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The Ontario Government’s Thuggish Threats Against Parents Who Love Their Confused Kids
Unwilling to provide your confused child with chest binders, packers, stand-to-pee devices, and hormone treatments? The Government of Ontario is happy to take your child and help you with that.
(CONTEXT: Who Am I? and What’s my story?)
At times over the last couple of years, things have not been good between God and me. I often feel like I have failed him and like he has failed me. He has not failed me but I hear the constant temptation to think that he has. I deal with this on a daily basis, doing my best not to suppress these thoughts but to express them to him and ask him for relief.
I believe, help my unbelief.
This two-year journey of anguish and distress has been like no other period in our lives. The first part of the journey involves a lot of anger and confusion and fear. Your child is suddenly someone you don't know and very insistently so. You are caught off guard by her hostility and shocked that there was an alternate identity taking shape behind her recent defensiveness and self-isolation.
You end up in a yelling match, or worse, at the hospital after a suicide threat. The staff at the hospital and in social services will not help you in any way. They are purportedly there to help your child, but they are actually there to defend an ideology, a new orthodoxy - a whole new religion - and to impose their wills upon your beliefs. To them, you are a heretic, an apostate, so burning you at the stake via the imposition of state-sponsored thuggery is not out of the question.
Caught Between Competing Desires
And so you feel helpless, caught between, on one hand, a desire to help your child by continuing to love her in your own home and, on the other, confronting the evil around her which means taking the risk that she might be removed from your home to be placed with supposedly “loving” foster parents who will fast track her toward cross-sex hormones and surgeries to amputate or remove parts of her body.
Do you think I’m exaggerating? Let me prove to you that I’m not. Check out this page on the official website of the Government of Ontario. The page is called “Serving LGBT2SQ children and youth in the child welfare system”.
These people are not shy about publicly posting guidelines online that proclaim that
“In some cases, it may be necessary to bring a child or youth to a place of safety while parents or caregivers learn how to better support their LGBT2SQ children and youth…”
and that
“In situations where a parent-child separation is required, the chosen placement should be one that affirms the child or youth’s LGBT2SQ identity…”
Putting them into these “affirming” foster homes means, and I quote:
“allowing them to freely and openly express their identity. This includes supporting a child or youth’s choice of clothing or hairstyle, which can be important aspects of self-expression. It may also include supporting access to tools (e.g., chest binders, packers, stand-to-pee devices), gender-confirming health care and/or interventions (e.g., hormone treatments, hair removal) that for some children and youth may help them to feel their body better aligns with their gender identity.”
You read that correctly: if you are unwilling to provide your confused child with chest binders, packers, stand-to-pee devices, hormone treatments, and hair removal services, the Government of Ontario is happy to step in, take your child, and help you with that.
How is no one screaming about this?! Can I get an advocate?!?
Walking a Fine Line
As difficult as the last two years have been, I cannot imagine what these years would have been like if she had been taken from us and placed in a home like the one described above. And so we walk a fine line. We give her all the love we have every day; we want her in our home. We hope that love will break through, that loving her is not in vain and that this love will eventually break the spell and dissolve the delusion.
And we do what we can, somewhat covertly, to fight against the evil that is happening in plain sight. I write here, I take on private speaking engagements, we reach out to other parents, we talk to any school board employees or teachers who will listen. We take advice from professionals and try to find a psychotherapist for our daughter who is both professional and brave (so far, no luck).
This is a very dark place to live but for now, it is our place. We welcome your prayers and if you are experiencing a similar ordeal, we’d be happy to pray for you.
You can get in touch directly at
God bless you and many prayers for strength, courage and guidance coming your way!