Dr. Naomi Wolf is one of the best research journalist and feminist authors in that investigative journalist space. In The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot (2007), Wolf takes a historical look at the rise of Fascism, outlining 10 steps necessary for a Fascist group [aka the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva] to destroy the democratic character of a nation-state like America. The book details how this pattern was implemented in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and now globally - and analyses its emergence and application of all the 10 steps in American political affairs since the September 11, 2001 attacks.
We are at War against an enemy that Dr. Naomi Wolf describes as a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) driven fascist dictatorship. Dr. Naomi Wolf in her book, The End of America, reveals the frequently repeated 10 steps taken by dictators to overthrow democracies and destroy people’s freedom and liberties. Since 2001 the narrative’s threat was “terrorism” which was used as the justification to strip the citizens of the world of our liberties. According to Naomi Wolf, the first 9 Steps played out shortly after 9/11 2001. Since Wolf wrote her book in 2007, the 10th Step had never played out - until Feb. 2020. Step 10 was swung into action by the Technocrats in 2019. The catalyst was the orchestrated synthetic virus, SARS-CoV-2.
The last and final step in the implementation of tyranny, Step 10, involves the creation of a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) type surveillance state, where emergency law is enacted, or martial law enforced. Since early 2020 and the declaration of a state of emergency globally, the rule of law has been eroded and the war against the Corona virus has also become open-ended. Emergency law was enforced - and will become automatic once the World Health Assembly and the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee finally take control of all the Health Departments in the 194 member countries worldwide. This will pave the way for Step 10 that will be completed as the Great Reset is fully introduced. In a recent video Naomi discusses “Why Vaccine Passports Equal Slavery Forever”. The vaccine passport platform is the same platform currently exercised in China as a social credit system.
Oh how accurate this statement is! Only God’s Truth enables us to bridge the gap associated with both truths in this statement.
With this understanding, it is now time to return to Dr. Naomi Wolf’s video. The bottomline, and Naomi’s conclusion, is that the monsters in Geneva are targeting the disruption in human reproduction - Josef Mengele style - who is also known as the Angel of Death. Mengele was one of the doctors who administered the gas. Today, the spiritual mafia MOB, who devised Nazism, have the Big Pharma aligned doctors administering a bioweapon upon every citizen of the world who is not in the club.
This same Satanic and Luciferian group of psychopaths are the ones who created the mythical theories of natural Evolution, Eugenics, Marxism, Nazism, Fascism and now evolution by intelligent design = Transhumanism. Mankind’s attempt to become like “the gods” through technology & science in the form of Transhumanism will undoubted destroy mankind as we know it! Their final goal is a Chinese style Technocracy.
Every single one of these occult belief systems have one common denominator - they ALL, not only hate their creator God, the absolutely despise Him. That is what our children are taught in schools and universities today.
Josef Mengele performed deadly experiments on prisoners at the Auschwitz II concentration camp. It has taken the Nazi psychopaths 80 years to refine an invisible concentration camp surrounding our minds. It began in earnest on 9/11 2001. We are now slaves to the spiritual mafia MOB - and we are not even aware of it!
Take responsibility and ……..
The average consciously unaware person thinks I’m crazy when I say that these COVID-19 injections were designed to fail. You may have noticed that these injections have targeted the downfall of America and the Western countries that are a part of the British Commonwealth - essentially the Monarchy and King Charles 111’s jurisdictions. American’s don’t know it, but they are also totally controlled, financed and manipulated by the Crown within the City of London.
The injections thus far have been a bioweapon that has caused reproductive disorders - however these have only been trails before the Josef Mengele style Final Solution is released on the entire population. How are they preparing for this event?
One answer is satellite surveillance. In Jan. 2021, this scientist says “There are now over 3,000 working satellites in orbit. The number of satellites launched last year at over 1,200 is over twice as many as in any previous year.” Now…“As of February 2023 the United States had the highest number of satellites in orbit, amounting to 5,798. It is followed by Commonwealth of Independent States (formerly USSR) with about 1,500 satellites in orbit.” I don’t have to show you a graph to prove that the rate of increase of satellites is exponential - off the charts in fact.
All the COVID-19 injections contain some form of mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP). The PEGylated lipids and LNPs found in the mRNA vaccines are both medical devices and military grade nanoweapons, also meeting the criteria of neuroweapons (i.e. crossing the blood brain barrier). They are all designed to create within our individual bodies’ a digital platform or operating system (OS) that other entities can communicate with and be energetically entangled too.
We are being forewarned that what is coming is “the full physical integration of biological and digital entities” in order to “change human beings – our bodies, minds, and behaviours and change or create other organisms….” “The physical meshing, manipulating, and merging of the biological and digital are creating new hybrid forms of life and technology, each functioning in the tangible world, often with heightened capabilities.” Here is the secret, or hidden message…. “We are now godlike and will play god with you and you must submit.” “Gene sequencing combined with artificial Intelligence (AI) leads to understanding genetic expression, which is then used to alter existing organisms to create organic compounds in new ways or even entirely synthetic organisms.”
“Biodigital convergence involves a rethinking of biology as providing both the raw materials and a mechanism for developing innovative processes to create new products, services, and ways of being” [no longer human being, or even Human 2.0, but just being like entities having no human soul].
Pfizer is a German/Chinese company which has a subsidiary, BioNTech which is short for Biopharmaceutical New Technologies and is a German biotechnology company based in Mainz, Germany. Mainz is the capital of the Rhineland-Palatinate state which was originally a Celtic region BC. However, the Palatinate was infiltrated by the Swiss Knights Templars during the Thirty Year’s War (1618-48) which ended in the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. This treaty was really the beginning of the present day NWO and the partitioning of Switzerland to be a neutral country to control it.
Take a look at the Coat of Arms of Mainz, Germany. It shows quite clearly its relationship to the Swiss Knights Templars. What it signifies is, the Swiss Knights Templars and the Swiss Big Pharma still control this region today.
Up until 1648, the Swiss Knights Templars had become experts in the art of providing mercenaries to fight for countries in wars that they themselves instigated. In fact, during the Thirty Year’ War they provided their own Knights Templar troops to fight in the region of the Palatinate - an estimated 4.5 to 8 million soldiers and civilians died as a result of battle, famine, and disease. This is the trademark of the Swiss Knights Templars. Many Swiss still live in this beautiful, rich wine producing region.
Of course the Smart Swiss don’t send their own men to fight as mercenaries anymore - since 1648, they simply instigate the wars, then provide mercenaries from other countries to fight those planned wars. In the meantime, the Swiss keep their own men at home - fully armed and trained - just in case they get found out! The Wagner Group which has played a significant role in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, is a classic example of the Swiss providing mercenaries to Russia. This is a great money spinner - why do you think the Swiss are so rich monetarily? However, in life-giving energy they are destitute.
The red cross embedded in the Coat of Arms of the present day Rhineland-Palatinate region leaves no doubt about their history. The red cross on a white background or the white cross on a red background, both have a history of Knights Templar involvement - either in Switzerland or the City of London - the roots are the same.
This is my summary image of the Swiss Knights Templars, the Swiss Octagon secret society, Swiss Big Pharma, the NWO, the WEF, the Swiss CIA, the City of London, the spiritual mafia MOB - they are all ONE and the same thing - and ALL have their roots in Pharaonic worship of “the gods” - aka the occult - and they are the root of global Nazism which is now called Technocracy.
Notice in the photo the Nazi cross? This is where it originated from!
Notice that the City of London Coat of Arms is merely the reverse design. This is important to understand.
The Chinese CCP’s pharmaceutic giant, Fosun Pharma, is in bed with all of these organisations and companies. Together, they now rule the world.
America is merely used as a diversion! This is how the dark underground world of occult mind control operates. This is describing their spiritual operating system. The bottomline is they want to eliminate us! That is Lucifer and Satan’s modus operandi.
What we are witnessing is the affect of a corrupt belief system…. So I have a question for you … please comment …. don’t be lazy, engrossed with a mind that is shredded in deception - Dr. Naomi Wolf’s grandmother lost 9 brothers and sisters in the German Nazi holocaust - How do you think the truth about the origins of the holocaust would enable her to grieve that loss?
Truth is being revealed - Truth ALWAYS has victory over lies, fear and deception. It could in your life too……..

Superb writhing GH!
There's so much that's below the surface- the learning about the CCP's 'objectives' is harrowing.
Yankee here; living in Straya now. A very big 'vaccine' plant is now being erected on the near north side of Melbourne.
They are full speed ahead on the mNRA vaxxines.
God help us!
Prepare for battle!
That is one huge building. Thanks for sending that.