The Chris Hedges Report
The Chris Hedges Report Podcast
The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Professor Clarence Lusane on our bifurcated historical memory and competing national symbols and monuments.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -31:13

The Chris Hedges Report Podcast with Professor Clarence Lusane on our bifurcated historical memory and competing national symbols and monuments.

When the new 20-dollar bill is issued in 2030 it is scheduled to have on one side a portrait of Harriet Tubman, the fiery abolitionist who made over a dozen clandestine trips south to free enslaved people and later served as a scout for the Union Army during the Civil War. The back of the bill is supposed to have a statue of the slaveholding 7th president, Andrew Jackson, who was one of the principal organizers of the genocidal campaigns against Native Americans. It is a bit like Germany issuing a bill with Ann Frank on one side and Adolf Eichmann on the other. This schizophrenia reflects the bifurcation within the country where the dwindling majority of whites often embrace the so-called white replacement theory, seeing in the effort to honor the nation’s diversity and own up to the sins of white supremacy, a campaign to erase them. The fight over symbols and monuments is grounded in this fear of dethronement, for as Erin L. Thompson writes “monuments aren’t history lessons---they’re pledges of allegiance.”  Owning up to our past, the goal of critical race theory, shatters the myth perpetuated by white supremists that our racial hierarchy is not somehow engineered but the natural outcome of a meritocracy where whites are endowed with superior intelligence, talent and civilization, while Blacks deserve to be at the bottom of society because of their innate characteristics. Owning up to the past eradicates the whitewashing in textbooks, monuments, memorials and historical narratives and forces white Americans to grapple with a history every bit as evil as that perpetuated by German fascists. As Clarence Lusane, the author of “Twenty Dollars and Change: Harriet Tubman and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice and Democracy,” argues: “rolling out a Tubman twenty-dollar bill not only disrupts and diminishes the legacies of white supremacy that persist in official narratives, but that doing so is a necessary step toward diminishing and abolishing racist distortions of our political economy, health and medical institutions, and justice system.” Joining me to discuss this battle over national symbols and monuments is Professor Clarence Lusane, the director of the International Affairs program and former chair of the Political Science Department at Howard University.

Discussion about this episode

We are still battling false Monuments in all states..Harriet Tubman would be an enlightning figure if alive today in a voice to protect our Democracy! We need to speak up for voting rights and keeping history alive!

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Disappointed that Hedges and guest went so heavily with the narrative of the racist symbolism of monuments, instead of the larger substantive issue of erasure of the Reconstruction era and the effective power of government remedial efforts and the power of the black community.

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Yeah, i get that. But i think there is something deeply powerful to the symbolism idea too. It’s less tangible, less demonstrable in many ways - but our psyche is so heavily influenced by these tropes and symbols that exist in our society. I personally think these symbols should not be torn down, but repurposed. Take a Robert E Lee statue and hang flower pots on it, scrawl a quote from Dubois across his midriff, acknowledge all this happened and place it in a wider, more objective historical context. The tearing down idea is actually letting the power structure off the hook. Keep the horrors in the light.

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May 11, 2023
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The More of those, the better...

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Read Clarence LUSANE's book!

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Lusane mentioned the critical importance of the Reconstruction Era, the key role of government intervention, and how that history has been ignored - yet there was zero followup from Hedges. Hedges repeated the flaw that Lusane emphasized. That's my point.

I was working exclusively off this interview. This is the first I've heard of Lusane and have not had the chance to read his book.

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I am now a fifth of the way into Lusane's book - excellent. Chris Hedges interviews usually follow two parts. The first is around 30 minutes in length. The second some days later includes extra material and lasts a further approximately 15 minutes. It could be that your specific need to know re the Construction Era may be covered then. But failing that I certainly recommend Clarence Lusane's book. I am excited to have this introduction from Chris Hedge's interview!

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Agreed. Tearing down a statue of Robert E. Lee does NOTHING to address African American cultural dynamics. They are killing each other in the inner cities and no one is addressing that one. Easy to blame white people and call them racists...but the white people have nothing to do with black on black crime. Symbolism is a fine academic topic but what about reality??

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May 11, 2023Edited
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Dude...I will the first one to say that black people have been discriminated against, brutalized, criminalized, etc. I do not deny any of that. You realize much of that was done by government was the government that banned Rosa Park from sitting where she wanted to go. The bus company could give two shits as long as they had their money. My point is don't pull the racist bullshit about how whitey is responsible for the black cultural genocide. My hometown of Chicago has tons of shootings and killings every weekend. It is almost always black-on-black crime. It is literally a war zone and whites stay away. Remind me again why I am responsible for that? I owned no slaves, I never passed any anti-black legislation, my family came to US in 1861 and fought on the Union side, and I have adopted black children myself. YOU are the one flinging around the racist terminology. And plenty of blacks are racists too. I have met them and they are not too shy in stating they hate white folks. So, remind me again, how am I a racist? What exactly did I do to earn the title of racist? And telling me I am one because I am white is intellectual laziness. So, I await your reply..if you are so bold to actual THINK about this...

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The monuments are allegiances concept is brilliant. I think reparations that work, that are possible, are a UBI (Universal Basic Income) and full civil rights for voting, gender equality, courts that represent democratic ideals instead of "white supremacy" and would be a realistic solution.

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A very interesting, informative interview concerning the current racial situation in our country.

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On Monday June 12, 2023 all day long at the National Press Club in Washington DC, Dr. Steven Greer and his Disclosure Project team are presenting yet even more government Whistle blowers who will prove the existence of the Secret Government its bases in the US and elsewhere. The 1300 MILE underground base below Dugway AFB in Utah, and the heinous crimes this unauthorized evil group has been engaged in for the last century. He also has a movie exposing them. "The Lost Century" which will air on You Tube around the same time. This group has had antigravity craft since October 1954. And since that time they have learned that DNA is the Currency of the Universe. And, as such, they have engaged in abductions of people, while posing as aliens, and using them as slaves in trade with certain ET groups in exchange for technology that they expect to use to control the world. This sick Mad Scientist mentality has been fueling their agenda for some time. They are the reason David Paulides has been researching the missing people from National Parks. in is Missing 411 series on You Tube. This evil group had assistance from certain malevolent ET's.

This Press Club event will prove to be a major historical event, exposing the most sick and deranged Secret Government program that is not controlled by Congress or the President. I hope you can set aside the time to learn the truth, which will be only the tip of the iceberg. Their tentacles run deep and wide. Efforts are being made now to reign them in. They also have engaged in experiments that would make Dr Mengele look like Mr Rogers.

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Brilliant analysis. I was especially drawn to the final observations re Clarence Thomas - how such faces as his are put into positions of power because they serve the powerful anti-democratic/pro-oligarch positions - if I can put it like that. It's why Bush and Trump would both sit in the crowds behind them when delivering televised speeches as many of the few African America, Latino, etc attendees as they could - while in front - scarcely any of those ethnicities to be seen. Here in Australia the nation is heading to a referendum to introduce a change to the Constitution - to allow a national representative First Australians body to be set up in order to offer advice to the government of the day on ANY legislation with implications for First Australians (Indigenous) who make up some 3%+ of the population - though suffering all kinds of negative discrimination - despite the painfully won gains from an earlier 1967 Referendum (90% of Australians in favour) to count the members of that community! The basis for this referendum is the Uluru Statement from the Heart - in 2017. Dismissed summarily as a pathway to Voice, Treaty and Truth by then Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and by his successor Scott Morrison - but campaigned on by the current Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and immediately re-endorsed at his governments electoral win in late May last year. However - suddenly from the woodwork and much endorsed by their Conservative buddies - now in Opposition - two people of First Australians background - (a) Jacinta Price from the Northern Territory (her anti-Voice stance re the Referendum - in October this year) repudiated by the peak body representing First Australians communities stretching across her seat - the Central Lands Council - she does NOT speak for us - it has just stated - and (b) Warren Mundine - a political party flip-flopper of major proportions - 3rd marriage into a rightwing political commentator's family (of Gerard Henderson) and for a while at least - still no doubt - almost a bosom buddy of the former PM Tony Abbott (who had given himself the Ministry for Women - and he was a confirmed misogynist - and the Ministry for Indigenous Affairs - a portfolio about which he knew nothing more than that photo opportunities in remote communities might serve in fooling some of the nation - smooging and smiling - then betraying). Clarence Thomas - misogynist as we all remember - and an alleged rapist - as was that other Supreme Court Judge, too. Scandalous that they can be on the US nation's highest court bench!

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Dishonesty has no skin color or race. Thomas like the other corrupted judges and politicians pertain to the same club and I think they actually love each other.

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May 11, 2023Edited
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So using your logic, black people don't exist, except for those who believe in a black race?

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May 11, 2023
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And that reality is defined by you and you are the arbiter of that reality. Nice.

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May 11, 2023Edited
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Likewise, you are one stubborn cracker as well.

The US black murder rate is double the World Bank Lower Income nations and also more than double Africa. So it is clear it is not a pigment problem. Why are blacks in the US more murderous than those in Africa?

Its not all the fancy words and phrases you use. Nor is killing all the white people and capitalists going to fix it. It is the lack of cohesive families and missing fathers. But you would not understand this as you live in your little artistic bubble and construct this reality of yours that does not correspond at all to what I see in Chicago. But sure go me a racist and shout me down with all your fancy words and phrases. If anything you can virtue signal very well.

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May 11, 2023
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You realize our country is a fascist oligarchy. Capitalism only works without government involvement. Once government is involved, it is fascism and indeed the US is extremely fascist. When you say kill capitalists, whom are you referring to? Elon Musk is not a capitalist. He is a grifter that used Government subsidies to enrich his wealth. He is a fascist. As for eradicating wealth accumulation, what do you mean? Are you going to take away my home and my properties? What gives you the right to determine what I should and should not have? Ever heard of the iron law of oligarchy? There is always an elite group of folks that keep wealth. Look at Cuba and USSR. Sorry but you need to clarify your position other than just spouting pithy sayings...

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May 11, 2023
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Look up the definition of capitalism. It is free of government intervention. Otherwise it is not capitalism. If the fossil fuel industry gets money in govt subsidies that means we live in a fascist oligarchy. That is a FACT. Don't go telling folks we are in a capitalistic society when it is clear we have fascists everywhere. By the way, where is your source for $11 million dollars a minute in govt subsidies? Or did you pull that 'fact' out of the butthole between your ears?

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I don't approve of symbolic gestures. Stop the war. Save the Earth.

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May 11, 2023
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You sound like a nice guy! Would love to have a cup of coffee with you...NOT!

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May 11, 2023
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Anyone dining with Pol Pot will be killed! :-)

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Just to add - I have researched Prof. Clarence LUSANE (admiration and respect in equal measure I feel for his scholarship and courage) - and bought this latest book as discussed here - and read up about some of his earlier excellent work - and sent a story published by the Sydney Morning Herald back in 2011 on his White House book to a kinship connection out of the Caribbean but living in Fort Myers FL - himself a Masters graduate from Howard U.

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May 11, 2023Edited
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So Mr. Jon Carver...what kind of world are you looking for? What is your solution? Kill the you are advocating to kill most Americans? Herd them into camps? Ironically what you are spewing is exactly what Pol Pot did in Cambodia. Looks like you are wanting to become the Pol Pot of the US or what? You realize that most "isms" kill and maim. Sounds like your will be adding your name to the list of tin pot dictators if you ever get into power.

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May 11, 2023
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I have a new nickname for you..."Pol Pot"

Jon "Pol Pot" Carver

What you just wrote is exactly what Pol Pot tried to do in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge government led Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During that time, an estimated 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork. One detention center, S-21, was so notorious that only seven of the roughly 20,000 people imprisoned there are known to have survived. The Khmer Rouge, in their attempt to socially engineer a classless communist society, took particular aim at intellectuals, city residents, ethnic Vietnamese, civil servants and religious leaders.


Sound familiar?

You spent most of the day today wanting to kill 'capitalists' and accused anyone that does not agree with you a racist. You need to do some serious soul searching as something is very wrong with you.

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