You might have noticed my last letter that I published an episode with Ben Albert.
Ben and I originally connected on LinkedIn. He made a connection request and an ask:
I'd love to have you on my show, Real Business Connections! Espree Devora's been on, Alex Sanfilippo, Jordan Harbinger, Tom Schwab, Hala Taha, etc etc etc
Not sure how much homework he had done, but I know 4 of those folks and 3 of them had been on Podcast Junkies (linked above)
I always appreciate it when someone asks me to guest on their show, and knowing that several of my friends had been on his show, this was a no-brainer for me.
Focus on Your Guests
We were finally able to find a time to chat and the episode was recently published.
One thing that was pure gold was Ben sharing a little tip that he uses on his own show.
Towards the end of his interviews, assuming everything went well, he asks his guest if they’d be willing to record a short 30-second promo for the show.
Naturally, I had to ask the same of Ben at the end of our episode.
If you have an interview show I highly recommend you steal this idea!
Here’s how I leveraged that on Twitter:
And also on LinkedIn:
Help Your Guests Help You
Once his episode was published I shared a page we normally create for our podcast clients using a tool called Notion. It’s a promo page that aggregates all the resources we created for his episode, feel free to duplicate it for your show!
I was pleasantly surprised when Ben went all out with the promo of his episode on Instagram and LinkedIn. I highly recommend you click through to see how effectively he did this.
The next day he emails me this:
I have a show "Real Hits" where I rebroadcast other podcast episodes. Can I have the source file to replay this on my show? This was amazing and I want to share it!!!
Do you have raw video files? If so: I can use them to make shorts! I said some things I don’t always say, so I'd love to highlight them in shorts.
Needless to say, I got these over to him pretty quickly.
All told, this was a great way to collaborate on content creation, and it all started with my ongoing focus to ensure that that the hour a guest spends with me is a valuable and engaging experience for them and for the listener.
I’ve said it before and it bears repeating:
In every podcast conversation there are 3 people present. The Host, the Guest and the Listener. And yes, Listener is singular. There is one person listening to your episode at a time.
As you read through this, please keep in mind that I’m not advocating you go out and book high visibility guests. That’s not the point.
Truth is, I knew very little about Ben’s social presence prior to us connecting. I simply felt that he was making a genuine and sincere request.
He then proceeded to be an amazing guest.
Remember, there is no magic pill that will get your podcast seen or heard. That is mostly out of your control.
But what you do have is the ability to be consistent and continuously provide value for your audience.
Remember that Luck is when Preparation meets Opportunity.
🙏 with gratitude,
Thanks to Our Supporters!
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What I Created This Week
No new episodes this week as I get ready to launch Season 9 of Vertical Farming Podcast.
In the meantime, I’ve been fairly active on Threads as a way to get all these silly shower thoughts out of my head.
Let’s connect there if we’re not already!
🙋♀️ P.S. When You're Ready...
Here are a few of ways I can help…
✡️ Download a free copy of my Voice Expansion Blueprint. The most powerful way to transmit and elevate your voice is with a podcast. This plan will outline for you the pillars of success needed prior to the launch of your show!
🎥 Watch my free video, 5 Key Pillars of a Profitable Podcast that every business owner needs to know prior to launching their show.
🎙️ Enroll in Podcast Blueprint 101. My newly updated course that walks you through everything you need to get your podcast off the ground! Subscribers get 50% off with the promo code “PBHD50”