#067 ✰ Pura vida and encounters
SoaO: Caro's painting • your shopping notes • a feed of objects
Hey there 👋 I’m Mathilde. We are Objet. We explore the intersection of consumerism, myth, satisfaction, desire, taste, joy, meaning and pride. Not specifically in that order. To brag at your next dinner, Objet is the french word for 'object' and should be pronounced 'OB-JEH'.
If you’re new here, welcome 👋
In today’s Objet journal:
Our mission 👉 Wait, what are they onto again?
Soul of an Objet 👉 Caro’s painting from a famous catalan artist
What’s up on the app 👉 A feed, you said?
Cool reads, cause its always cool to read cool stuff
Our mission
The relationship we, humans, have with shopping - and our objects as a whole - is broken: we want to bring back joy and pride. Objet is where style shops mindfully.
Soul of an Objet | Caroline Ohannessian-Cave
Sublime possessions have soul and meaning. Meet Caro’s painting from Javier Mariscal.
Caro writes a blog about home decors, fashion and food recipes. She has a unique twist of boho, Méditerranée and family gatherings ~ about simple pleasures, about sharing a good meal, about feeling alive.

Caro’s Objet profile | her home & lifestyle blog
Hi Caro! So what's the backstory of this object?
We had just moved to Barcelona. My husband and I were going out for lunch and stopped by a chic and chill restaurant, wondering whether we should step in. Meanwhile, a lady of a certain age collared us. She was funny, elegant, and had a lot of energy. She invited us to come in and visit that place. We stood forever in the stairs, contemplating a huge wall covered with artworks, each more beautiful than the next. They were made by a catalan artist, and we got to learn about him. (She happened to be the owner of that restaurant 🙂)
Afterwards, I did some digging, and ended up contacting that artist, Mariscal, well known locally for he -among other things- designed the mascot of the Barcelona Olympic Games back in 1992. Shortly after, he replied to me and that’s how I ended up in his studio, a hidden and magical place in Poblenou. I got to meet some of his pieces, and purchased the one that would forever remain very symbolic to me, given how much I love objects with a story.
What object’s been your best investment?
That jacket that I found in a vintage store in Barcelona. I got it for a couple bucks and it still does its little magic years later, each time I wear it!
Is there any other type of things you truly like to dig into?
I want objects to live. Museum-like homes where you don’t even dare to sit make me anxious. I am a big fan of decoration - well that’s also my job!- I love bargain-hunting, I have a lot of furniture and family objects though I never get stressed when 10 kids run around our home :)
What’s the next purchase you’re currently contemplating?
I am dreaming about a napkin, towel or anything embroidered by Life is a picnic.
Thank you!
👀 Did you know? Once you onboard on the app, you can respond to and engage with cool people like Caro in one click.
What’s up in the app
🌏 open doors [new]
an explore feed, to meet objects and their stories from the community, by category
👤 in my mind
your notes for anything shopping related
🧭 new bounties
kev is looking for new sunglasses and a pair of light / stylish running shoes
think you can help? Could use advice in your next hunt? try us:
… and if you're not on iOS - it happens to cool people - feel free to reply in the comments!
Cool reads
🥖 Wandering thru Paris
"On Saturday, we walked through at least 6 neighborhoods and I would say that like 3.5 of them serve the specific function of inviting passersby into the stores that freckle the streets to shop."
🧔🏻♂️ Hipsters denial
Taste is fascinating: how it's built, nurtured, shared, thought about.
Why were so many people hipsters, and why did everyone who was a hipster deny being a hipster? [...] The answer to the first question is [...] that they [hipsters] wanted to signal how much better their taste was than yours, and how much more knowledgeable they are about film than you are. [...] And then it follows naturally that the reason that nobody wants to admit that they’re a hipster is that we don’t want to admit that we’re status signalling.
👛 Drowned
A consumer finds himself in over his head after a string of purchases gets out of control.
If you got all the way here and have been seeking a better way to experience shopping & enjoy your possessions, alongside enthusiastic, not-so-serious souls, try Objet:
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Til next time,
Mathilde 🫒