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Money has been one of the greatest pain points in my life. The amount of lack stories I’ve told myself and the utter fear I’ve felt in my body has been so incredibly painful and heartbreaking. And it’s old! So, so old.
So many of the stories I believed throughout my life were never even my stories - they were inherited stories that I took on as my own. You’d think that I was literally homeless and without food the way my body used to feel, which was never the case, but I couldn’t seem to convince my body otherwise. This caused me to stick my head in the sand and avoid even looking at my finances because of fear and shame. “I “should” know better”, I’d tell myself. I’d say the positive money mantras, but my body wasn’t convinced.
I never felt like I’d have enough or be provided for.
If I’m honest, I hoped that I’d meet a man who was already really good with money and could take care of it all. (I never would’ve said that out loud because it felt like such a disempowered statement, but it’s how I felt). I honestly wanted to give all of my power and agency away so I didn’t have to deal with it!
This all sent me on a journey to unlearn so many of my money stories. I did the work and sought answers to fix my finances for quite a few years, but I still held a lot of fear and lack stories in my body. A year ago, I met my life partner and he had even more money stories than me. To be honest, it really scared me because it didn’t fit into my very unconscious plan of having a man come to my rescue! THANK GOD because that was never his job!
This is where Kate Northrup comes in.
Here’s the thing y’all, I won’t ever ever ever share anything that I don’t fully support and haven’t done myself, and taking Kate’s Relaxed Money Course literally changed our lives so drastically, it still blows my mind. My income increased by about 35% in 6 months after working with her. I went from having one month of business and personal expenses covered in my savings, to almost 4 months covered. I have new systems in place for giving and scholarships, we’re starting to invest and put away more for retirement, and we have so many other financial plans to help us as we move forward.
My partner and I are working towards some really beautiful dreams together, many of which I never thought were possible for me. I’ve invested more money in my business this year than I’ve ever been able to do in the 8 years I’ve been in business, and it feels so easeful and exciting, not terrifying like it used to! We have a weekly money date where we effortlessly talk about where we are financially and it actually feels exciting and fun. When bills were being paid in my home growing up, I wanted to hide under my bed because I felt the fear from my parents so intensely (highly sensitive, empathic body over here) - it TERRIFIED me. To see how calm and grounded Eric and I feel about money today just feels like the greatest dream.
I don’t usually spend this much time sharing other people’s programs, but I’ve been telling everyone about Kate’s teachings because I truly feel like this is the freedom all of us deserve, and it’s changed Eric and my life so drastically.
When I first met E, he told me that he was terrible with money, and now we both say we’re amazing with money and we’re so abundant! We learned how to embody this and practice this with very small amounts and much larger amounts. We learned how to calm our nervous systems around money, change our money stories and what we believe about it, and put some really amazing systems in place to hold it and grow it. This has become something I teach every one of my clients - so many of them (including so many of my friends) are taking this course because they can see how it’s changed my life.
This is the program E and I took, and I thank the divine constantly for bringing this into our lives because I know I’ll never be the same! The early bird prices end on Wednesday.
If you’re not able to make the course, I highly recommend checking out Kate’s work on Instagram: @katenorthrup
Or on her wonderful podcast:
Here's to abundance!
love love love, Ruthie
Thank you :)
Love you so much sister