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Dear Reader,
It is an honor to have you here and to make your acquaintance. No matter how you got here - I’m happy we found each other. Thank you for being here.
And thank you for being you.
I can’t do what I do… without you. Truly. It means a lot. I’m not sure you’ll ever understand how much, or how I’ll ever be able to find the words to convey...
Just know that I see you.
As some of you may already know, I host a podcast called “The Imagination”.
*You can check it out at the link below if we are just meeting for the first time:
'The Imagination' Podcast on YouTube
(And here are the rest of my social and podcast links:)
Follow and Connect with Me Here
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(Above: My puppy and I)
Although I’m just beginning to put together ideas for this blog, I will inevitably be using it as a journal of sorts where I can document my journey as a podcast host and share with you how this journey into the world of survivors and saving our children has impacted me, lessons I have learned, personal insights on each episode, behind the scenes with guests, education and resources, and a space that I can use to express myself through a long-time passion of mine (writing). As someone who is extremely kinesthetic, I experience the world through feelings, emotions, intuition, physical touch, and hands-on demonstration / experience. Writing is a way I’ve found helpful to express emotions and feelings that are difficult to verbalize and find words for.
When I started down the path of really diving into my own healing, I didn’t realize how much it would open my heart up to reconnecting with my inner child. With little Emma and her wants, needs, passions, dreams, and desires…
(Above: My mom, little sister and I <3 )
I pray this journal finds you when you need it, speaks to your heart, and makes a difference in some small or big way.
I also pray that I make you proud, Little Emma.
This journal is dedicated to ALL the children of the world. Yes. Even *your* inner child.
I see you. I hear you. I stand by you.
Thank you for being here, Dear Reader.
May we have eyes to see, ears to hear, courage to create, and hearts to love…
Emma Katherine
This is Emma’s Substack.