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10 Lessons I've Learned After 3 Years of Interviewing Survivors and Whistleblowers
Dear Reader,
I can hardly believe it! THREE YEARS of interviewing survivors and whistleblowers. It’s really surreal to take in. To be honest - I didn’t even think I’d be able to get 3 episodes, much less 3 YEARS…
And I have all of you to thank for this because I don’t think I could have kept going without the constant support, encouragement, and belief you all had in me. In fact, I know I couldn’t of. You all have become a pillar for me to lean on when I feel weak or exhausted. I am reminded of why I started this podcast and project everyday through your supportive words, comments, emails, texts, and overall support you give by Subscribing, sharing, watching, and being engaged with me online. It means a tremendous amount to me that I don’t think I’ll ever have the words for…
(And to commemorate THREE YEARS OF PODCASTING, I’m celebrating with THREE AMAZING SURVIVORS from the new docuseries, '50 Voices of Ritual Abuse’ that is airing on Sunday, Oct 1st at 6pm CST! CLICK HERE FOR 3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY PODCAST PREMIER LINK!
Check out ‘50 Voices of Ritual Abuse on YouTube and on their website:
Over three years ago, I made a decision that would change my life forever.
I decided to use my voice.
I had just learned the truth about human trafficking and how greatly it has penetrated our entire global system and had also started to come across some shocking testimonies alleging a new form of abuse I had never heard of. Something called ‘satanic ritual abuse’… and my world just SHOOK. WHY was no one talking about this? WHY was I JUST learning about this in my 30’s? WHY IS THE WORLD SILENT?
And the overwhelming pit in my stomach screaming, “This is happening to children right this moment…”
So, I set out to do my own research and voraciously scoured the internet for first-hand testimonies from survivors to learn from. But there was only one problem… Where WERE the survivors? The testimonies? Why was it so hard to find any information straight from the mouth of a survivor? Why were non-profits and politicians the only things that came up in my search engine? Why does it seem like survivor’s voices are being buried and covered up with reassurances from these politicians and charities alleging they are ‘fixing it all’ and to ‘not worry’.
Why wasn’t anyone else as worried as I was?
I had SO many questions.
To my dismay, I had to spend hours and HOURS looking for a survivor’s testimony before I would find an actual survivor I could listen to. As someone who has historically listened to podcasts as much as humanly possible, I could not BELIEVE that I couldn’t find a podcast that was interviewing survivors. It would have made it so easy for someone like me to just press ‘Play’ and listen in my car and anytime I could in order to learn. Why did all podcast hosts keep conversations so surface level with these topics if they DID talk about it? It seemed like eveyrone was too scared to go out on a limb and talk about something hard.
I stewed for months about this.
Then one day it hit me like a ton of bricks…
“Emma. If you’re SO frustrated that no one has created this ‘library’ of testimonies, then why don’t YOU become the somebody who creates it for the world?”
So, I decided to be the no-body who could have been any-body that turned into some-body that was ME.
Then the true inception of ‘The Imagination’ Podcast came to life.
I didn’t want to do this podcast. I detested the idea. It terrified me. But it was a calling that was given to me that I had no choice but to listen to.
My goal was to interview 5 survivors / whistleblowers. I didn’t believe in my heart of hearts that I would be able to find 5 people willing to bear their soul with me. Who am I? Who would want to be so vulnerable with me and with the strangers on the other side of the screen? Surely no one will agree to this…
Surely… right?
But I began reaching out to survivors and to my surprise received overwhelming gratitude and a BIG ‘Yes!’ to everyone I reached out to. I couldn’t believe it. From there, the referrals started piling in and I realized I had stumbled on something that other people felt was needed to: A platform to finally give a voice to the voiceless.
It was here I learned my first lesson. It was here that I decided this would be the purpose of my podcast. It was here my fire was lit. It was here that I found the hill that I would die on. It was here that my life would change forever.
It was here where my true learning about life, love, trauma and the world actually began…
SURVIVORS AND WHISTLEBLOWERS ARE THE MOST CENSORED VOICES IN THE WORLD. I have come to understand on a deep, intrinsic level that NO one in the world is censored like survivors are. Why? Because they each serve as a piece of the giant tapestry that weaves together the massive global network of satanic pedophile rings that run the world. They know EVERY who, what, when, where and why. They know every answer that is hidden from the general public. They know every secret that we aren’t told. They know it all. They are THE most ‘dangerous’ voices in the world to the enemy because they pose the danger of burning down all that’s wrong. And they have all the knowledge, experience, and skill sets to make it all RIGHT. They are the antithesis to Satan and the to the dark cabal. And this is why their voices are covered up by politicians and ‘charities’ alike who purposely divert attention elsewhere so we don’t stop and listen to them. They’ve been silenced for a lifetime and it’s time we listen.
GOD IS REAL. I have always believed in God in some way deep down. As a kinesthetic person (I use ‘feeling’ as my primary representational system to navigate my life and the world), I have always FELT a connection to ‘something’ bigger than myself, but having grown up with a Catholic upbringing and knowing it was all BS what I was learning, I never actually ‘knew’ God. I only knew ‘of’ him, which was sort of confusing to me for most of my life. When I started interviewing survivors of satanic ritual abuse from literally all over the world (New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, America, South Africa, and more…), I found myself actually MEETING God in a hundred different ways from 100 different people. How gracious our God is to show up to each person with a personalized memory recall and healing protocol. The unbelievably creative ways He customizes each survivor’s healing experience to experience HIM. All the ways he showed up and was WITH each survivor in their absolute worst and most horrific life moments. Oh, how this makes me weep. How can you NOT believe in God after listening to these testimonies? Perfect strangers from all over the world. ALL having these supernatual experiences with God. Man… I believe that if everyone listened to survivor testimonies, the whole world would turn to God. And this is another reason why I believe their voices are silenced. They are Satan’s worst nightmare in the facade he has created with our reality. Satan would be BANISHED if people listened to survivors! Satan has a dark army… but God has an army too. God’s army are survivors and those who stand by them. An army of LIGHT.
YOU HAVE TWO EYES AND ONE MOUTH FOR A REASON. And this is to listen twice as much as you talk. Going into this, I was SO nervous to not know what to say when I was listening to these testimonies being spoken. In the beginning, I would be thinking about my response as I was listening to survivors and panicking because I was short for words. And in my self-absorbed state of mind and emotions, I would miss out on opportunities to really HEAR what I was being told. Like - REALLY hear. It didn’t take me long to figure out that this was normal to not have words. In fact - it’s MORE than normal. The important thing was that I opened up my ears to HEAR. And just LISTEN. These are words being spoken that were never allowed to be said. Oh, but what an HONOR to hear them! How lucky we are to be chosen to hear these testimonies! These stories! What an honor to be someone a survivor discloses to. Why do we put so much pressure on having a response? When we do this, we make what is being spoken by the person we are listening to about US. It is MORE than ok to not have the words. It is MORE than ok to be speechless. It is MORE than ok if all you can do is cry and weep. It is MORE than ok to just simply listen. It’s all the person in front of you has ever wanted. To actually be heard. Survivors don’t need us to know what to say. They need us to know how to listen. They need you to hear them. This is far more valuable than anything you could say. There are no words to say about such horrors. Let those thoughts go that popup in your mind that come up in a conversation with a survivor and that urge to seek a response - and instead… just open your ears and take in what the person in front of you is saying. Listen. Just listen.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS THE ANSWER. Unconditional love has always been an impossible thing for me to grasp. In having a ‘distant’ relationship with God, unconditional love even from a biblical perspective has always been very foreign to me. When I first learned about these crimes being committed on and against our children, my initial reaction was to have boiling rage, anger, hatred, and I had a deep desire to throw all these perpetraitors into a f*cking woodchipper (excuse my French, but it’s the truth. And - to be fair - I still think a woodchipper would suffice in some circumstances… BUT, for the context of this paragraph and article, I digress). What I did NOT anticipate was the wildly different perspectives on this topic that I would bear witness to in these interviews. Survivors didn’t wish death and destruction against their abusers - and I at first couldn’t understand how or why. They wished for redemption, healing, and emancipation instead. One of the things we forget when we see a survivor is that more often than not - they, TOO, were forced to participate in horrific abuses and perpetuate them onto others. The difference between a survivor and a perpetraitor? A single decision to stop the cycle. A decision everyone has the choice to make and a choice many mind-controlled slaves don’t know is even an option for them. Imagine being brain-washed from birth and never shown stability or love - and only knowing abuse, pain and torture. Imagine what it takes to turn a precious, innocent and divine child of God into the vilest form of evil who serves Satan… When we come to realize that abusers are ALSO abuse victims, it allows us to SEE things more clearly and to tap into empathy. Abuse is not something any precious child is born wanting to perpetuate. It is a learned behavior. It is taught. It has to be programmed. Literally. These systems spend so many years ‘training’ innocent humans to be evil because humans are not capable of being this evil without extensive training. We have to come to realize as a society that we cannot kill out way out of this problem. We can only HEAL our way out of this problem. Every survivor you’ve heard on my podcast had a choice - they could continue the abuse… or stop it. And when you realize this, you realize that every abuser in these systems is one choice away from being just like the survivors who got out and are speaking publicly. That healing is possible for everyone. That this is what we should WANT for everyone. Imagine if every person in these systems decided to turn to God, decided to repent, and took initiative to heal? ALL of these perpetraitors are only one decision away to being a Cathy O’Brien or a Nathan Reynolds. This does not excuse the behavior of abusers - rather, it transforms it to a space where before we grab the good ‘ol woodchipper and start piling people in it, that we first open our arms and hearts to them and invite them into the same space of healing that every guest on my podcast has had (and oly use the woodchipper as the final resort if all else fails…). This was a powerFULL lesson for me. It helped me soften into a space of empathy and love and allowed me to shed the hate and anger that was fuming within me. And let me tell you what - love and empathy feels a heck of a lot better than hatred and anger. When we understand that the root cause of abuse IS abuse, then (and ONLY then) can we begin to come around and discuss solutions. We cannot kill out way out of this without healing. If we kill every abuser off without healing ourselves, our children and each other - then we simply repeat the cycle. More abusers will just get installed in the same positions and then it’s ‘rinse, lather, repeat. The answer is to BREAK the cycle - by any means necessary and preferentially through our free will to HEAL. This is the hardest lesson I’ve ever had to learn but it’s changed my life and turned a corner for my heart. I wish healing, emancipation and love to ALL. I want every perpetraitor to come forth and join every other survivor who has come out the other side a healed, whole, and redeemed human being. For survivors to be able to start mending their families in this lifetime - not generations down the road. Start looking at every single person you come in contact with as the innocent children they were born as FIRST and it will change your life and your heart in ways you never could have anticipated. I promise.
WE WERE LIED TO ABOUT THE IMPACTS OF TRAUMA ON THE BODY AND MIND. Our bodies have a tremendous and miraculous defense and survival mechanism called ‘dissociation’ built in without our conscious thought that activates when trauma is too much for our bodies and minds to bear. Without this survival mechanism, we would die when trauma becomes too much. It allows a person to leave the ‘present and conscious moment’ and safely retreat into our unconscious minds where there is no perception or knowing of abuse taking place. This creates ‘fracturing’ or ‘splitting’ of the mind - also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (or D.I.D). D.I.D. used to be termed ‘Multiple Personality Disorder’ and there’s been a tremendous misunderstanding of how and why this happens to someone. It’s been looked at as form of insanity in our society and has been labeled as a ‘dis-order’, when it should just be looked at as a natural response our body has - no different than any other function of our body such as breathing, fight or flight, or crying. The abuses perpetuated in MK ULTRA, SRA, and other systematic and periodized child abuse systems are designed to be traumatic enough to cause this splitting to allow abusers to completely control their victims. When this splitting of the mind occurs, it creates amnesic barriers between different parts of the brain. Each ‘part’ of the brain carries specific memories that other parts of the brain are not aware of so the person experiencing the trauma can go on with life as if the abuse isn’t happening. Eventually (around 25 - 35 years after splitting has occurred), the amnesic barriers begin to break down and the person’s brain and mind begin ‘integrating’ their compartmentalized memories together that were separated for so long (although this is not always the case and can take much longer or even shorter amounts of time before this break-down occurs). This survival mechanism is not taught in ANY academic setting (by design!) and has been the focus of ‘conspiracy’ for much too long. But when you learn how dissociation actually works and WHY, it makes perfect sense. This is one of the many lies we’ve been told about trauma and about how our bodies function. This is hidden knowledge from us because if society were actually taught about dissociation, then we would listen to survivors when they finally remember their memories of abuse decades after they happen, and we would understand the truth about the Holocaust and the ancient research that was brought to America and other countries through Project Paperclip and other related government-sponsored programs. If we knew how trauma really affected our bodies, we would all immediately break out of the spells we have been under.
LONG-FORM SURVIVOR AND WHISTLEBLOWER TESTIMONIES ARE THE NEW MAINSTREAM MEDIA. When I first started interviewing survivors, I inherently knew that I needed to give them space, my silence, and all the time they needed. After reading countless short articles on abuse and watching countless short videos, it wasn’t until I saw a 3.5 hour testimony by Cathy O’Brien that my life would truly shatter into a state of greater inner-standing of the evils that lurk in the world and how they all connected. When I listened to a survivor testimony in its (general) entirety instead of the bits and pieces I was finding on the internet, it gave me an ‘AHA’ moment. It clicked and shoved puzzle pieces together that had been floating around while I was trying so adamantly to learn. It helped me realize how compartmentalized the news is also (we all know the news is FAKE, but it gave me context to see how even the ‘news’ they do give us is always just a teeny little part of a bigger picture to keep all the information separated and incomplete). I’ve been told by more than a few of my podcast guests, “I did a podcast one time before, but the host kept interrupting me and only gave me 20 minutes to tell my story.” What I had began to understand was that what we are dealign with is THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF lies that we have to UN-learn, and we aren’t going to RE-learn anything anytime soon by digesting bits and pieces here and there that are (again) compartmentalized bits and pieces of information. We also cannot comprehend the magnitude of what a survivor suffers from over decades of their lives in just 20 minutes. It’s just impossible. One testimony alone could talk days to get out in its entirety. So, I’ve always had a policy when a survivor come on my podcast that the clock doesn’t matter and we can talk as long as it takes to get the story out of their bodies in a way that does JUSTICE to the testimony. Giving this space to a survivor or whistleblower is a gift. They have decades of information and experiences they were never allowed to share stored up inside their bodies. To allow a survivor or whistleblower who has a lifetime of abuse they had to stay silent about tell their story without a timer is how we really learn the nitty-gritty about what is really happening behind closed doors. It’s how we have the greatest opportunity to UNlearn to RElearn in the shortest amount of time possible. It’s another way to emancipate a survivor - by giving them back their voice.
FEAR IS A COMPASS - NOT A STOP SIGN. When you feel a passion or a deep calling to do something, don’t wait until the conditions are perfect to do it. When I first began podcasting, I literally had NO idea what I was doing. I am NOT a publicly trained speaker. I am NOT tech savvy. I am NOT a conventional thinker or ‘doer’ (by society’s standards). All of these things could have easily stopped me from starting the podcast I had a deep desire to create, but instead of fearing the possible rejection I could receive from the public due to my ignorance and lack of experience, I asked this question instead: “What will happen if I DON’T do something?”. This question shook me into action. It took the pressure off me trying to be ‘perfect’ and diverted that pressure to the message I wanted to get across through the podcast. This podcast is NOT about me. It was created out of anger and frustration. I needed a solution to my problem, so I created the solution. Survivors aren’t the only ones who are mind-controlled in the world. Mind-control is a ‘sliding scale’ (more words from Cathy O’Brien) and all of us have, by design, been mind controlled to some degree and told from a very young age to sit down, shut up, blend in, and that making mistakes and taking risks comes with undesirable and dire consequences. So, instead of doing the things we TRULY want to do or saying the things we TRULY want to say, we become a shell of ourselves and try to be ‘average’. We try to not be noticed. We try to ‘fit in’. We try to not make mistakes or show up as less than perfect. And what happens is we miss out on incredible opportunities to STAND OUT! To create something new! To be ABOVE average! You want the world to change? Then stop trying to fit into it and have the courage to create the world we wish existed. We need to lean IN to our fears instead of backing down from them. Kudos to EVERY survivor who has come on my show with minimal to no experience speaking. You are all WARRIORS.
HONOR YOU SUFFERING. There’s a quote I read over a decade ago by a Holocaust survivor named Viktor E. Frankl that I still to this day think about quite frequently: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” And only when I started working with survivors did I truly begin to understand what this meant on a deep level. When something good or positive happens to us, we react in ways that are usually conducive to feeling confident, proud, and like we are capable of doing anything. Yet, when we experience something difficult, painful or traumatic, we respond with shame, guilt, embarrassment and silence. What I’ve seen consistently with survivors is how they HONOR their suffering. They find purpose in it. They find meaning. They marinate and soak in their pain until every drop is wrung out of their bodies. They apply the courage it took to survive their abuse and write books, start businesses, and become public speakers. They are experts at turning their pain into purpose. They are more keenly aware of that ‘space’ that exists between stimulus and response than anyone. They know they are capable and skilled at perpetraiting horrific abuses, yet they respond by peeling off their hatred and arming themselves instead with love, courage and compassion. I see SO many people walking around letting their traumas run their lives. They don’t honor their suffering the same way they honor their success. We are ALL going to suffer - some way, some how. This is a constant in life and something we will all face whether or not we are born into suffering. The difference that makes all the differnce is what we DO with that suffering. Do we let our suffering use us? Or do we use our suffering? Do we become a victim of our suffering and pain? Or do we honor our pain and suffering? If we are going to suffer (which we all will have to at some point), why not suffer the BEST we can with all we got? Survivors know how to do this inherently - and they teach us how to cultivate this with each testimony.
COURAGE IS CONTAGIOUS. In the beginning of my podcasting journey, I had a specific incidence happen after breaking a really huge testimony (on my old YouTube channel before it was deleted) where suddenly, I had trolls coming out in DROVES and harassing and bullying me. I’m not even joking. It was dozens and dozens of accounts that infiltrated every single one of my social media platforms and incessantly trolled me 24/7 for DAYS. It was a little overwhelming for me having never experienced this before. I had thoughts creep in about ‘taking a break’ from podcasting and letting the trolls simmer. It shut me down in a lot of ways emotionally and I found myself in a ‘fight or flight’ mode. So, what did I do? I called one of the most badass survivors I know, Molly Skye Brown. I asked her what I should do. She basically told me, “F*ck them! Keep going Emma!”. And I did. I and I never stopped. And after that reassurance from her - someone who was used to the constant barrage of trolls - I have never let a troll tread on me ever again. Molly’s fearlessness gave me courage. This has happened in SO many ways for me on a grand scale also. I get asked a lot where I garner my own ‘courage’ from. And I always answer by saying, “From survivors.” What is MORE courageous than baring your soul and the most horrible things you’ve ever went through publicly for the good of manking KNOWING there is going to be pushback? WHAT IS MORE COURAGEOUS THAN SURVIVING THAT WHICH WAS MEANT TO DESTROY YOU? I mean, there’s no way around it. Survivors have more courage than anyone else in the world. They truly do. There’s no politician or CEO or ‘celebtrity’ that even comes close. The courage of a survivor is something I marvel at. And a really neat ‘side effect’ of the podcast is seeing the microcosms of the podcast branch out to survivors who find each other through their testimonies and the advocates and survivor allies who join the Live YouTube Premiers every Thursday and Sunday evening JUST TO HYPE THE GUESTS. Man - this fires me up to see! While the rest of the world tears one another down, in THIS community, it’s all about e-LOVE-ation and encouragement. It’s about reminding each other who the F*CK we are! And about standing by survivors and giving them our support. Giving them the army they’ve always deserved to have looking after and protecting them. Survivors have an inherent courage that is breath-taking to witness. We all have so much to learn from survivors and something I have learned deeply about within myself is courage. I feel more courageous and like a warrior than I ever have in my life. They say you are who hang out with. I guess when you hang out with warriors, you can’t help but to be infected with courage!
SURVIVORS ARE THE MOST BRILLIANT, COURAGOUS, AND RESILIANT HUMANS WALKING THE PLANET. Periodt. They were quite literally bred and ‘chosen’ to be in these horrific programs and suffered greatly for their gifts. And unfortunately, the more gifted and talented a survivor is, the more torture and abuse they had to endure. Survivors were forced to explore the limits and capabilities of the human body. They were pushed to the limits of what is humanly possible (right up to the point of death) and survived (and as CHILDREN). Over and over and over. Survivors live a hundred lives while most of us on the outside only live one. They have superhuman capabilities. You think Marvel superheroes are impressive? HA. MEET A SURVIVOR. They are the REAL superheroes. They put Marvel to shame honestly. Remote viewing, telepathy, psychic abilities, telekinesis, superhuman athletic abilities and strength, off-the-chart IQ’s, SURIVIVING, ESCAPING AND HEALING FROM THE ‘IMPOSSIBLE’… Survivors are the heroes we’ve been waiting for. They are the ones anointed by God to survive the ‘impossible’ (‘I’m-possible’) so they can be a warrior for good and for truth. A warrior of God. Satan has his army going strong in these cult systems, and God hand selected HIS Army when he made survivors. Survivors have the intelligence, courage, strength, love, healing, insights, resources, knowledge and gifts and skills to get us out of this mess we’ve allowed for far too long. NO politician or person is coming to save you or us. We need to stop relying on our elections to make a difference and idolizing celebrities who are paid to endorse satanic agendas. We need to turn our attention instead to those who were hand-picked by God Himself to emancipate and liberate humanity from these ancient and satanic occult systems and manufactured realities we’ve been brainwashed to think are ‘real’. And listen to survivors while they expose every wrongdoing, every crime against humanity and every perpetraitor - leaving no stone unturned. Survivors are the ones who are going to save the world. Mark. My. Words.
THANK YOU ALL FOR 3 AMAZING YEARS OF PODCASTING! I could not have done it without you standing next to me and providing a safe space for the guests I bring on my show to break their silence by sharing their truth, vulnerability, tears, secrets, and love with the world.
I’ve always believed in and imagined a better world was possible. Even in my grimmest moments, I’ve never lost hope. I’m a hopeless optimist and believe that if we come together, that we can and WILL change the world and make it a safer place for our children. This can happen in OUR lifetime. And we ARE changing the world! Right now! None of us should be connecting - but we are. None of us should be collaborating - but we are. None of us should be healing - but we are. And none of us should be exposing the underbelly of society… but we are. ALL OF IT. We are leaving no stone unturned!
Cheers to 3 years and forever more - to ALL of us. We worked together to shine a light on the darkness and will continue to do so as a community! As The ImagiNATION. I couldn’t do it without you all. I really couldn’t.
And no matter what.
I love you all with my whole heart!
Emma Katherine
Emma, this is one of the most raw, honest, beautiful, gritty, authentic compositions I think I have read. You are an incredible woman and I know Heavenly Father has His hand on you. I continue to pray He blesses you a hundred-fold for all you have done for survivors. Thank you.
It is remarkable that you brought the podcast into being. I've looked for others too. There was one that I also really liked, but it stopped after a series of episodes: Letters to the People.
I like to see you writing too. I can imagine it would be way too time intensive, but I wish for some episodes there were a transcript. Sometimes I can read something easier than listening.