
Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of COVID Intel - by Dr.William Makis

Canada approves NEW & OBSOLETE COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Boosters (XBB.1.5) - pushes them on children 6+ months and pregnant women - Major Safety Concerns! NO SAFETY studies done on children or pregnancy!

Canada is RE-BRANDING obsolete and failed COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to remove the word “BOOSTER”. This is an intentional move to forcefully make COVID-19 vaccines an “annual shot” like the flu shot, which they consider wildly successful (Sep.12, 2023)

“There is an Internationally agreed upon simplified dosing schedule NOW” - “It may be much like the flu vaccines where people may be on a REGULAR SCHEDULE getting an Updated vaccine” (Canada's chief medical advisor, Dr. Supriya Sharma - Sep.12)

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