By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
This breaking interview with Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, plaintiff in the historic case against President Joe Biden and the US Government gives a critical update. To set the stage, Kheriaty believes for several years now many US government agencies have been in the business of using their influence with social media directly and through academic IT/AI contractors to shape narratives on the internet and social media. This included the fabrication of Russian influence in Trump’s election in 2016, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Ukraine War, COVID-19 false narrative, vaccine and transgender ideologies. Kheriaty believes governments all over the world are creating a “matrix” along the lines outlined by journalist Michael Shellenberger.
Initial discovery has been sufficiently damaging, that a federal judge has issued preliminary injunction to halt activities of federal agencies and their designees probably including Stanford Internet Observatory Virality Project, University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, Graphika, to name just a few.
New Civil Liberties Alliance issued this report on July 5, 2023.
Washington, DC (July 5, 2023) – Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana has granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting several federal agencies and specific White House officials from pressuring or coordinating with social media companies to suppress constitutionally-protected speech. The New Civil Liberties Alliance, a nonpartisan nonprofit civil liberties group, celebrates this major victory for its clients Drs. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff and Aaron Kheriaty and Jill Hines in the case of Missouri, et al. v. Biden, et al.
Three of NCLA’s clients are distinguished scientists who, because of state action, were blacklisted, shadow-banned, de-boosted, throttled, and censored on social media for merely articulating views opposed to government-approved views on Covid-19 restrictions and regulations. Jill Hines was a dissenter from mandatory vaccines and lockdowns who also had her media posts throttled. Their ordeal was part of a lawless and expansive campaign by federal officials across at least eleven agencies and sub-agencies who employed illicit tactics—including coercion, collusion and coordination—on social media companies to suppress the airing of disfavored perspectives. The agencies directed such companies to censor viewpoints that conflicted with federal government messaging on topics ranging from Covid-19 to elections.
Judge Doughty’s new order applies to agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services, State Department, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, FBI and officials like White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Counsel to the President Stuart Delery. They are prohibited from threatening, pressuring, or coercing social media companies to suppress or remove posted content featuring protected speech.
In his timely July 4 memorandum ruling on a request for a preliminary injunction, Judge Doughty wrote, “Although this case is still relatively young, and at this stage the Court is only examining it in terms of Plaintiffs’ likelihood of success on the merits, the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth.’”
In the measured order of injunction Judge Doughty did not prohibit the traditional government functions of informing media, social or otherwise, of criminal activity, or national security threats on their platforms, including illegal foreign efforts to suppress voting. In short, criminality can be challenged, not dissent.
Kheriaty expects the Biden administration attorneys to stay the injunction in appellate court in order to keep the government’s social media and censorship machine going as the case grinds on for years to come. A few minutes into July 10, 2023, he was proven correct with this storyline.
This interview is riveting and no doubt part of US history unfolding on the center stage where our rights to free speech (and thought) are literally on trial.
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How do We "Escape the Woke Matrix?" A guide by Michael Shellenberger
I salute Kheriaty et al for their valiant work!
Clearly this administration (and the “deep state” in DC) will not go down without a big fight. The very existence of the current government is dependent on controlling the narrative on the 2020 election, the Jan 6th Capitol demonstration, and the presumption of Donald Trump’s guilt in all manner of issues for which he has been indicted. I’m not a Trump fan, but more than anything I want to see Washington, DC dismantled to it’s very core and see us returned to a Constitutional government willing to stand on our own against all globalist efforts.
As a (proud) Canuck I spent much of my adult life smugly assigning all sorts of nonsense to the yanks. Ingrained in my thinking, through repetition and innuendo, I felt all this right to bear arms, and right to free speech, were relics from a messy past where such things were needed, at the time, but were dinosaurs in a new progressive world of benign government and progressive ideas.
Just a big oopsy. My apologies to my american cousins. Events have shown who was right, it was not me. Godsend my american cousins can prevail with the stout and clear wordings in their constitution.
Reporting from the frontlines in Canuckistan haha
PS from the mini bastion of freedom as Alberta under our hopeful new premier, anti WEF Danielle Smith
I have been stunned by the governments in the British world - Canada, New Zealand, Australia, that have become so authoritative, even more than the Britain. Remarkable how the US via the Bill of Rights has recovered somewhat. Still somewhat surprised that so many in the US accepted loss of freedoms in exchange for safety that turned out not to actually provide any safety. Slowly the public is understanding how poor our leaders have performed. Wonder when Canada will see the truth?
The extent of the censorship beyond covid is mind boggling. Thank you and God bless you Dr. Kheriaty, Dr. McCullough and the rest for standing up against this tyranny.
We need to understand that this issue is not left v right, Dem v Republican, etc. It’s up vs down. And we, the ‘peasants’ are members of the ‘down’.
Massively important information with huge implications
Shocked? I’m not. This is what happens when the loonie tunes run the asylum. The only hope for the sane hiding in the closets is to have the courage to step out and take the keys back one by one. The loonies currently in government and all American institutions that have corrupted America are the same infamous liberal youth of my Boomer generation. The same loathsome Boomers in elite universities of the 60’s who helped to hijack the original legitimate Vietnam war protests and decided to top off their hate America, flag burning, “hell no, we won’t go”, and free love, hell no that ain’t my kid, abort” movement lead by elite university Marxist professors, filtered down through tiered colleges, and into high schools. Yes, I know General and Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in WWII Normandy Invasion, and President and Commander in Chief Dwight Eisenhower in his farewell speech said, “beware the military complex” going forward. We know the killing fields and mountains of war are testing grounds for everything from widgets to medical breakthroughs that metastasize the longer the war goes on. I know that 70% of men sent to the “combat zone” never fire a weapon and since Nam, civilians have consistently supplemented larger parts of that force. We know the level of “plausible deniability” of the dioxin creators using the advantage of “clearing fields of fire” at base camps was somewhat true, defoliants saved some lives, but at what cost to veteran’s in base camps or the futures of the 30% combatants who survived the hot lead. These same scoundrels in academia in the 60’s collaborated with Marxist/Communist factions in Hollywood and the wannabe lame media selling ink by the barrel, to hijack and subjugated that war. No, Ho Chi Minh was not just a poor ole revolutionary hero. The real war elephants in Nam were the CCP (PLA) and Russian (USSR) logistics and armament. Was going to the other side of the earth to push back on Communism a stretch? Yes, unless you were a South Vietnam child who’s family were wiped out by Communist insurgents. Was the war dysphoric in management by State Departments who already knew the fix was in to make China a favored nation since the 50’s? Yes again. Were the military prepared? No. Capable? Yes. What the hijackers and their useful minions seized on was the chaos it intentionally created, the coin of the Marxist realm. It extended the war adding years to the killing, promote Communism, demoralize draftees before ever reaching the combat zone, corrupting and wreaking moral havoc on recruit resolve and performance of, in perhaps the most difficult conundrum of a filthy body count ambush war ever leveled on and fought by American military youth without support at home. America was divided, same playbook during Covid 19. During the war it was hate America slogans, topped off by unprecedented denigrating and slandering of every weary generational veteran into lifetime oblivion as murderers, druggies, rapists, and yes, baby killers to cover their own loathsome partake in the protests. None of this is new or just happened. With Covid, it has been part of the enemy’s long 100 year march (1949) to expunge the Constitutional Republic and its guarantee of individual freedom. Vilify the host, attack with slander, isolate, censor, subjugate, non compliant doctors and citizens. To prove the absurdity of the schizoid or mass psychosis of the minions, the parents of Boomer youth leaders paid their tuition with profits in war material simultaneously congratulated themselves for their parents generation, the previous “greatest generation” of the “good” war. Nam was the “bad” war. See a patterns here? That’s called discovery in medical science and law. Those same Boomer peers 57 years ago are seniors now and have propagated and collaborated to sell out America as they tear it down with Marxist tactics of censored isolation and slander. They know all about bad America because they are elite Americans living in the bosom of freedom with the rights to denigrate, rape, and grift off the spoils. They raised up their offspring to follow them in all things American institutions. This is what we call the deep State of affairs of bloated government bureaucracy with corrupted corporate deniability and zero faith. They created a central uniparty in the 90’s to handle the dysphoria of selling off middle America’s manufacturing juggernaut to depress and suppress its immunity to Marxism allowing in the 2008 Trojan horse of Socializing medical care and wealth transfer. Maybe if they have a few tax dollars left they will compensate the collateral damage created on the way to Marxist utopia, but so far there is little interest. Plausible deniability otherwise known as deceit hides its intent by wearing white coats in the hallways of the asylum. My intent is not to slander my own generation. The majority supported their veterans and American institutions, but eventually fell silent. They had no idea that 12” black and white TV program would be the beginning of propagating messaging in every hand and device that would give those with global ambitions and American contempt the ability to capture media and truth. Those who mocked the veterans who believed in the domino theory are today vaguely aware that the domino’s have indeed fallen because of them. All they know is America sucks and they must continue to climb the global grifter ladder by cutting of the rungs below them. Same people, different era, still despicable. This is not new, all the anomalies, coincidences, and exponential change harboring conspiracy theories are becoming true and it sure is nice to see people with faith and courage stepping out of the closet to recapture the keys to the asylum, turning the megaphone on the loonies and ultimately the Marxists who gave them the keys. Note: In the 60’s they came for the Boomer youth to denigrate America. Today, they have reset the target, academia has again captured youth, but this time your children will help “fundamentally change America” by convincing them their parents are liars and untrustworthy, the Marxist will set them free so they can be whatever they want to be.
Dang it. So agree with much of your post. Please add it to your stack, maybe some may find the post. It has been remarkable how this socialist weed has spread. Our tolerance allowed the few to become many and it did seem to begin in the 60's. Aside from a collapse of trust shown in the Pentagon Papers, that trust was near a total loss over the pandemic. I do see a backlash building in our new young who seem to understand that we have lost our moral position. They are seeing things aren't OK. I think there is a growing objection to prevailing group think. I wonder if they can help restore some values. While many do support the notion of socialism, others are really questioning that ideology particularly as it's being shoved into them. Of course I'm always optimistic and very old so could be quite wrong.
Great conversation on the merits of the suit, and for giving us some anticipated timelines. Thank you both!
If nothing else it at least opens the door just enough to expose the hidden mold growing.
Spoiling the .GOV Propaganda is a bit of a stretch however. Having Ignored all current laws to date.
You are not alone....millions of others feel this exact same way. Yes, it has gone too far.
What is the secret sauce to push such tyranny back into the stone age where it came from is being readily employed and action taken. But these legal chess moves take time. Your eviction from twitter means you became a threat to exposing the truth.
Find an alternative and grow your thoughts and feelings there,
Crush the usurpers!