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When the Holocaust and MK ULTRA Came to Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
11.16.23 | Featuring Frida Halliday, Ariadne, Marc Victor and Marina Louw
Dear Reader,
One of the things I’ve learned on this journey is that anything that is given a public platform in any capacity is most likely something to dig into and research before accepting the public narrative. One aspect of ‘programming’ that we have been programmed to forget (or to not know about at all) is the education system’s complicity in MK ULTRA’s trauma-based mind control programs. We look at universities and put them on a pedestal because they are ‘Ivy League’ and ‘prestigious. We are taught that graduates of Ivy League schools are to be respected and honored and often alumni get placed in higher positions in society (many Presidents, for example, attended Ivy League universities). Diplomas from Ivy League universities are often placed at the top of the ‘hire pile’ and when we see a graduation certificate hanging on the wall at our Doctor’s office who went to Yale, we assume we are in good hands.
But what if these colleges and universities that society has a proclivity to idolize are put on a pedestal for a darker reason? What if their ‘recognition’ comes as a ‘reward’ for being complicit in evil like we know happens in society all the time? Such as how members of secret societies are elevated in society for example… Is it so hard to believe that institutions, organizations, businesses and even universities could also be given preferential treatment in society for participating in evil and keeping secrets pertaining to dark agendas?
What if…?
In this article, we will be exposing Stanford University for their crimes against humanity that were perpetuated within Stanford Research Institute (SRI) from the 50’s - 70’s through MK ULTRA Trauma-Based Mind Control projects that used innocent CHILDREN in horrific human experimentation programs. And while we address the past, we need to also question universities and academia today if or how they may still be complicit in these experiments…
Recently, I had the great honor of meeting and working with not just one, but THREE Stanford Research Institute (I’ll be shortening this to ‘SRI’ for the context of this article) survivors who found each other and were willing to go on record and share their experiences. It was a breath-taking episode in seeing these 3 survivors come together for the first time and corroborate one another’s stories and experiences. In over three years of podcasting, this was the first time I had heard of children from the same projects reunite as adults and come together to speak out.
Marc Victor (who interviewed with his amazing spouse and support system, Marina), Frida Halliday and ‘Ariadne’ (she used an alias to protect her identity) were all sold into MK ULTRA at SRI as children through family affiliations. The stories and allegations they shared are just horrific.
Imagine BETA sex kitten programming and DELTA assassin programming happening in the same college you or your children earned a degree from. Infants and children being horrifically experimented on in the same vicinity or campus that you slept in a dorm, partied, and walked to class at… And to this day, this information is buried, hidden, and never spoken about.
Here is a snip-it of the episode Marc, Ariadne and Friday did together that I created on TikTok where Ariadne is singing and reminiscing of a childhood song and Marc suddenly remembers Ariane’s brother (who passed away) singing the SAME song as a child at SRI:
The episode with all three survivors was harrowing and I admit to struggling to keep my own composure as it was so much to take in with this being the first time they have all been ‘together’ since childhood.
I would HIGHLY recommend and suggest you all listen to all 3 episodes - the episode with all three survivors and the solo episodes with Marc and Frida. The information they provide is essential for us to understand what was (and may still be) happening to innocent children in these university settings. Children died at SRI - their voices and stories buried with the truth of what happened. Learning about what they went through and standing against and calling out the corrupt establishments that were harming and killing innocent children is a way that we can ensure their deaths weren’t in vain. We must bring attention to SRI and other universities (ehem… Harvard) that were (and may still be) perpetuating horrific abuses onto children.
If you’ve watched my show for long enough, you will see consistencies within school, university, and programs like Gifted and Talented come up quite often in the testimonies shared on my podcast. We tend to forget that schools and universities are nothing but branches of our government… and that they need further investigation.
In Frida’s testimony, the infamous ‘Dr. Green’ comes up again as she alleges that Josef Mengele performed a horrific eye experiment on her as an infant where he injected her blue eyes to make them brown which left her temporarily blinded. In Marc’s testimony, he speaks of eugenics and explains how through Project Paperclip, Nazi doctors and scientists were brought to America and placed at universities like Stanford to continue their human experimentation. Marc also talks about being programmed to kill as a child and walks us through some of the training he was forced to participate in as a child assassin and how he has always had superhuman strength…
Here are the links to all 3 episodes:
Click here —> S3E49 | Stanford Research Institute (SRI) MK ULTRA Survivors Ariadne, Marc & Marina, & Frida Reunite
Click here —> S3E52 | Frida Halliday - Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Survivor on MK ULTRA, Josef Mengele & God
Click here —> S4E2 | Marc Victor & Marina Louw: When MK ULTRA & the Holocaust Came to Stanford Research Institute
Because there is LOADS of information on what happened at SRI in these interviews, I wanted to link them for you to watch and focus the rest of this article on bringing attention to some lesser-known documentation proving that SRI was complicit in MK ULTRA.
Read these carefully:
History has been so altered that most the world has no idea what was actually happening during the Holocaust or that the Holocaust never ended - it simply relocated and was rebranded.
I want to bring attention to this issue because we need to call out these public establishments that are actually visible and in plain sight committing heinous crimes. How dare we allow Freemason Lodges and Universities exist publicly without outrage when we KNOW abuse, pedophilia, human experimentation, torture and killings are happening within the confines of the facade they present to the public (same with churches, etc!). To have THREE survivors standing up to speak out on behalf of the same establishment (SRI) is monumental and we should be taking a stand together against it and exposing it by standing behind these survivors and elevating their stories and voices.
I encourage you to research all of this more for yourself. SRI is a whole rabbit hole - I will probably end up doing more articles about it as there’s a lot of information I didn’t cover here. I would love for you all to listen to the interviews posted above as it’s important for us to be educated on WHO exactly is ‘educating’ us and our children. And learning what has been done in the past so we can somehow honor the little ones who never made it out of these universities like Frida, Marc and Ariadne did.
It makes me so sad to think about. These establishments aren’t even hidden - they are propped up and in plain sight and are profiting off our children STILL after taking part in heinous torture under dissociation and mind control. It’s time to take a stand and stop paying and giving these corrupt corporations and establishments our idolatry, money and praise.
These experiments may still be taking place (it’s certain they are) at universities and we KNOW they are still taking place on military bases, in churches, in lodges and so many more industries and establishments.
I hope you listen to the voices of these broken and fractured children who grew up to be brave and courageous adults using their voices to liberate and bring justice in some small or big way to the innocent children who never made it out or took their secrets to the grave.
Where’s the outrage?
Where’s the calls for justice and exposure?
Too many sitting back and doing nothing or looking the other way.
We can do better, Dear Reader.
Most Sincerely,
All of Us