About the Newsletter
I want this to feel like a good old fashioned slumber party. Come on in, take your shoes off. Put on your coziest pajamas and let’s watch our favorite episodes of Buffy. My mom went to Costco and got the good chips and dip, and tomorrow morning we’re having waffles. Tell me all your secrets and I’ll tell you mine. Let’s braid each other’s hair and talk about boys. Or girls. Or dogs. Or the crippling feeling that maybe this is all there is.
In more concrete terms, this is a weekly-ish newsletter that consists of curated recommendations and careful musings on culture, lifestyle, nostalgia, the internet, and how they all intersect.
And sometimes photos of my dog, who knows.
About the Author
I’m Lizzie Campbell – corgi mom, interior design enthusiast, reformed lifestyle blogger, and a pleasure to have in class. By trade I’m a graphic designer, but I’ve been a writer at heart since I first learned how to hold a pencil.
In 2013, I was a burnt out college freshman with undiagnosed ADHD and a journalism major I picked at random because Rory Gilmore made it sound cool. I started a blog one night on a whim, sitting on the floor of my dorm room eating leftover pizza and watching Doctor Who.
I didn't have many plans for it, except having fun. But I quickly realized there was an incredible community in the blogosphere (as it was known back in the day). And my desire to have a beautiful website on a ramen budget led to something even better.
I taught myself graphic design, HTML, social media marketing, the works – and long store short-ish, it turned into my first full-time job after college, working in the marketing department of my small Midwestern state university.
In 2018, I got a job in Chicago as a social media manager for a boutique interior design firm and thought it was going to be my dream job. Instead, it was a nightmare and I lasted nine grueling months before finally quitting to freelance for a while until I figured out my next move.
That turned into four years of freelancing and running my own design studio full time, which was great until it wasn’t. In 2022, I looked around and realized I was once again craving a creative outlet from what had once been exactly that.
I did a lot of soul searching (and late night crying) and realized that while I loved design, I hated the hustle-culture induced rat race of trying desperately to find clients and stay on the cutting edge of the next best thing.
The stars aligned when I decided to shoot off a cold email to a local design agency in hopes of scoring some more steady freelance work. Instead it turned into my full time dream job and I couldn’t be happier to no longer be chasing overdue invoices or hopping on sales calls.
But with all that free time suddenly on my hands, I felt a little lost. What was I supposed to do with the community and brand I’d built up over the past decade?
I initially decided to get back to my roots of blogging, but I found myself spinning my wheels, endlessly re-designing my website and never actually writing anything. And if I did write something, it was some inane drivel about how to copy some bland beige interior designer. I realized pretty quickly that cookie cutter posts and affiliate links was NOT fulfilling. I was craving the freedom of blogging back in the Good Old Days, when I would write the most heartfelt things I could think of then cheerfully send it off to my list of a couple dozen family members and followers.
Tiktok didn’t exist, Reels weren’t a thing – hell, even Instagram STORIES hadn’t been introduced yet. (Yes, I’m that old). I wanted an audience, sure. I craved a personal brand and recognizable aesthetic. But mostly I was doing stuff for the love of the game. Sharing things I liked so that other people might enjoy them also.
And that’s what I really want to get back to here. No spon-con, no affiliate links, no pressure to conform, just good old fashioned writing.
I hope you’ll follow me on this journey. It’s good to be back.