How the Left Aided the Right in Info Warfare Operations
Information warfare wouldn't be as effective if it didn't target both sides of the political aisle. The rise in both black and white nationalism is created to stoke division and tear the US apart.
“The most prolific I.R.A. efforts on Facebook and Instagram specifically targeted black American communities and appear to have been focused on developing black audiences and recruiting black Americans as assets,” the report says. Using Gmail accounts with American-sounding names, the Russians recruited and sometimes paid unwitting American activists of all races to stage rallies and spread content, but there was a disproportionate pursuit of African-Americans, it concludes.
The report says that while “other distinct ethnic and religious groups were the focus of one or two Facebook Pages or Instagram accounts, the black community was targeted extensively with dozens.” In some cases, Facebook ads were targeted at users who had shown interest in particular topics, including black history, the Black Panther Party and Malcolm X. The most popular of the Russian Instagram accounts was @blackstagram, with 303,663 followers.
The Internet Research Agency also created a dozen websites disguised as African-American in origin, with names like blackmattersus.com, blacktivist.info, blacktolive.org and blacksoul.us. On YouTube, the largest share of Russian material covered the Black Lives Matter movement and police brutality, with channels called “Don’t Shoot” and “BlackToLive.”
The report does not seek to explain the heavy focus on African-Americans. But the Internet Research Agency’s tactics echo Soviet propaganda efforts from decades ago that often highlighted racism and racial conflict in the United States, as well as recent Russian influence operations in other countries that sought to stir ethnic strife.
Renee DiResta, one of the report’s authors and director of research at New Knowledge, said the Internet Research Agency “leveraged pre-existing, legitimate grievances wherever they could.” As the election effort geared up, the Black Lives Matter movement was at the center of national attention in the United States, so the Russian operation took advantage of it, she said — and added “Blue Lives Matter” material when a pro-police pushback emerged…
While the right-wing pages promoted Mr. Trump’s candidacy, the left-wing pages scorned Mrs. Clinton while promoting Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate. The voter suppression effort was focused particularly on Sanders supporters and African-Americans, urging them to shun Mrs. Clinton in the general election and either vote for Ms. Stein or stay home.
Van Jones attended Yale Law School, a World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leader”1 and a Rockefeller Foundation "Next Generation Leadership" Fellowship2, and a self-described former “rowdy black nationalist.” He hid his work on police reform with Jared Kusher while advocating the policy on CNN.
I still don’t understand how not voting for the Anglo-American establishment (Hillary Clinton) in 2016 equated to being racist against African Americans? It was meant to be a divisive statement.
The New Face of Environmentalism | East Bay Express | Oakland, Berkeley & Alameda
“In 1994, the young activists formed a socialist collective, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM, which held study groups on the theories of Marx and Lenin and dreamed of a multiracial socialist utopia. They protested police brutality and got arrested for crashing through police barricades. In 1996, Jones decided to launch his own operation, which he named the Ella Baker Center after an unsung hero of the civil-rights movement. Jones wedged a desk and a chair inside a large closet in the back of Paterson’s office. He brought in his home computer and ran cables through the rafters to get the operation humming.”
He became affiliated with many left activists, held study groups on the theories of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, and aspired to a multi-racial socialist utopia.
Jones defended fellow WEF Young Global Leader, Tulsi Gabbard, when she was accused of being a Russian asset.
It was revealed that Elena Branson, a dual US-Russian citizen accused of spying for the Kremlin, donated to Gabbards campaign for reelection to Congress in 2019.
In 2021, Sharon Tennison was the largest single contributor to the political action committee formed by former Democratic presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI).3 Like Tennison, Gabbard has advocated closer ties between the U.S. and Russia.
Tulsi may not be a Russian asset, but what about an Israeli one?
In 2018, Sharon Tennison wrote, “Putin isn’t the problem, friends. The problem is the projection of our own ‘shadow’ on Putin and Russia.” In September 2020, Tennison observed, “Putin seems to ignore detractors and continues efforts to create venues to bring peoples and countries together despite vilifications.” And the day after Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, Tennison posted, “I am deeply concerned about a NATO country being on Russia’s borders in Ukraine … As for Putin’s current dilemma, I’m sorry he felt he had to intervene in Ukraine!”4
The Center for Citizen Initiatives is the brainchild of Sharon Tennison and a member of The American Committee for East–West Accord.
Center for Citizen Initiatives - USA - MacArthur Foundation (macfound.org)
Center for Citizen Initiatives – The Atlantic Philanthropies
Stephen F. Cohen was a founding director of the 2015 reestablished American Committee for East–West Accord.
In a July 2015 interview, Cohen said:
Even Henry Kissinger—I think it was in March 2014 in The Washington Post—wrote this line: 'The demonization of Putin is not a policy. It's an alibi for not having a policy.' And then I wrote in reply to that: That's right, but it’s much worse than that, because it's also that the demonization of Putin is an obstacle to thinking rationally, having a rational discourse or debate about American national security. And it’s not just this catastrophe in Ukraine and the new Cold War; it's from there to Syria to Afghanistan, to the proliferation of nuclear weapons, to fighting global terrorism. The demonization of Putin excludes a partner in the Kremlin that the U.S. needs, no matter who sits there.5
In a 2017 interview with Tucker Carlson, Cohen said: "You and I have to ask a subversive question: are there really three branches of government, or is there a fourth branch of government — these intel services?" He stated that a military alliance that President Obama had tried to establish with Putin against terrorism was "sabotaged by the Department of Defense and its allies in the intelligence services". Each of Trump's efforts to "cooperate with Russia" was "thwarted [by] a new leak of a story".6
Board of Directors - American Committee for US-Russia Accord (usrussiaaccord.org)
Why Israel's Netanyahu Won't Arm Ukraine Against Russia (foreignpolicy.com)
There’s a probability these people aren’t “Russian agents” at all, but Israeli ones…
Jill Stein was the Green Party's nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 and 2016 elections. Below is a photo of Jill Stein with Vladimir Putin and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
Jill Stein Says Nothing Happened at Her Dinner With Putin – Mother Jones
NBC News had found that in 2015 and 2016 there had been over 100 favorable stories about Stein on Russian state-owned media networks RT and Sputnik.7
Upon the death of Nobel Peace Laureate Elie Wiesel, Stein praised him in a tribute on her Facebook page, but deleted the post when commenters criticized Wiesel's Zionism.8 When she was asked in 2016 whether she had a "position on whether a two-state solution is a better solution than a one-state solution", Stein answered, "I feel like I am not as informed as I need to be to really weigh in on that".9
In 2023, it was announced that Stein would help run Cornel West's Green Party campaign for president, challenging President Joe Biden.
Why is Jill Stein running Cornel West’s Green Party campaign? (slate.com)
In 1984, West attended Yale Divinity School in what eventually became a joint appointment in American studies. He serves as co-chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives (formerly the Tikkun Community). Tikkun was a quarterly interfaith Jewish left-progressive magazine and website. The editor, Rabbi Michael Lerner, formerly associated with SDS reorganized a new goup called the Seattle Liberation Front (SLF). While SLF members included Roger Lippman, Michael Justesen, and Susan Stern were also members of the Weather Underground, which had bombing attacks as a central part of its political strategy. The "Day After" demonstration SLF had called on February 17, 1970 (to protest the verdicts in the Chicago Seven trial) turned violent, Lerner and others were arrested and charged with inciting a riot.
Knocked Down: Cornel West Arrested During Ferguson Protests (nbcnews.com)
In August 2017, West took part in a counter-protest at the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. West has made frequent appearances on the political talk show Real Time with Bill Maher.
Bill Maher is a favorite of Larry King
Television host Larry King called Real Time "one of the best shows on television."10 Maher was a regular guest on Larry King Live as well as co-host at various times.
Larry King From 1985 to 2010, he hosted the nightly interview television program Larry King Live on CNN. King hosted Larry King Now from 2012 to 2020, which aired on Hulu, Ora TV, and RT America.
On August 30, 2010, King hosted Chabad Lubavitch's 30th annual "To Life" telethon.11
In 2012, King hosted the third-party presidential debate on Ora TV, featuring Jill Stein, Rocky Anderson, Virgil Goode, and Gary Johnson.[75]
In May 2013, the Russian-owned RT America network announced that they struck a deal with Ora TV to host the Larry King Now show on its network. King said in an advertisement on RT America: "I would rather ask questions to people in positions of power, instead of speaking on their behalf."12
In 2019, ProPublica reported King starred in a fake interview with a Russian journalist containing disinformation about Chinese dissident Guo Wengui, which was subsequently spread by Chinese government associated social media accounts.13
Glenn Greenwald was described by Rachel Maddow during his period writing for Salon as "the American left’s most fearless political commentator."14 Greenwald has been a frequent guest on Fox News, particularly on Tucker Carlson Tonight.
James Corbett
How the KGB and Cuban Intelligence Used the Black Panthers
Just like Russia and China used Black Lives Matter to destabilize the West, this is just a continuation of “active measures” from the past.
Red Cocaine, The Soviet Drugging of America and the West (lander.odessa.ua)
“The last event in 1967 of significance that General Sejna recalled was the completion of an important study, the report on which was entitled Minorities and Immigrants in the United States. The study was prepared for the Czechoslovak Defence Council. The study had been triggered by a talk given by the Soviet Ambassador, Stepan Cervoneiko, to the Czechoslovak Defence Council. His message was simple. 'The minorities will help us change the white to the red'. 'White' referred to cocaine and 'red' referred to the Red Revolution. The report formalised the role of drugging the minorities in the revolutionary process. The two key minorities to be targeted were Black people and Hispanics. The importance of minorities had long been recognised in Soviet strategy, but the previous focus had been on the East European minorities and on their use in espionage. After [Leonid] Brezhnev became General Secretary, policies under Khrushchev were reviewed and new priorities were established. During this review, [Nikitia] Khrushchev was criticised for not placing more focus on the use of non-European minorities, particularly Black people.”
Huey Newton meets with Zhou Enlai in Beijing: 1970
Zhou Enlai was in charge of People’s Republic of China’s Drug Warfare operation against the United States. While the PRC outlawed drugs within China, they were outsourcing and weaponizing opium and cocaine against American citizens, especially minorities.
Hero, Criminal or Both: Huey P. Newton Pushed Black Americans to Fight Back - NYTimes.com
“Historians have detailed its mistreatment of female members, extortion, drug dealing, embezzlement and murder. At least 19 Panthers were killed in shootouts with one another, the authorities or other black revolutionaries.
While “by any means necessary” became a mantra of the group, J. Edgar Hoover’s F.B.I. also did whatever possible to target the Panthers. As many members went off to prison and the group dwindled, Newton became a despotic and paranoid drug addict, wielding dictatorial powers with a small coterie, and knocking off anyone in his way.
While the Panthers’ time of influence ended quickly, Newton never escaped the organization. In 1980, he earned a Ph.D. in philosophy. But he was shot to death on Aug. 22, 1989, in a crack cocaine deal gone bad. He was 47, a victim of the same streets he had once tried to make safe.”
YouTubers Logan and Jake Paul involvement in BLM Protests
Logan Paul Caught Looting Mall during Arizona George Floyd Protests.
Ask yourself, why did CNN, MSNBC, and the Democrat establishment hide the role Israel played in the 2016 and 2020 US elections? They all knew Russiagate was really Israelgate and probably a lot of these people were really Israeli assets and not Russian ones.
So, if you're tired of the “woke” nonsense, now you know Russia’s and China’s role in the destabilization of the United States. It’s time to boycott the Social Media traitors and paid whores.
Reminder: I am only criticizing the governments of Russia, China, and Israel. No government or politician can be above legitimate criticism. I detest bigotry of any kind. Much love to my all my fellow brothers and sisters around the world who love freedom.