
Hanging out in Covington

Pre-show rituals, onion based cough syrup, and prayers for humankind

Hello everyone,

I’m waiting for my hair to dry before I head to our job in Cincinnati. I thought I would spend a few minutes making my pre-show drink and saying hello. It’s a beautiful day in Kentucky and I look forward to greet the people, as we open for The National. Hope all is well for all…

Tonights Setlist (One Hour.)
We are here
signing stock

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Patti, I’m catching up on all your notes and videos as I was traveling and immersed in a yoga/meditation training in Sicily last month. These words you shared here resonate so much, and I will be sharing them with my students in tonight’s yoga class in Brooklyn, crediting you of course♥️. Thank you for everything.

“To fill the air with the energy of concern and love for your fellow man is never a waste of time. It’s not going to solve anything but it’s not a waste of time because the air is filled with so much negativity, or such cavalier aspects, or it’s just vacant — that, why not suffuse love or concern about humankind in all the little particles in the air?”

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thanks for this Patti...has provoked more remedies from your subscribers and some deep thoughts about singing in dark times....who'd have thought that?

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Maybe a funny question Patti - but what shampoo do you use?

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Thanks for the cough syrup recipe. It's coming in handy right now! X

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love wash 'n' wear hair :) x and the onion and honey cough remedy! thank you :)

and so true, I love this - attributed to Bertolt Brecht:

“In the dark times

Will there also be singing?

Yes, there will also be singing.

About the dark times”


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I’m so far behind - trying to catch up. Hope all is well!

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Thanks Patti. I have similar chest problems and have tried some of those ingredients before.

So I’m glad to learn of a new combination and to know that you have found it so beneficial. That gives me hope! Cayenne pepper, as I’ve only recently discovered, clears the tubes in seconds flat! Manuka honey is really helpful too. Thanks for your gentle and kind approach to the world xx❤️

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Sounds like a great concockshun! Thanks!


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I need subtitles

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I’m watching this as I ‘wash & go’ my hair🤣the remedy sounds good, I’ll make some for winter, thank you. Sorry I missed Freds birthday…much love & thoughts remembering his 75th 🤗🌸love to you Patti & hope you had a great evening. Bless you dear as always 💚💜♥️☮️

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Hi Patti! ❤️ I love hanging out with you.

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Hope you had a great show there!! Also, thanks so much for sharing that ‘potion’ . I’m going to try it out:). Love you Patti! Thanks so much for sharing your days with us.

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Hi Patti, Thank you for your ramble... but not a ramble at all. Always so good to see you.

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did you never think about organize some meetings with your subscrivers -when you have a concert and in the same location of it-around the world? Would be really beautiful!

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Thank you Patti!

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the cough syrup remedy sounds great. I have tried a few home made throat soothing drinks / gargles and they work far better than whatever one can buy at the pharmacy. I haven't tried one with honey and onions but next time my throat is sore / congested, I definitely will give it a go. Thanks

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You're right, singing doesn't solve these things, but it's never a loss of time or energy. Sending love.

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What's the point?

Love, your a bright light and Thank you.

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Ah, Patti, that's how it is.

Good for the bronchial tubes is to eat white fibrous onions warmed up.

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I am very excited to see/hear you and the band tonight in DC! ♥️♥️♥️🎶🎶🎶✌️✌️✌️

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... it is never a waste of time ... thank you so much for that, and for the energy, for your energy given to us ...

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Think in Cairo. Remember,Patti.

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Just saw this on YouTube. Wish I was there. It's so great how Matt obviously adores you.


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That’s right. When we can’t change the world, the least we can do is shine the light and spread the rays as far as they’ll go.

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My mother also had a "doctored" throat remedy. It might have included some of that Kentucky bourbon being distilled where you are. :) Keep going, Patti. We need you!

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Your in Kentucky and Mr. Nancy Is not there? She didn’t tell me you were playing in that great state. Did you

Play some bluegrass?

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I love your rambling. It makes me sit down and be quiet fot a bit. Like your late Fred, ik don't care much about my birthday. Maybe it's because of our zodiac sign. My birthday is on September 15th.

Hope you had a lovely performance.

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It's always such a pleasure to hang out with you for a little while. It's my birthday today so I enjoy your company as a gift to myself. Blessings Patti.

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Loved your medicine recipe!

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Lovin’ the ramble…and thanks for the cold remedy! Yes, we who are free and safe have so much to be grateful for…having lost my daughter ghetto and my brother in recent years, I loved your radiant smile as you spoke about your beloved Fred. I’ll remember that when I next think of my beloveds…❤️

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We talked a lot about Fred last night - and about norms you’ve blithely ridden through - your two loves overtly celebrated - I dunno - you’re above all scrutiny, in an energy field like the trade winds or an enigmatic riptide!

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"Officially Rambling" - this should be the title of your next book! Love you for sharing with us! i too used to have bronchitis constantly as a child growing up with 2 heavy smokers. Have a fabulous weekend! Horray for Fall!

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Rambling Patti Smith.

I thought Ramblin' Jack Elliot was called that because of all his travels as a musical troubadour until he came to Hibbing one year for Dylan Days. He captivated me as a performer, telling his shaggy dog stories before and during his songs. He also presented a documentary his daughter had made about his life. The home movies also displayed how telling stories was such a part of his being.

Patti, listening to you ramble is a favorite part of my day. Thanks for a pleasurable break from a daunting work week.

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I saw Ramblin' Jack back in the 70s at the Mariposa Folk Festival on Toronto Island. Captivating is the right word. Thanks, Linda, for bringing back that memory. Ramblin' Patti is a treasure.

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Were you there the year Ramblin' Jack, Dylan and Gordon Lightfoot were all there in the crowd?

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Yes, Linda, that was the year though I never saw Bob and and Gord that day. It was also the day Jim Morrison's death was announced so my mind was everywhere. Take good care.

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Ramble on, Patti. I look forward everyday to it. You're like a friend just sitting there talking. I met you one day in Soho at MJ while you were sitting and signing stock there and I was so touched by your generosity of spirit and how sweet you were with my grandkids. Have a good time on your trip. See you next time.

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“Suffusing the air” with music and concern (and love) is never a waste.. no truer words, Patti. Aside from tthe authentically good will it generates and all the practical acts that emanate from that.... as always, thank you for coming. I hope you had a great show. Safe travels to D.C. it’s legislative denizens will benefit from hearing “People have the power.” Love and continued good health.

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Thank you Patti, wonderful to feel so included in your thoughts and adventure. You looked especially radiant and full of good energy. Best of everything tonight. Peace.

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As far as I’m concerned you can ramble on for ever it’s a lovely thing. Love the recipe for the cough medicine and will give it a go. It’s the beginning of a beautiful day in London where we have had a week of very warm days but as you say we’re going into Fall (Autumn here) the leaves are beginning to turn red, nights are getting shorter and there is a chill in the air first thing in the morning. Have a great gig and whenever you dedicate a song to people in distress l love the idea of all the particles in the air surrounding everyone with love and hope. Thank you Patti 🙏

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Hello Patti,

By the time in France, I suppose the concert took place and I have no doubt that it was a great moment as always.

Let me ask you the question again about your last post : “After a brief interruption of my subscription (not a choice), I would like to resubscribe but I wonder before making my choice on the option, what for “Founding member”, what is

“Something special; still figuring that out” ?”

Love you Patti ❤️

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You can ramble with us any time!! So nice. It sounds like you have à lovely ensemble of people for your show. I, too, love the onset of fall. This afternoon, I’ll be in the Village at Villa Mosconi for my 55th high school reunion. Right on McDougal!

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Thank you for rambling. My favorite season is also Fall. 💕

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Ramble on Patti we love it, and thank you for sharing your doctored onion remedy. Please be careful out there, covid is creeping up again. The energy of peace, love and equanimity you are putting out to the world is honey imbued with fairy dust. You inspire me to emulate your beautiful gesture 🧚🏽✨

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Southern Cross is the perfect song to honor the people of Libya and Morocco. Thank you*~~*

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While in Covington, check out fellow Substacker, Christopher Schwarz and Lost Art Press - they make Welsh and Irish wooden chairs and write and publish books on traditional hand tool woodworking.

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Thanks for sharing your potion. I tried making ginger honey, it was okay, and honey with blooms from the mullein plant which is great, you would benefit from that. I didn’t get enough of the blooms to have great success but it was fun to try.

Always enjoy your chats so much.

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Acquaintance from Twitter posted this. Your energy and love shines as always. https://x.com/kyle_matteson/status/1702895922953310307?s=46&t=_Ba0uc9XCtwh_NGOu2gX9A

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Just terrific. Thanks for posting, Christy.

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Love the t-shirt. Where'd you get it? Who's the artist?

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Patti sharing moments from your life from the insignificant to your work globally has made me smile and try to emulate your perspectives on music musicians poetry and literature. Without intention you have and continue to make me pay attention to things I didn't realize I abandoned some years ago. You have a special place in my heart like my friends and family. Thanks Peace Love

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Patti, I love your rambling. Thank you and have great shows!

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Your true fans look forward to your ramblings.

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So you have been mixing up the medicine ! Thanks for the recipe I will mix up a batch now that cold season is almost upon us..A good time maybe in store for you tonight with music with the National and friendship planned. Most of the time I hang on every word shared other moments I think wow what a kind and thoughtful woman explaining how the masses love you and your work. Peace Love

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Patti, you are clearly much better after sipping your potion. Your voice became stronger right away. I was another bronchial case as well as my children, and discovered the tea of the plant Mullein some forty years ago. I dry the Velvet leaves ( mullein has a tall stalk with a corn cob of yellow flowers on top) and use with honey and lemon much like your onion tincture! Now, this post winter, my grandchildren did not respond to the Mullein and when they inevitably get the hacking cough this year I'll make up your potion. Thank you! We wise women must keep the lore alive. I've been to Covington and also found it a nice town. The Cincinnati venue I'd seen Pearl jam at was the same in which several fans from the crowd in the 70's were crushed before a Who concert and I understand why as it was a real mess getting in there! Ed Vedder and crew were real concerned all of us were safely inside before starting the show and they'd made an announcement to the crowd outside to take it easy the band wasn't starting until all were seated. I also love Michael Stipe and saw you open for REM in the mid, late 90's at Saratoga Performing Arts center upstate NY. The crowd were too young to know you but I danced and sang my ass off. And then Michael addressed the crowd after your set with an admonishment that if it weren't for your music and strong words REM would never had existed. He told crowd off and said he didn't want to perform and his bandmates were wary also. I had brought my kids, aged 14 and 10, and they'd thought I was plum crazy the way I danced and got screaming into your set! The ticket for show didn't announce you'd be there so what an amazing surprise. Now I know you better and realize that it was possibly the starting year of your touring again after the loss of your Fred. I wish I'd gone up to the stage and sent hugs. Well, hugs and love always be safe out there please.

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Its fun to hang out with you too. Just so you know I sang a bit of elevator music while you were away from the screen😂

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Always happy to see you Patti❤️Filling the air with Love 💕 You do that for us with every visit 🎶

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Thank you, Patti, for sharing your thoughts and remedies with us. I agree with you . . . sending love, concern or anything positive out into the universe is a very good thing always, but especially in these times we're living in. Wishing you a good show and a peaceful night afterwards.

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Yes, fill the air with love. This is a powerful action.

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You're kind to sign all those books. I love mine-- especially the two facing pages of Fred and his guitar on Sept 14 & 15. You, Michael Stipe & The National all in a room together? Those are GREAT PARTICLES. May you sleep in deep peace and contentment after your work tonight.

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Love rambling with you, Patti. Wish I could give this five hearts for your prayers for humankind! Brought tears to my eyes.

I have asthma, will try your recipe.

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Oh Patti I’m just reading this now at 9:30 so your part of the show is probably over. And guessing the National is performing their wonderful music. I remain so happy I got to see the MSG show. I’d heard Michel going to be there and wondering if he would perform with you?

Your drop in visits are so delightful. I swear it’s like having you in my living room and we are just chatting. What joy you bring. You do not ramble! It’s just being in the moment and how lucky are we to share it with you! Have safe travels to DC and a great show!

NYC awaits your return! 🌙🕯️❤️

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love the concept of filling the air with love and concern for all.

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Thanks for sharing your recipe with us and thanks for putting your loving and compassionate thoughts out for everyone’s benefit. Since you did I’ll also put my 2 cents worth in:

For as long as Space endures and

For as long as living beings remain

May I abide to dispel misery

In this World

I love you Patti have a great show and trip.

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Ah, nice to see some Shantideva here. Patti is a Bodhisattva.

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Man-o-man those are "hotel" curtains! Have a great concert Patti!

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On a rather mundane late Friday afternoon its welcoming to float into the Port of Patti! Also skimming toward the transitional Rosh Hashanah sea of reflection, forgiveness, new goals in an effort to affect change in my Spirit and those floating in and around my Orb. Thank you for reminding us about the value of staying focused on the more important humanitarian tragedies surrounding the Libyan floods and Morocco's shaky ground. Finding your check-ins soothingly pro-active as they stimulate the deeper self embedded deep inside all of us. Have a blast tonight with your "people" and the folks of Cincinnati!

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Oh please please please do Howl in DC tomorrow!!!! Please!!!!!!

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All your particles are sparkly and bright! Ramble on and continue to bestow your light...much needed!

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It's so fantastic when you "hang out" with us while you travel, Patti. Thank you for holding space in the air waves to pause and reconnect over love and compassion - we can use as much of that as we can possibly get. Also, I really loved seeing your handwritten set list. I'm fascinated by artists' processes and especially enjoy handwritten notes. Have fun at your concerts and know that you are a most beloved Angel....xoxo

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Hi Patti, my gf was feeling really down and watching this helped brighten her afternoon. We just want to thank you for sharing a bit of your day with us and filling our air with some kind energy. You were right, these kinds of gestures are not a waste of time at all.

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Thanks for sharing the cough syrup tip with us. Along the same lines, I just enrolled in the herbal academy. Elderberry syrup is a wonder immune boost this time of the year.

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Wondrous evening and thanks for the onion healing remedy....a little less coughing now because the night is calling.

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Have a wonderful evening Patti! Thank you for sharing your time, thoughts, and your magic potion!! My Mom always fed me raw onions chopped up in egg when I was getting sick...I guess it helped some! LOL!

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Hello, Patti.You drink deliciously as you dry your hair in the backlight. Have a nice trip.

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PS Thanks for showing us your setlist notes. Wishing you a good live show.

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Maybe I am missing something. Yet again I have missed out on seeing you when you come to DC. I was too late in trying to get tickets. I could use more advanced notice, time and attention. Miss you.

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Once again, you fill my heart with hope and gladness. We’ll all be with you as you pray for peace and love with your strong and beautiful voice tonite. Much love to you and your band.

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No good thoughts are wasted - shared positive energy IS a force for good - even if only for a few minutes. By the way, I enjoy your ramblings. Here's to a good evening of music and friends.

Mind how you go, Patti.

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Covington is a cool town, it makes me happy that you're there. Thank you for this post, the cough medicine recipe and for supporting a local bookstore while you're there. You do so much good in the world. Keep filling the air with the energy of concern and love.

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Have a great show. So wish I was there. See you next time out West.

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Wish I could be there with you to send those love particles! But I’ll be there in spirit. Keep spreading your light, Patti! The world needs you now more than ever. 💖

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ramble on anytime. love that secret potion

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Love it when you are officially rambling. It was great seeing your William Blake t-shirt. I can't remember the name of the designer but it's a great tee. And you're right. Disasters, like what happened in Libya and Morocco, remind us how fragile life is. Sending out dedications and positive energy helps bind us all together in this world where we mourn the loss but, at the same time, share a sense of awe at human resilience and our capacity for hope. It can be taken away in a heartbeat. We have to reach out to give comfort. We're all in this together.

And, finally, on a completely unrelated note, I saw the trailer for the second season of Our Flag Means Death and was thrilled to hear that they used Because the Night as the soundtrack. It was perfect.

Enjoy the concert tonight with your friends. Take good care.

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I believe putting things “out there” is everything, our thoughts and intentions have massive power, we need to be careful of negativity.

Like the song by Eric Clapton “Beware of darkness”

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So true

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Beware of Darkness is one of my favourite George Harrison solo songs. Leon Russell does a fine version too. I'd forgotten about Clapton's. Thanks for the reminder.

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I had it written for years in the corner of my mirror as an everyday reminder!

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Oops, how could I have forgotten, it was written by George Harrison, I was remembering Eric singing it at the concert for George 😖

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🎈 Patti, should i say enjoy your concert tonight in Sincinnati or 'break a leg' ? Whatever, have a good time!

I spent 2 years while working for my MFA degree in drawing and painting in 1967 & 1968 at the Cincinnati Art Academy and University of Cincinnati. We had an apartment on Mt Adams and a landlady who gave us two

Siamese kittens - We arrived in the city during a major crime ways, drove past the Baldwin Piano Factory ever day on our way to art studios at the university with a huge billboard-size sign at the top of the building with "IMPEACH EROL WARREN". The city had a vibrant cultural community and historic cultural institutions which we enjoyed. The city and rural areas surrounding it contained a serious mix of poor white and black poverty, there were the occasional KKK wooden crosses on corn fields and there was a neo-Nazi neighbor who held midnight rallies in the apartment below us.

We left Cincinnati the following spring - the day after MLKJr's assassination - and were spared the fate of being in the car with our housemate who was killed on the way to the university by a mob of local black youth in an angry response to King's death to day before!

You might say, my introduction to the southern mid-west and our residence on Mt Adam in Cincinnati were the best of times. . . and the worse of times.

May Noel, my friend and talented painter and housemate rest peacefully in an integrating prairies of peace and brotherly love. I celebrate Noel's passing every year - along with Martin Luther King Jr's death.

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Your hair looks so pretty. Have a great night. “Suffuse love…” Thanks for reminding us it’s not a waste of time….

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Do you cover the onions with the honey? Trying to get an idea as to the proportions. How long does it last?

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Looking forward to seeing you at the Anthem Tomorrow! I had Dancing Barefoot played on KSKQ after being a guest on their morning show.

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The lovely people who comment here all want Patti to know that we are so lucky to have her appear and spend time with us. She’s putting the love and concern into the world not only for the people who are living with catastrophic conditions but to all of us. I hope Patti knows how much good she brings to the world.

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Thank you 🙏🏼 for sharing your cough remedy Patti! I’m going to attempt to make this for my Mum who has bronchiecstasis.

It’ll be ok though because my Dad loves onions!

Also as a Brit I’ve always loved the word Cincinnati!

Much love Patti ❤️

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I always love to see you and hear your thoughts as you travel and work. Sybille

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thanks so much for the recipe! have fun at the shows x

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G'day Patti ohh pre show preparation a good chain reaction of creating keep safe and well.🙃☕🌈

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So happy to have you in the state while the weather's still nice! Hope you have a good stay. It's funny, I saw you in a dream last night and now you're in Kentucky. And happy heavenly birthday to Fred.

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thank you for sharing with us the recipe and your playlist. wish I could find a signed book from you at my local shop. maybe one day! sending you lots of love.

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Thank you for stopping by to say hello to us Patti. You are very generous with everything you do. Thank you for sharing the onion recipe. I make it too but with sugar. Honey seems a much healthier version. I take two teaspoons every day, I keep it in the fridge after it has “sweat”

Coincidentally, Kentucky was the birthplace of Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet. Such a fascinating man. He would go into a trance, have what he said transcribed by a helper and cure people of their illness.

He would give them a prescription for things, tell them where to go and even go as far as describing where in the store to find the ingredients. I always remember, oil of smoke was used a lot! How strange!,

Of course this was back in the early 1900’s and people wrote to him from all over the states, then someone had to write back with the antidote.

We must remember we are part of nature and nature is our healer and our strength. It’s a shame we have strayed so far from it, I mean who do we think we are now?

I hope your work went well tonight, stay safe.

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Jayne, I agree with you about the healing power of nature.

It's interesting how you can expand so lightly from onion soup to Edgar Cayce.

Thank you.

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Hahaha, yes Yoshi, the mind is an absolute wonderment!

Are you familiar with Edgar Cayce? Absolutely fascinating man. I read every book I could get about him when I was young.

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Of course, I have only read a few of his books.

I admire you for being able to do what I cannot.

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Yoshi, I’m just someone who enjoys trying to understand people. I love stories about extraordinary people who come from an ordinary background. They are such a mystery!

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I had a false hope that you were in my hometown, Covington *Louisiana* and was thinking, why would she be there?! This was happened before though - wrong Covington! Thanks yet again for your wonderful words. 😆

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Patti, I love your rambling. You mention Fred and I go back to the MC5 fan favorite song "love is like a ramblin rose, the more you feed it, the more it grows" simple lyrics, but true. How they rocked it out made it was so powerful. Ohhh myyyy! have a fab show tonight 💖 shake it up!!!

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Have a wonderful concert Patti ! The air will be filled with love and positive energy that you share with us all ! Love the William Blake shirt by the way ! 🧡

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Interesting little potion I must try. Reminds me of my grandmother's. She'd conjure wellness in her brew to send us off into the world.

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This was a lovely ramble that was really no ramble at all. That you chose to spend some of your alone time with us before working is a gift for which we are all thankful.

How wonderful that you’ll have friends there to make the night extra special. I’m remembering the birthday party concert that you had for Fred on SummerStage. It must have been about 5 years ago. Maybe it was for his 70th? Which for him might have been his 65? It was a great night outside in Central Park.

Wishing you a wonderful night and a good trip to Washington tomorrow. Thank you again for taking the time to stop in.

Warm wishes to everyone,


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I agree Robin, fancy taking the time to chat with us, if it were me going on stage I’d be so nervous, I don’t think anyone would want to be around me! I guess that’s why I’m just me and not a celebrated person like Patti.

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You’re celebrated here, Jayne!

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Oh thank you Robin, that made me smile!

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You are the sweetest, Patti. Thanks for the hangout.

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Thanks for sharing a rustic remedy!

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Dedicating a song to the victims of the earthquake and flooding is a beautiful gesture. I am sure the love will be felt where needed. We definitely need more of that in this world. 🌎🧡

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A useless factoid. In Italy it is considered a major cultural transgression to go outside with ones hair wet. Just saying.

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Also, sending good wishes to Cairo so she’s comfy at home.:)

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Can't wait to see you and the band tomorrow night in DC! =wide grin=

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Thank you, Patti. These video check ins are so wonderful. Have a fabulous show and thank you for sharing the playlist and stack of signed books, the soothing drink for your outstanding voice, and all around good vibes. Be well, friends.

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Kentucky! I’ve just finished reading a book called ‘Horse’ (by author Geraldine Brooks) 🐎

This horse became famous throughout the US and Britain for his ability and big heart! He was named ‘Lexington’ for his Kentucky birth.

As a foal and throughout his life he was handled lovingly by his groom and so developed a beautiful nature (not assured in stallions in those days due to mistreatment) I don’t approve of horse racing at all however, this book carefully covered complex ideas and a hidden history.

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Thanks for the bronchial recipe. I usually take a spoonful of loquat syrup, which I can buy from shops in Chinatown, and I'll add this recipe to my arsenal!

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Thank You Patti Sending you Lots of Love Particles

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You look so good, Patti!

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There is something so extra special about your videos. They are so personal and “down home” feeling, it always feels like you’re talking directly to myself and every subscriber, and then to a whole community who loves you. Also love your version of After The Gold Rush!

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Hi Patti - so lovely as always to see you and hear your thoughts as you travel and work - work that brings joy to so many people- I loved to see your handwritten playlist as I had wanted to recall your playlist from your Seattle concert on august 16 - I was so moved by your heart- rending, transcendent rendition of After the Gold Rush that I had trouble recalling the other songs …but now recognize some of them on this playlist- I am planning to drive my Prius from NYC to Washington state late October as one step in moving there - and trying to plan a route that won’t hit winter conditions - you make Covington sound nice - a possible stop….🌹🌹

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Dr. Patti, your cures come from the earth...

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Gosh , my grandmother made Onion Cough Syrup. Took a pound of yellow onions and boiled them up, mixed with honey. Mom would make it when my bronchial pneumonia wouldn't go away. It always did the trick . ( yes a good thing Mom did ) ( she also "doctored up" recipes) I have made it often but never thought of it as a preventative.

Great advice .

Here's another: onions left out in a bowl in the room absord germ. You don't eat them. Just leave them out until they are funky.

Redchili peppers and garlic cloves do the same thing. When you see them hanging in a ristra or braided they are absorbing bad energy. One or 2 of these were always dedicated to prevention . Not to dry to eat.

Another great thing for lungs is Oshsa Root. It can cure the worst of the worst chest problems. But of course I'm not a Dr and you all read up on it !

Love you Patti , you are like a sister to me.

Have a great show.

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Thanks Patti!! Have a great show. Thanks for the set list. I love set lists. And the recipe I may try that. Since bc treatment I have a nagging persistent cough and have to clear my throat constantly. That recipe sounds interesting. Safe travels.

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Keep on ‘rambling’! I had an Italian uncle who ate raw onions with olive oil when he felt a cold coming on & said it kept him healthy. He wasn’t a very nice man but his remedy apparently worked. He lived a long life. Have a great concert tonight. Love the way you share.

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Thank you for sharing with us! It’s so lovely every time you leave a message. Cannot wait to see you and hear you in person again!

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Love that you're opening for them, and nice T-Shirt too. Good that you're keeping your voice protected with your drinks.

And if your hair is ever giving you trouble, you can always slap on a wig. *Wink Wink*

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So great to have signed books at local shops 📖

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Thanks for sharing your remedy, will take action on it here, being a bronchi myself.

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Patti, you are such an amazing BEING and we are all better people because of your presence. Have fun with The National in Cinci! 🫶🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼

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Brak a leg, Patti! Thanks for the onion- honey recipe. Interesting to be with you as you get into your performer mode. Don’t know what others saw, but having experienced the frisson of energy pre-performance, I recognized the heightening energy level as you spoke and moved. 🦋

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Thank you so much Patti - I needed that recipe as I just developed a cough 😷 so timely 🙏🏻and your wisdom of elevating the air particles for us all to heal and outshine the negativity. Thank you

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Hoping you feel better soon.

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Have fun tonight, Patti! I’m loving that shirt. Was that a thrift store find?

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Stopped for tea here in Mill Valley and looked up and saw a print of Joan Baez's portrait of Patti on the wall next to me. You are everywhere!

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A local pub here has a portrait of Sam Shepard I always think of her when I look at it.

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Banga is my favourite of your albums.

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Have a blast! See you tomorrow night in DC!! 🔥♥️⚡️

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Hello Patti! Hope you'll have a wonderful show! We miss you here in London. It's been too long. Come back soon ❤️

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Knock 'em, as they say, dead.

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