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Today’s New York Times asks:
Americans’ feelings about higher education have turned sharply negative. The percentage of young adults who said that a college degree is very important fell to 41 percent from 74 percent. Only about a third of Americans now say they have a lot of confidence in higher education. Among young Americans in Generation Z, 45 percent say that a high school diploma is all you need today to “ensure financial security.” And in contrast to the college-focused parents of a decade ago, now almost half of American parents say they’d prefer that their children not enroll in a four-year college.
ANSWER: Here are some of the course offerings at Harvard, the nation’s premier university:
Our educated elite insist that we worship the Sacred Black person. That is the orthodoxy we must not question.
They have made it the bedrock truth of our legal system. De jure, de facto.
Constitution, shmonstitution! The only law is non-discrimination. Diversity is the only solution.
And diversity means “too many white people here.”
Amy Coney Barrett wept with her two adopted black children over what was done to George Floyd. You can look it up.
Why? For the same reason smart people have lost faith (or interest) in the New York Times.