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Over the past 9 months I’ve posted about the high (up to almost 90%) Correlation observed between the mRNA Injection Rate and All-Cause-Mortality Rate, with Mortality lagging Injections by 1 or 2 months for maximum correlation. I’ve documented this Correlation in the U.S., the U.K., Canada, and in Germany. The plot below with DATA from Japan comes from Joel Smalley’s most recent Substack Post, so let’s make this 5 countries (and counting).
And the Correlation, with the delay between Injections and Mortality, is obvious — no statistical analysis needed to see it. I copy a bit from Joel’s post below.
Japan - Weekly Excess Deaths vs COVID Boosters
Nothing to see here. No signal. Nothing. Just a coincidence.
I can see the Correlation. I’m sure you too can see the Correlation.
Why can’t the CDC, FDA or NIAID see this Correlation? Ask RFK, Jr., he knows. RFK Jr., you ask? You you, that Censored Democratic Presidential Candidate that has been banned from YouTube and doesn’t exist (except for smear articles) on the Mainstream Media (MSM). He’s out there; just turn off all the lies and Narrative you’re getting from the Censored-MSM and go someplace else, e.g., Joe Rogan’s show or Tucker Carslon’s Tweets.
These DATA are out there for anyone to see. All the Censorship in the world will not be able to cover over the Tracks, made all over the world, by Pfizer.
In this Post, as did Joel, I just showed the DATA for the U.S., U.K., Canada and Germany.
B.....buh.....but doncha know that correlation DOESN'T equal causation?? 😆. I know, it really IS an absolute joke, isn't it? (& NOT a "funny" joke). Obviously, it's NOT being "missed" by these agencies and institutions, it's being consciously IGNORED. What we got here is an internationally coordinated COVER UP. The corporate technocracy and mainstream media, where the majority of people get the majority of their information from, & those damnable gatekeeping giggle searches are testicle deep into this wilful corruption and complicity. DEATH to the lying presstitutes and ooze-papers and politicians and the biopharmaceutical industrial complex cartels! The quick, merciful death of the rope's TOO good for 'em: to the rack & wheel!!