/samoan-measles
Arkmedic wrote a really good post on this. Arkmedic is also one of my favorite authors on substack.
Thanks. That is a good post. In the linked Del Bigtree video, which has a lot of valid points, I would question if the antibiotics were really handed out, where they were made, and whether anyone checked the quality. We should assume as little as possible in these times.
During COVID, a recurring theme was stinginess with antibiotics.
In any case, the standard treatment protocol, whatever it was, may well have contributed to high mortality. Mass vaccination during the outbreak seems like bringing the hammer down. The reports of ventilators also remind of overuse during early COVID.
It struck me that these Lancet authors had zero curiosity about the high death rate: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30053-0
trial run for the plandemic
Speaking of trial runs...
Previous experience with the fiasco of the dengue vaccine (in Asia) should have given “authorities” pause with the mass rush rollout of the experimental mRNA jab. Read on…
Dengue vaccine fiasco leads to criminal charges for researcher in the Philippines | Science | AAAS
“…prosecutors concluded there is probable cause to indict Capeding [the author of an article favorable to the dengue vaccine] and 19 others for "reckless imprudence resulting [in] homicide," because they "facilitated, with undue haste," Dengvaxia's approval and its rollout among Philippine schoolchildren.
“… the first author on a 2014 paper in The Lancet detailing a study among more than 10,000 children in five Asian countries that showed Dengvaxia worked and had a good safety profile. In April 2016, the Philippine government launched a $67 million (the minimum wage per day, not hour, is about $6.00, so that’s a ton of cash) public school–based immunization program for Dengvaxia.
“That alarmed some scientists [who were later found to be correct, but were ridiculed and silenced].
“But a vaccine panel at the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded in 2016 that Dengvaxia was safe for children aged 9 and older.
in the
lots of island nations are being victimized to the nth degree. philippines are being subjected to a full court press on boosters even though the shots have been sitting on the loading dock in the hot sun and have "expired:" https://supersally.substack.com/p/philippines-doh-has-approved-second
what else is in them that could possibly be useful to the cabal?
I scanned the article you linked and I must say that I'm shocked. Amazing. SImply amazing.
Thanks for that. Those folks have been jacked around by the imperialist crowd for well over a century with no end in sight. One outrage after another.
Doctors are the most judgmental biased and arrogant people on this planet. No wonder they were the #1 profession to join the Nazi party and the #1 represented members of the Nazi SS. 1 in 9 SS officers in charge of carrying out the Holocaust were doctors by profession. They type of arrogant bastard who becomes a doctor is also the person who performs Nazi medicine on his "patient." They are all closet eugenicists who hate life.
Absolutely true. I worked for a state medical association for much of my career. As a group they only care about themselves. They think they are God. They sell a whole bunch of bullshit and smoke and mirrors behind that white coat. The data show statins do not prolong life and cause harm. Almost all of them promote statins though. I know more about preventative cardiology than my cardiologist. It’s preposterous. The easiest of professions to co-opt.
Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you, A Midwestern Doctor, and thank you Dr. Miller. You are American heroes, and heroes of humanity.
Medical treatment is so bad that I have absolutely no desire to go to a doctor, hospital or clinic. Dr. Miller's story is just one of many that I have heard about the state of the Art of Medicine, today.
Knowing what is going on in hospitals and clinics - the last thing I would do is go to one of them. I would look for information and treat myself. I have had a few incidents happen in the last 3 years...and found my own answers. I had no desire to have an injection thrust on me. My daughter was panicy, when I took a large patch of skin off my arm. She can't stand to see anyone hurt. However, she helped me and It was an experience for her. I believe in solving my own problems without resorting to medical treatment (not care). Another time, I woke up with a painful swollen ankle...and couldn't walk. The first thing I do, when I have a non-accident problem, examine the foods I have been eating. I discovered that I was unthinkingly eating quite a bit of jalapeno pepper, which is a nightshade. I stopped eating it and it took a couple weeks before I could walk without pain. However, it was an inexpensive way to overcome a problem without any adverse side effects from taking drugs.
What Hitler did was is child’s play compared to what these fuckers did.
I mean no disrespect to you but I feel Hitler was worse.
The insane are now running the asylum.
Our son graduated from a top 20 medical school last year. We weren’t allowed to attend a couple of campus events because we were not jabbed. Somehow the corrupted doctors at the esteemed medical school decided it was ok if we attended graduation. I listened to the vomit coming out of these highly accomplished doctors promoting the jabs no less than 10 times during the ceremony.
Two years later we are still no longer allowed at the home of my wife’s liberal sister and husband due to being unjabbed. If they ever invite me there again it will be a hard pass.
Humans can be pretty awful. I am thankful for my cardiologist who placed a stent for my 80% widowmaker blockage. I will continue to use the medical system for acute care. But I will never have another GP. I will go to urgent care if I need antibiotics. I am taking care of my own preventative health care from this point forward. Most doctors are simply pharma salespeople who don’t have a curious or scientific bone in their bodies.
The lesson here is this: stay far, far away from all doctors and hospitals to avoid being tracked. These people are criminals and should be prosecuted for this tracing of unvaccinated people.
EXCLUSIVE: The Federal Government Is Tracking Unvaccinated People Who Go To The Doctor And To The Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program
Thank you for this platform to allow physicians to speak out! Even at my lowly medical student level I see the discrimination of unvaccinated individuals every day and the pure disregard for individual rights and free will. I am grateful to Dr Miller for speaking out.
I've been really suprised at how much I see med students mouth off against the unvaccinated.
Most of the people who needed health care, vaccinated or not have been treated like no other deseases existed than covid. People with cancer have been refused treatment or investigations and a lot of them died even it wasn't their time to die , most of the hospitals were closed, others died because of other health problems on an isolated bed waiting for a covid test, no treatment or urgent surgeries, those piles of naked bodies in black bags labeled as "covid deaths" burried very fast, without autopsies, in the presence of just 8 family members....these are the most horrible things I've seen in my life that happened with the help of the doctors. The doctors who today are acting like nothing happened and are still able to look in the people's eyes. I know they are humans too, but they do not belong to the medical practice, they belong to the dark side of the history. They shouldn't be heroes, they should be just what they choosed to be - doctors.
For those who are speaking up now, I find it too late, I am not impressed, the damages in people's lives are too many, they can not bring the dead back and also there are not so many signs that things are changing in good for the future.
One very good sign is seeing Robert Kennedy Jr running for President of the US. When all the press can say is look the other way, he’s an anti-vaxxer, a lot of people will start asking questions.
He is an anti vaxxer and a very pro climate change. Ready to jump into climate change scam? I guess is easy and predictable for the americans, I am happy I am not one. Not enough questions all these years, what about some answers and action, enough with the hollywoodian mood, the world is hurt.
My friend told me her friend who is a retired pediatrician was called into a meeting at the hospital where she worked. They discussed NOT treating patients that weren’t vaxxed. This pediatrician didn’t seem at all disturbed by this discussion. And my friend still thinks this retired pediatrician is “wonderful”.
It’s impossible to wrap my head around this. I don’t want a relationship with either of these people.
Honestly, I think they will stop doing this once undercover recordings of these conversations get leaked or they start losing money because too many patients do not want to visit the medical system anymore.
If this "digital currency" ever takes hold watch what they will try to do to the unvaxxed. If they control our money, they can make you take the Clot Shots. I have read several stories on this already.
Pray it never happens.
I just emailed you details on anyone providing a testimony.
Hey Doc. Do you know any docs that might be willing to testify at the hearing for this house bill on 4/25 in Columbus, OH? https://www.ohioamf.org/so/68ORoJo4z?languageTag=en&cid=50142600-6132-4efe-bcda-47edbd375346
Check out the losses from Cleveland Clinic:
Thank you, Midwestern Doctor, for all your care and your work. Your voice is always calm and reassuring in spite of the darkness of the times. You ARE making a difference!
A lot of what happens really bothers me, but I know if I just rant about it it won't accomplish anything, so that's why I take the approach I do.
It never ceases to amaze me how little self awareness these self righteous woke warriors have. How they are completely oblivious to the hypocrisy of their ideology and associated behaviour. How the justifications they employ for their cruelty and narcissistic authoritarianism so closely resemble all despotic murderous regimes ever. And then, when deep down they know they were wrong they act like it was all a mistake, that they didn’t know all the facts we do now, that they were just doing their best... Like that is a justification for such cruelty! Let’s call it what it is, selfishness. These are sad self space trend people with no moral compass (don’t misread this for lacking religion, plenty of the chief cheerleaders were very religious, oh no it is something else entirely). And it will happen again, if it goes unacknowledged.
I think it all boils down to the phrase "people don't get that you can't hate hate."
thank you thank you thank you. finally a light into the darkness. If only some politicians take up the challenge to tell the truth.
The issue is building and more and more of them are.
If you have ever seen the video of the parliamentary meeting when Saddam Hussein took control of Iraq, you would shocked at how easily and quickly this type of madness takes hold. In a matter of minutes, the large group of representatives turn from being a bunch of debating, independent people to a mob of obsequious boot lickers. I saw it once many years ago and have not been able to find it on the net, but it was chilling and sickening at the same time.
It is the same psychology that was at work here in the US during "COVID Madness". Same damn thing...
Could send me that video? It happens a lot. There are a lot of more advanced methods many dictators have used in the past to pull this stuff off I'm familiar with I've sworn and oath to never disclose since it's for the best if as few people as possible know about them. Once you understand the methodology, it makes sense how they are able to do that, but anyone who heard this could happen would never believe it unless they saw it happen firsthand.
the long version...
replace Saddam with Fauci...
now I found it...
I wish I could, but I've not found it again. I will search some more.
Thank you so much!
"Especially since many of them they were also willing to violate their previously unquestioned duties as physicians to each patient and not care for many patients appropriate because of the patient’s unwillingness to take a potentially lethal vaccination." I think "they" is not needed or maybe a comma after them? Not care for many patients appropriately? Or you found not caring for patients inappropriate because of the patients choice to not take a vaccine. It could be me (it's probably most definitely me) but I am unsure about this paragraph.
The they shouldn't be there but substack won't let me edit this for about 30 minutes while it emails.
Thanks for your honesty!! I truly believe this - the way hospitals would not take patients in their ER's or friends being turned away for being sick...then get injected and DIE! Or get cancer, heart attack, stroke, blood blots...and more! It is TOXIC much like childhood injections now...added aluminum and other metals that harm any human! But babies?? From 26 injections to 76 today...INSANE!! Lets keep big pharma in business with their FRAUD and harming precious life.
How can any doctor just sit back and watch the death knowing that they know what they are doing...totally sickening!!
So Truth is Doctors are not abiding by their OATH to care for human life!! Like the fake administration destroying America daily!!
These dark behaviors are what haunts me. Am I am really any different?
One of the points I've tried to emphasize here is that I think most people would act the way people in the medical field do if they went through the same training and conditioning people in the medical field did, so taking the approach of "all doctors are bad" is not a productive or effective way to improve things.
I disagree with you about your training and conditioning comment. Our orthopedic surgeon resident son immediately became a koolaid drinking member of the club when Covid broke during his medical school. He got jabbed and now has hearing loss in one ear. And balance issues. But he won’t allow himself to believe it could be the jabs. He is simply not a critically-thinking truth-seeker. Most doctors in my experience are not curious people.
I meant to say curious people like you are.
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, most doctors are trapped in a world of keep your mouth shut or lose everything. There is a reason you have to be anonymous.
The fact that you take the time to ask yourself that question means the answer is yes, you are different.
Does a nation whose 70%, 80% or 90% of adult population meekly acquiesced to the taking away of the right to free medical consent from their own children and future generations deserve to retain property rights, let alone their privileges associated with citizenship? The kind of people who can be coerced to give up their right to bodily integrity can be just as easily coerced to give up their country too, so the question is purely academic. The deal is done, and they know it.
I cannot feel this hopeless 😟
I mean, you’re not wrong, but....
I would not call this hopelessness but realism, and reality always offers a way through. People generally do not learn without facing the consequences of their wrong choices. If they do learn ahead of the pain, they repent and atone, but I am not seeing this happening on a meaningful scale. So, pain it must be.
Because of what you say, when a government turns on its citizens, it’s tough sledding. There are not enough of us who actually value liberty.
Whilst I appreciate that embedding on twitter is easier or better for you in some other way I do not understand, I appreciate not having to endure that odious platform in order to watch important clips you want to share. Many times I ended up just not watching and missing out on what you were sharing. Thanks for all this.
MASS P$YCHOSI$....Follow the MONEY $$$...and the BrainWashed Masses..THANKS BE TO GOD per Mattias Desmet that at least 30% of us are WIDE AWAKE and the Sheeple are slowing increasing that number !!! ps...My friend a highly Hospital experienced nurse in California (quit over vax mandates) literally had to do conduct a RESCUE /ESCAPE from a VERY prestigious OC Hospital (HOAG in Newport Beach!) when they held patients Hostage over Covid Care and were setting them on the path of KILLING THEM ! My Friend (for privacy I will not mention anymore details) personally saved more than one life, when like an ANGEL she helped families Rescue their loved ones from the grips of Hospital Covid Protocol$ Death Trap$ (Remdesivir, intubation etc...) UNBELIEVABLE, yet 100% Believable when you hear First-hand the HOSPITAL Horror STORIE$ and my friend has TONS OF them !!!!
Definitely a hero. The woman that was initially mentioned is my story however I survived. The hospital I was sent to offered me a choice of 1 out of 'both' death shots of which I declined. The attending physician wrote in his report that I decline all 3 (3rd = monoclonal), he lied, there was no 3rd option! Fortunately I have a cousin who is an MD. A week later I called her and she tells me that hospital has monoclonal and that I should get over there ASAP and demand they administer it. Laying on a hospital bed a physicians offered me ALL 3 this time around, I chose monoclonal then he asked why I refused it the week before. I just said I changed my mind. That wasn't the time or place to have an argument. I was 70 in 11/21.
How the monoclonals were handled was extremely interesting to observe because they were the one FDA EUA'd treatment that actually worked (and as we've all seen, they did not want a working a treatment to exist for COVID-19), so excuse after excuse was made to make them impossible for patients to get until many were eventually pulled from the market.
Thank you Doc as always.
Thank you.
I am so shaken and disturbing watching and reading this. Tears in my eyes.
Thank you Dr AMD and Dr Miller for your courage and integrity.
Readers may enjoy this powerful comparison of 2 societies who considered millions of citizens to be "unclean":
"Because of what I witnessed in 2015-2016, I was not quite as surprised as many of my colleagues (e.g., Dr. Miller) by what I saw happen during COVID-19. To some extent this makes sense in hindsight, as I am now almost certain the cutthroat campaign for school vaccines mandates across the nation that happened then was meant to lay the groundwork for the COVID-19 vaccine mandates...".
100% correct. I started working to preserve exemptions in 2011 in Washington state, which was the first state to have legislation introduced to end exemptions. I have a series of presentations detailing the attacks on school exemptions available on my substack for those interested. Here is a good place to start. https://karlkanthak.substack.com/p/arizona-video-1-is-up
Heard about you on Alison Morrow’s show.
So much for First Do no Harm.
Dr. Miller - welcome to Florida. We are happy to have strong, smart, capable people here.
The evil madness continues. I can't believe this hospital is still demanding the covid jab in April of 2023. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mother-of-7-denied-kidney-transplant-for-refusing-covid-shot-in-georgia_5212353.html
Like many others my faith and trust in physicians has been shattered by what we experienced. God bless A Midwestern Doctor and Dr. Miller for refusing to forsake their oaths and their patients!
Thank you for this post AMD.
Just noting a typo in paragraph 8: "Especially since many of them were also willing to violate their previously unquestioned duties as physicians to each patient and not care for many patients appropriate because of the patient’s unwillingness to take an ineffective and potentially lethal vaccination." I think you want 'appropriately' instead of 'appropriate' in this sentence.
I try to share this with everyone I know on a one to one basis, as I never know who is suffering or knows someone who is. Some people have serious conditions, and most people know someone that is looking for options.
Because of the usefulness of that device, I feel compelled to tell everyone about it.
I have attached links below to some videos that explain the principles surrounding the Alternating Current Treatment Therapy device. This device is a new approach to using high frequency waves to destroy unhealthy rapidly reproducing cells, bacteria and the like. The website www.acttmed.com has its own video on it that is an animation that illustrates simply what is happening at the microscopic level.
Some of the videos in the videos linked below show actual microscopic view of bad cells being selectively destroyed.
Despite the some 450 deployments to date, and the remarkable results and feedback from test users, the product is NOT FDA approved and the company specifically declares that it is not making any claim to be able to diagnose, treat, manage or cure any disease. This is a wellness device only and can potentially enhance your health condition. There are many people suffering from very serious life threatening conditions having tremendous satisfaction from using the device, but nothing in terms of specific claims can be made yet.
We hope to get the device approved eventually by FDA, but in the meantime we want to see as many people helped as possible. I have firsthand experience with some of them, and have talked to a number of them.
The inventors have committed to distribution at a price that can be afforded without insurance, $2,750. per unit. You can go to their website and read up on it, and I highly recommend watching each of the video's below. If you have questions, you are welcome to interact with me,
or contact the manufacturer directly at www.ACTTMED.com, but please reference Rick if you do call them direct! Mike Colton and Dr. Rudy Nicasio are the developers of this device.
https://youtu.be/08L6B63VezE Tumor treating fields animation
https://youtu.be/td5Ld3nURAI Treating cancer with electric waves, TED talk.
https://youtu.be/0qAlyZhfetc Same guy as TED talk, his unit costs $100,000. per year to use.
https://youtu.be/mBL9pS6GMdA Theory explained in more detail
https://youtu.be/p9UC0chfXcg Water cells and life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-T7tCMUDXU 4th phase of water
A new film just came out on this lie we call Covid. It is very good and eye opening!!!
"Part 1 carefully examines how authorities worldwide have been gaming the numbers regarding cases, hospitalizations and deaths from the alleged coronavirus. Part 1 also explains how health officials actively suppressed safe and effective treatments for Covid-19, while employing deadly protocols for hospital patients.
Part 2 focuses on the fascinating timeline of events, which led to the global Covid-19 response, and investigates whether or not the science on the lethality and infectivity of Sars-Cov-2 justified countermeasures such as lockdowns and mask-wearing.
Part 3 is a deep dive into the topic of Covid-19 “vaccines,” detailing the plethora of scientific evidence for their unsafe and ineffective nature, while exposing the deceptive tactics of manipulating the statistics.
Part 4 puts all the pieces of the puzzle together, exposing the premeditated sinister political motivations behind the global Covid-19 response, and how it is intricately tied to a much larger agenda – The Great Reset.
The film producer is not accepting any donations for this amazing work, and he wants everyone to freely copy and distribute the film.
If you appreciate his work, please let him know. You can reach him at this email address: covid19_documentary@proton.me"
Check out the truth about what they call cancer
Detailed account (in Russian) of US bio-warfare labs along the Russian frontier.
“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”
― Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow
"There was a cruelty to it" [an aspect of the disrespect shown by medical staff to non-vaccinated patients seeking care in WA hospitals.]. This comment by the Honest Doctor on the clip you embedded is both chilling and strangely moving for its honesty and compassion. Dr Miller is now able to speak out because he moved his family to South Florida and got a job there. What a situation our country is in! It's tough for us whose roots go deep down into "slave" states like WA to contemplate uprooting to "free" states, but sometimes decisions kind of make themselves.
Jordan Peterson recently did an interview with Dr Scott Jensen, which is worth watching. Both men are threatened by expulsion from their professional accrediting bodies for their Honesty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YRMajzRKU8
Finally, this interview with Honest Nurse Gail Macrae is also very heartening. https://alphanews.org/former-nurse-describes-covid-19-protocols-as-medical-murder/
People are not receptive to being told that they’ve been deceived by BP or whoever if that means acknowledging that they are wrong or worse, foolish. But they probably would be more receptive to hearing tips on how to spot a con artist or rapist or an abusive mate. The techniques are similar: gaslighting, guilt trips, persistence, coercion, even rapports (eg we’re in it together, etc).
I’m thinking of trying out this technique on my relatives to see if it’d be more successful.
Midwestern Doctor, I will always be thankful for your contribution to bringing truth to the masses. :)
If I may, you mentioned Nazism in your message. As with everything we are now learning, there is much to learn on what really happened before, during, and after WW2, that the vast majority of people are unaware.
There is a 10 part documentary that delves into the origins of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, WW1, WW2, and how those events are directly affecting our world today.
The name of the documentary is Europa, The Last Battle. It has an Ibdm rating of 7.7. it is 10 hours of well documented truth that even the critics have had a hard time debunking, as the information exists all in public texts. The producer of the film even asks viewers to find any error in the material being exposed.
I highly recommend watching this documentary.
That’s so wrong.
I would love to know the actual percentages of doctors who knew the jig was up but went along to protect their fat paycheck, and those who were hypnotized and couldn’t actually see what was very obviously happening.
Great to see this vital and timely story gaining traction. Kudos to you for providing the author with a platform.
This is nothing new. I currently have a sick 12yo and he needs care. I have to worry about getting him well so we don't need the hospital. Because parents have no rights in the hospital system (even a red state) once the doctor 'experts' decide you are looney and don't like the way you've treated your kid.
My son's eczema got infected during this illness. we now have it under control, and not infected, but had we needed to go in two days ago, and I told them we can't use steroids due to an iatrogenic condition steroids caused him years ago, that would have been enough for them to call cps. that's all it takes. you don't do their "standard of care" even though that "standard of care" CAUSED the problem, and you are looney.
Throw-in you don't vax because your 16yo had seizures after his 4mo shots and the medical profession refused to help you, and that you homeschool because the schools can't deal with multiple anaphylactic food allergies and emotional and sensory regulation issues caused by the vax, and I am a sitting duck for them. we have avoided cps calls three times that I've found in his medical records.
Because I am diligent and knowledgeable when they try to scare me or trick me into revealing I'm a know nothing "Google doc", I am able to turn the tables on them and show them I'm actually more versed in my kids' medical issues than they are and they are afraid to spar with me further because they have no idea how steroids affect the Th1/Th2 immune system but they do know enough about HPA axis suppression to know that if I know about that and can speak their language about that, then I probably know what I'm talking about with the Th1/Th2 stuff and they don't want to look stupid, so they stop.
I really do consider it part knowledge/part luck at this point. But I don't really want to test it again, because it is SUPER stressful. We shouldn't be SCARED to take our kids to the doctor. So, we are doing an ozone injection in the tonsils to avoid antibiotics and steroids for tonsillitis. Under care of a real MD -because those letters are important to other doctors and to courts. And I wait to see if this old/new treatment works. High dose vitamin C, the list of other supplements, herbs, and nebulizing stuff goes on as I heal my child since the medical system fails pharmacuetically sensitive kids like mine.
I have been yelled at, condescended to, lied to, gaslit, talked about when I'm not around, refused care of a nebulizing treatment for my son while in a pediatric icu for breathing issues - the poor standard of care isn't just of the unvaxxed. It is of ALL who dare to state that their normal treatments don't work for this patient and I need epinephrine instead of a steroid or silver wound dressings instead... all backed up by various pediatricians/dermatologists we see. So, stay within the lines, you are accepted there. Don't at your own risk.
I am thankful this doctor saw the light. But this is still an issue even in Florida. One family I was advocating for had their child medically kidnapped January 2019 at a children's hospital in Jacksonville because they refused the treatment that had caused their son's issues. They were willing to do 3 other mainstream treatments, but the hospital felt challenged and wanted to be smarter than the parents. The only one who loses is the child who loses its health.. It is a travesty.
I am so sorry! This must be so stressful on top of your child’s medical issues.
We got kicked out of a pediatric practice for delaying. It’s very stressful whenever we need a pediatrician for school/sports/camp forms. Functional medicine doctors are so much better.
Thank you. Yes, functional is generally better. But the local functuonal clinic near us completely betrayed this population they serve March 2022 when they made a bad hire of a 100% provax nurse practioner who called cps because a 10mo who was meeting all milestones and was happy missed a weight check because he 'lost' 2 ounces in a week and the NP wouldn't wait a couple hours for the family to reschedule. The clinic still has this NP on staff and has never stated that they have done better training. So it made us distrustful of even the doctors we are supposed to be able to trust more. It is crazy. The baby was returned in record time, which was still a week,, in worse shape than cps took him,, and medical staff that night have recorded in their records that the baby was healthy and in no harm whatsoever. But cps can be overzealous. And they were.
Reminds me of the Tortoise & the Hare story? Slowly, slowly wins the race. Facts, honesty, morals....
It is astounding that so many that shook their head over the treatment of people under Hitler's Germany, still can't see what they became, when the authorities terrified them with the threat of a 'novel' virus. They were far too easy to persuade, despite evidence to the contrary, that the unvaccinated were the enemy, keeping the pandemic going, threatening their own lives, and all that stood between the self-righteous and a return to 2019.
Dr. Miller's article was heartfelt. I'm hopeful to see this break into the MSM. (Congrats on making it to Fox)!
The responses to this post have inspired me to write a followup to it I am going to release in the next day or two.
Why is putting a link to a video in a post more trouble than embedding therein?
Embedded videos are harder to play than links are to follow on my Kinetic Kudu-based laptop.
Because most people do not want to click through to the videos and it breaks the continuity of reading the article.
Nothing breaks the continuity of reading an article more than watching an embedded video, or worse, crashing the browser, as embedded videos sometimes crash Firefox.
Congrats, I hope it gets picked up by more news. It might help many to learn they are LIED TO ABOUT THE DRUGS THEY ARE PUT ON. I got used to searching for side effects, as so many hit me. And the doctor would deny that is not possible. Did they read the full research papers or just what is commonly noted in Med Mags? Or what the sales rep told them? Well, we will just eliminate 1 drug at a time, to find the one giving you vision issues. In the meantime, you can LOSE YOUR VISION.
Hub went through this with Retinal Atrophy and saw his Optromist his job is glasses who failed to send him to an Ophthalmologist, massive doses of Prednisone, and Dilating drops later, Resulted in HOLES IN HIS VISION. And is irreversible. Why are they so blind to Do No Harm and Get rich sooner, is not in the patient's best interest.
Prednisone causes a lot of issues most doctors who use it don't appreciate.
I'm glad I only needed it for hives. Though I know as a Type 2 Diabetic I shouldn't take it. I was able to control the BS, but not the sleepiness. And that is a lot of nasty side effects on that list. Weight gain is not healthy either. Too many drugs have that side effect. SSRI's are bad at it.
"...these people would have been the first to rat on their neighbors for hiding Jews had they lived in Nazi Germany." Actually, these people have been the first to enlist in SS and run the concentration camps. Will gladly repeat.
It was also interesting how they made hotlines to rat out neighbors for breaking social distancing, and then those lists (who made the reports) later got FOIA'd.
I have to comment on what Ray Horvath pointed out. The report on a major network is definitely a "Limited Handout". People have been so brainwashed on the unvaccinated being unprotected and dying more often from Covid than the vaccinated that what listeners will focus in on is the fact that an unvaccinated person died. I felt the same about the interview between Tucker Carlson and Ed Dowd. They were sitting so far away from each other, 6 feet perhaps? It was clearly an Op or another Limited hangout. They both were claiming that they were unvaccinated so they had to be distanced. I notice it on CHD reporting as well.
Who cares? Fox news can't go too far outside the overton window, but they've kept on pushing and expanding it over the last 3 years and we've seen more and more.
If you want to dismiss it all as being a limited hangout then you essentialy force yourself to take a nihilistic position where everything is bad, nothing can ever improve, and all you can really accomplish is feel good about complaining about it. If I felt we were in that situation I would be doing something else with my time because I have a lot of other ways I can help people I'm neglecting to support this substack.
As you have reported here, this has been going on for a long time, more than 100 years. These Limited Hang-outs are just a way to keep people complaisant. They are giving you crumbs. Nothing is changing. I have been on the front lines in NY and NJ. They are still pushing more shots for Babies and Olds. There is still an EUA in place. You are either controlled op or extremely naive.
the invisible never been found virus scam continues unabated
mRNA shots alone have already killed over 20 million worldwide…
In light of what Kevin McKernon is exposing, well, Dr. Miller's "accusers" may soon have a new -- & appropriate -- target for the "gnashing of their teeth." https://anandamide.substack.com/p/straight-talk-with-frank-sweeny-md
"... and it can only happen if we all come together, are honest, and see things with a clear spirit."
See things with a clear spirit? You have to be kidding, especially when people, almost a century later, are still smearing and punishing "Nazis" in much the same way that the good, honest doctors have been smeared and punished these past several years.
I have posted these quotes previously, yet people still don't understand, and I doubt they ever shall.
“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”
Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
Mr. Rothbard was an American historian of the very highest caliber.
I suppose it began with a sense… that what the average child is taught about major historical events is a pack of lies.
-Gerard Menuchin, Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil p12 (2016)
Falsehood is a recognized and extremely useful weapon in warfare, and every country uses it quite deliberately to deceive its own people, to attract neutrals, and to mislead the enemy. The ignorant and innocent masses in each country are unaware at the time that they are being misled, and when it is all over only here and there are the falsehoods discovered and exposed. As it is all past history and the desired effect has been produced by the stories and statements, no one troubles to investigate the facts and establish the truth. Lying, as we all know, does not take place only in war-time. Man, it has been said, is not "a veridical animal," but his habit of lying is not nearly so extraordinary as his amazing readiness to believe. It is, indeed, because of human credulity that lies flourish.
- Arthur Ponsonby, MP, Falsehood in War Time (1929)
The good guys have been getting crucified since probably forever and it appears that they always shall.
Rabbi Yosef Ben Porat explains why Hitler tried to defend his country from the globalist Commies of the time
I appreciate you being here Geoff, but I think it would really benefit your life to have a more positive outlook on things.
I prefer a realistic one, thank you. And since we're dispensing free advice here, I think everyone would be better off doing the same although I doubt that'll ever happen.
Thank you : )
I hate overdoing Nazi analogies (everyone on the internet does and most of my family was killed by the Germans) but I felt it was appropriate here.
And yet when history repeats itself, whether it is the same weed sprouting up from a crack, or a pattern humans are prone to falling into, the best way to point it out to people is to relate it to something a) real and b) well enough known one can grasp it.
The close alignment between earlier eugenics movements (including the Nazis) and the current one which includes dreams of immortality for the Uberclass, and doing nature one better with cyberfusion, begs a question. Is all of this mere hubris, or adoption of tech as a new religion, or a God complex without God?
To me what's lost is the connection with the divine, which is a common element of so many world religions and faiths. For me, the purpose of living on Earth is to experience that part of me which lifts me up and guides me to be something better, with effort, over time. Eugenics cuts that connection and offers up instead a form of God within the machine. Put most simply, the Reset Crowd is about all power and no love or compassion (self-love doesn't count). The world of spirit, formed by spirit, informed by spirit, is designed to help us find the divine spark within. The balanced way is about a balance between Love and Power, where power is used to further love.
Adopting an AI-based world where the highest calling is from mind, not God, is in a sense a giving up, a settling for something that can never touch the hem of the Creator.
Sadly that is old news, it has been happening for at least 15 years. Pediatricians (and Primary Care) often receive bonuses from healthcare insurers based on the percentage of patients who are vaccinated. The lower percentage of patients vaccinated results in a lower bonus (sometimes no bonus I believe) therefore many require the vaccines to remain or become a patient resulting in higher percentages of the patient base vaccinated equalling more quarterly bonus money.
It is a very perverse incentive.
Did you read the previous article on medical ethics?
I likely did if it was recent. I read SO much from so many sources it is hard to keep track!
Relatives are reporting various pediatricians and family doctors are treating refusal to take flu and Gardasil shots like they treat refusal to take Covid shots: Patient is a pariah.
It is because they get kickbacks.
Doctors have made themselves pariahs and worse.
I say this to others but sadly it is the same Nazis, their descendants together with the communists behind this affair at one level.
Marxism is the root of Nazis and communists and they all came out of Germany. The leopard cannot change its spots. Add in the Roman Catholic Church especially its seat of power in Rome, the Vatican, and you are almost there.
But as the saying goes all roads really do lead to Rome.
Worse than the treatment of the lucky unvaxed, is the trickery and lies the vaxed fell into. And worse yet is of course the ones that died from the vaxxes.
And many still suffering horribly.
I count myself lucky that my side effects were (fully?) treatable by various operations, procedures, and therapy.
Would you expand on this? In detail IF you want/feel comfortable.
I had a latent dental issue that probably started in the 80's or early 90's, and my immune system had it in check for over a decade. A couple days after I got my third shot (Pfizer, Pfizer, Moderna), I had so much pain I couldn't chew food or sleep. Antibiotics, a couple minor dental procedures, a root canal, 4 tooth extractions and bone grafts, and some implants addressed the issue.
I also had a shoulder injury at the same time as the toothaches. My doctor told me some other patients had been referred to an ortho for similar issues, and the diagnosis was a stunned nerve due to the needle, which in turn probably exposed latent rotator cuff issues. PT seems to have cured this problem.
I've heard of similar cases :(
Interesting. Thanks for the response.
I also have pretty severe rotator/deltoid injuries from prev football injury many years (decades) before. Bands, once I figured out how to properly use them, improved my situation 90% within 6 months. Was your PT mostly bands or other?
In a different decade, when I had a minor but nagging sports injury on the other shoulder, using a PT band worked perfectly and within just a couple weeks.
For this case, their were stretching exercises, some very light weight-lifting, and use of various bands.
Interesting again.
Going back to your initial response to me re: your gums/teeth/jaw etc, people need to realize that all vaccines cause so many problems within the body/brain it's not even funny. You didn't die, which so many seem to focus on, but vaccine(s) cause/created illness/injury; as in your case (and many others)
I had to chuckle a little at your response: "Antibiotics, a couple MINOR dental procedures"
then you went on to list your 'minor' procedures:
"a root canal, 4 tooth extractions and bone grafts, and some implants addressed the issue"
Yep, that's "minor" stuff bro! :-) Tough guy. Love it.
Actually the minor procedures were two dentists grinding down a couple of the infected/doomed teeth so that they wouldn't make much contact, and therefore wouldn't hurt much. Perhaps I also considered the roots canal and final installation of implant-based teeth as minor. I considered the tooth extractions, bone grafts, and implants themselves as moderate procedures. In between all those, I had a truly major surgery, unrelated to vaccines or dentistry.
For what it's worth, I followed advice diet, exercise, and lifestyle advice from Youtube channels like Fat Emperor, Dr Berg, Dr Ekberg, Low Carb Down Under... which I credit with rapid recoveries from all the procedures and operations.
Re vaccines messing with people, that's why I now refuse flu shots, even though the flu could kill me, according to my doctor. I figure my upgraded diet, exercise, and lifestyle make the likelihood of fatal flu MUCH lower, unlike the flu shot, which probably does some random stimulation of the immune system for a couple months and has no lasting positive effects.
"Re vaccines messing with people, that's why I now refuse flu shots, even though the flu could kill me, according to my doctor. "
Good job. Sounds arrogant of me (not the case) but ignore your doctors b.s Fear Porn. I've had the same thrown at me. 45 years no flu, no cold, no headache, no sore throat and only 1 flu shot 28 years ago (that destroyed me for 10+ months - actually a lot longer but I just don't talk about it). They can stick it up their earholes
It's funny you mentioned Dr Berg because 3-4 weeks ago I was directed to him (YouTube).
If interested, I will post Dr Mercola's advice re: response to you below in this thread tonight/tomorrow re: Methylene Blue. Once I find it from my bloated folder(s). He also recommends it.
Stay healthy. And again, good job.
Here it is. Mercola (20 sups) but also one section on Methylene Blue
DMSO! Amandha Vollmer wrote a great book on the healing properties of it. https://yummy.doctor/video-list/amandha-vollmer-natures-medicine-dmso/
Methylene blue is also helpful for some issues.
Also, don't brush every day with toothpaste, the film on teeth is actually how the tooth gets remineralized naturally. Just brush with water and floss gently.
Get well. I hope things like this become common knowledge.
Dimethyl sulfoxide and methylene blue both sound interesting.
"Hypnosis"... interesting the article mentioned it. Why do people seem idiotic and not understanding the facts? I believe there's been a massive covert brain-washing operation through screens (subliminal imaging) and ultrasound (there's a patent on hypnotic voiceover). Anybody got more proofs than this?:
This could help your efforts:
Free “wake-up” movies!
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
The full PLAN exposed:
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?
30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)
The SUPER drug
Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....
The REAL COVID timeline:
It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled
Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”
This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.
What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?
Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!
Amnesty or JUSTICE:
How to turn the AI into a COVIDIOT:
The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):
J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know
The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!
Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?
It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?
Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:
Open season for human culling:
They used NLP or neuro-linguistic programming with all the key messages.
NLP and hypnosis have a clear relationship.
I can't share images here but there is a screenshot that came from studies done at Yale university where they compared methods of marketing the vaccine.
How they got people to feel guilty about not taking it and to "imagine" the guilt they would feel of they passed the illness on to others.
The imagined bit is where the magic happens. As your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between real and imagined events and so adapts them as learned patterns of behavior even without being consciously aware of them.
I will note Obama clearly used NLP.
Obama is a great actor. Do you really think he wrote his own speeches? Hollywood writes all their scripts.
Or the Deep State, in which Hollywood is a participant, wrote his speeches
Jerry Mander. "The Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television" He saw it coming in 1972. Prophetic and a great read.
Amazing hard to find intel. Could you please share any link?
Read through this.
Thank you so much Conway Judge =)
No worries.
I was shocked when I saw it shared in the screenshot form.
I noticed the "and then they are asked to imagine how they..."
It's hypnosis.
Or at least NLP anyway.
It's programming subconscious thinking patterns through slogans and other messages.
Which explains why smart people suddenly became dumb and blind.
I have been very interested in the subconscious mind for a number of years. And in neuroplasticity and psychoneuroimmunology. And how these sciences can be used to help develop habits that lead to long term changes.
Whether for training athletes, or helping people better cope with illness and manage their health.
Habit and belief play a big part in that success.
Thanks to your tip, I've just added this to my book:
Yale is the cradle for the Skull&Bones masonic sect, which includes Yale graduates like the Bush presidents.
3 Jul 2020 Yale study1: “persuasive messaging that invokes prosocial vaccination and social image concerns is effective at increasing intended uptake and also the willingness to persuade others and judgments of non-vaccinators. ... prosocial messaging is robust across subgroups, including those who are most hesitant about vaccines generally. The experiments demonstrate how persuasive messaging can induce individuals to be more likely to vaccinate and also create spillover effects to persuade others to do so as well.”
Experiment 1. Messages that frame vaccination as a cooperative action to protect others or emphasize how non-vaccination might negatively affect one’s social image increase reported willingness to advise a friend, and judgment of non-vaccinators. Treatment effects for both panels were estimated using OLS regression that included covariates.
Experiment 2. The Not Bravery, Community Interest, and Community Interest + Embarrassment messages increase both intentions to vaccinate and other-regarding outcomes.
Yale’s was one among dozens of studies.2 They hired the best amoral social scientists to develop the most effective social engineering strategies, targeting by race3, African Americans4, white evangelicals5, children6, young adults7, ideological right8, vaccine hesitant9, conspiracism10, social media11, countries12 HIV13 ... Nothing was left to chance. They are doing the same for all other social engineering scams like climate change.14
And then your comments... if you don't mind =)
I don't mind at all.
Can you please provide the link for the Harvard study you reference? I would like to take a look..thanks !
I found it in the thread..THANKS !
It's their own fault if they watched HDTV or used THC.
💔 Mine too, Tom
The oath was purchased by the Medical Industrial Complex.
We now live under Vaxxism.