RFK takes Dr. Tariq Butt to School: Chickenpox Vaccine May Backfire Causing More Adult Shingles out to 75 Years after Shot
Rate of Mild Chickenpox Lowered by Vaccination but Kids May Pay the Price as Adults
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
I was struck by a recent town hall meeting on News Nation where Dr. Tariq Butt in the crowd pronounced the efficacy of the chickenpox vaccine among others. He said to Democratic Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, that “your stance on vaccines is dangerous to the health and wellbeing of millions.” RFK replied that vaccines should be “safety tested.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr went on to educate the moderator and Dr. Butt on childhood vaccines. While the chickenpox vaccine did reduce the childhood rash, RFK pointed out that when the kids grow up to adults, they will face an increase risk of painful and long-lasting shingles.

The doctors stance and body language said it all as he became less assertive and self confident while hearing the side effects in addition to comments on efficacy. I took the time to check RFK on this observation and was interested to find this paper by Rafferty et al.
There are no 50 year studies after chickenpox vaccination, so the authors relied on point estimates for shingles incidence rates through time after childhood chickenpox vaccination. They concluded that indeed the vaccine would reduce chickenpox but only to have children pay the price with increased rates of shingles during life out to 75 years after the vaccine. Beyond that age the rate of shingles went down presumably due to the supplemental use of the shingles vaccine or other competing risks.
What we are learning is that there is no free lunch with vaccines. They all have risks and benefits and cannot be touted as a “good for all” public health measures.
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared at a NewsNation town hall Wednesday night, June 28, 2023
I was given the chicken pox vaccine as a child. I've now had shingles 20 or more times in the last decade. Everytime I get sick with something or too stressed, I get shingles. So, the doctors said it was because I had chicken pox as a child. (yea, vaxed for it but still got it sorta like covid vax, you still get it ). So, now we see it wasn't the chicken pox but the vaccine instead. Thanks a lot CDC.
God Bless RFK - Its pretty astounding that the moderator spews lies when we know RFK has the proof in writing from the government right on the Children's Health Defense website. Perhaps he needs to bring along copies for these interviews because it seems to me these numbskulls all have the same play book - MEDICAL FREEDOM is a right and needs to be returned to the people.