Podcast: On Locked & Loaded, with Rick Munn
‘Sometimes, as a former mainstream journalist, I look back and wonder, “Was it always like this?” To what extent was the whole thing corrupt all along, and all we're seeing is just a dialling up?'
‘What if there are no more “unlesses”?
I was back this past week on ‘Locked & Loaded’, with Rick Munn, on TNTRADIO.LIVE, on the Gold Coast of Australia.
‘When you have a corrupt Regime with unlimited financial resources which they can simply create at the push of a button, then there is no devilment or damage they cannot impose. And therefore, the destruction of Ireland, and all our countries, is inevitable. “Unless, unless, unless . . .” But then I think to myself, maybe there are no “unlesses” anymore, because almost no one seems to be getting this?’
As we keep saying, we live in an age when those we trusted to run our public affairs have turned rogue, when they are as though delinquents who break the laws they are charged with formulating and enacting, and have declared war on their own people and somehow contrived to see themselves as virtuous on that account. The war goes on, entering new phase after new phase, and all we can do, much of the time, is try to keep a minimum level of resistance, so that those seeking the reassurance of knowing that they are not alone can look, or listen, and be calmed. But we ought not to underestmate the importance of this either, for it is slowing the march of the tyranny and creating at least the odd frisson of fear among the evildoers.
My conversation with Rick begins at 18 minutes in:
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‘One of the most hilarious moments was a demonstration [by journalists] outside RTÉ in the middle of all these Show Trials, against the high salaries being paid to their “celebrity presenters,” as they’re called. And they were all holding big signs which said, ‘Truth Matters!” And everybody just fell around the place laughing at these guys, who had been telling lies for 40 months, non-stop, morning til night!, 24/7, and now they’re out with signs because someone is getting a bung of 75 grand a year and they’re not sure where it’s coming from. And now . . . Truth Matters! Truth doesn’t matter when it comes to excess deaths, or the high probability that they’re being caused by the “vaccines”. But it matters when one of their colleagues gets more money than they do!’