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Daughter of Prestigious Lawyer Who Was Convicted of Human Trafficking Speaks Out
On Season 3, Episode 37 on 'The Imagination' Podcast
Dear Reader,
When I initially met this week’s podcast guest, Morgan, a couple years ago, I was instantly captivated by her. I couldn’t believe the wisdom she embodied and the way she carried herself. Most of all - I couldn’t believe how young she was. She was just 28. Twenty-eight years old and had seen and experienced enough horror, tribulation, and redemption to last 100 lifetimes. Over the past couple years, Morgan and I have talked many times about her coming on the podcast to share her testimony and I can’t tell you how excited I am to share her with all of you! She’s become like a little sister to me and I couldn’t be more proud of her for taking on the task for the first time ever of doing a long-form podcast.
*To anyone who doesn’t believe in miracles - simply listen to a survivor’s long-form testimony and ask yourself again what you beLIEve. Morgan is a real life miracle.
Below is the interview for reference - I’d love for you all to hear this amazing young woman articulate so WELL something so hard to put words to:
Morgan’s story is important for many reasons, and one reason in particular that sets the outcome of her story apart from 99.9% of the guests and survivors I have featured on ‘The Imagination’ Podcast (Click: Subscribe to 'The Imagination' on YouTube) is that two of her main abusers (Judge Tim Nolan and her lawyer father) were convicted in a court of law and served time for human trafficking. How incredibly validating for survivors and victims who do not receive justice in the court system (we all know by now the courts are a Luciferian brotherhood system now, right?) and who are told their story is a ‘conspiracy’? Well, guess what - we have receipts with this story!
Morgan calls the generational abuse carried down in her family a ‘business’ - which is a very key word to pay attention to as she takes us into the thick of her story before, leading up to, and after the arrests of her perpeTRAITORs. Morgan’s story begins at birth and now at age 30, she is in the process of piecing together the puzzle pieces of her life.
**Morgan is also on Twitter and exposes a LOT of deep and intricate details of her story that span what we were and are able to do in one podcast. I encourage you follow her on Twitter - she puts together elaborate threads and pieces together a lot of people, places and things you know by name.
Follow Morgan on Twitter @stellar_truth: Follow @stellar_truth on Twitter
I believe one of the reasons people have such a hard time believing these child abuse systems exist is because the intricate details that go into ensuring these covert operations are successful are too ‘intelligent’ly designed for what most people believe a human trafficker could be capable of. I mean, after all - they are just the dumb, poor, erratic, and mentally unstable people we see in movies, right? They couldn’t possibly be wealthy, resourceful, protected, or hold positions of power in society… Or could they?
Well, you decide.
Morgan’s father was a successful lawyer who mentored under another successful lawyer-turned-judge. Both highly esteemed in their communities. Maybe the problem is that society is taught to idolize people in positions of ‘power’ for reason? So we don’t look twice at them? So we look at the homeless person on the street instead?
I digress.
A big part of the solution in eradicating these generational child abuse systems is education. We need to understand what we are looking at if we want to know what to look for. Most of us are never taught that abuse can happen in a school, a medical facility, by a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a judge… a father unto his own daughter.
I ask you to please listen to Morgan’s story. Listen to all the layers - take notes if you have to. Draw out the connections so you can see them for yourself.
Human trafficking is organized crime. It is a cartel. A mob. A network. A business. And it is happening right in your backyard. In every town, city, state, country… There are no exceptions. It’s happening right in your own neighborhood and to people you’ve walked by and talked to. It’s a silent pandemic and it’s survivors like Morgan who are helping us paint the big picture of how, who, when, where and why these networks function (and very successfully) in our communities…
I wanted to also include here the resources and news articles we showed during this interview and that are of importance:
Tim Nolan - former Judge (20 year conviction):
Tim Nolan was a judge. Tim Nolan was a conservative activist. Tim Nolan was a human trafficker.
Former Judge Tim Nolan sentenced to 20 years. 'You ... made me lose hope' one victim tells him.
Woman (Former Nun) Accuses Sisters in Convent of Sexual Abuse
Former Nun Files Sex Abuse Suit
Nuns Asked to Stop the 'Hardball'
Diocese of Covington: 59 priests sexually abused children since 1950
As you can see - there’s so many pieces to just one story. And we are just scratching the surface with what Morgan has shared. Look forward to a part 2 coming up soon where we go even deeper into her story and share some other elements she hasn’t talked a lot about yet that will leave your jaw on the floor.
I also put out a call to action to please support Morgan by donating to her. We need to stop giving out money to corrupt establishments, non-profits, and deep state players and start funding and resourcing survivors! She has a PayPal as well as a GiveSendGo that I’m going to link:
PayPal: Donate to Morgan's PayPal
GiveSendGo: Donate to Morgan's GiveSendGo
As always, Dear Reader, I am thankful for you. Without you, I couldn’t do what I do. Without you, these survivors’ voices fall on deaf ears. Your role in this movement for our children is so important and crucial! Thank you for taking time to learn with me and with us. Means the world.
(I also will be adding to articles as I go, so please always go back and review some of my work as I figure this blogging stuff out and get better at it).
Thank you for being here, God bless you, and we’ll see you next time.
Emma Katherine
Thanks for all you do Emma to educate on these issues and advocate for survivors x Nicole