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Gaslighting Hamas, Gaslighting Netanyahu, Gaslighting Biden
US should support Palestinians who resist ethically. Hamas' slaughter is a horrifying crime. 'West' op-ed would be giving more 'room' for palestine voice such as Motaz, Hind Khoudari, Yara, Plestia
Jerusalem, Gaza Strip, Tel Aviv 8.30am
Aaron J. Mate is son of Professor Gabor Mate, Jewish, holocaust survivor.
Only two possible assumptions can make Hamas killing some two dozen Israeli children *more* of an atrocity than Israel killing many thousands of Palestinian children: either a racist assumption that Palestinian lives are inherently worth less than Israeli lives; or a self-serving assumption that starts the grievance clock on Oct 7 and ignores decades of brutal Israeli military occupation. Sadly, almost every western politician and media outlet makes one, or more probably both, of those assumptions. The United States should oppose any Israeli actions that could result in the forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza.
Imagine if Auschwitz, Birkenau, Dachau got bombed by NAZI, or at least, NAZI laboratorium in Aarau or Stadtilm successfully create a nuclear bomb 1-2 years before Oppenheimer, and ‘testing’ bomb on every concentration camp. Omar Shakir is HRW Director for Israel - Palestine area
They think it's more civilised to annihilate a human being from afar, than killing them face to face. It detaches them from the act. It absolves their guilt.
I know a lot of high-ranking media, such as New York Times, Guardian, Anadolu, BILD, Spiegel, Financial Times, Strait Times, Washington Post etc subscribed my substack. Plestia Alaqad ready to be your Stringer inside Gaza under bombing by Israel. Plestiaa2011@gmail.com
Toddler with Plestia, before war, living in Northern Gaza and they evacuated to Southern Gaza. Since Friday, Oct 13, when Israel announced to every Gazans from northern move to southern, more than 5,000 killed in southern, not counting barbaric bombing in northern Gaza. Northern Gaza is being depopulated, while even residents in the south are ordered to evacuate as the israelis implement their ethnic cleansing. Refugee literally fulfilled Israel warning, and still killed with barbaric bombing by Israel. Documentation by Plestia Alaqad
"The Palestinians have it within them to rise up against Hamas to free themselves. Or Hamas can willingly surrender. Two real choices there." This view isn’t just being promoted in bad faith by Israeli apologists. The impression one gets is that some radical settlers are seeking another war like the 1948 War of Independence, in which Arabs would be expelled from their homes. Netanyahu bears much of the responsibilty for the rifts in Israeli society (his incitement is truly his life's work, especially before the war). Ironically, he is no less responsible for reuniting much of Israel, by causing us to share a deep contempt and loathing towards him.
It seems to resonate with ordinary people who presumably know very little about the histories either of Palestine or of settler colonial movements such as the Zionist movement that founded Israel. So let’s delve briefly into both.
First, settler colonial movements are distinguished from standard colonialism – like British rule in India – by the fact that the settler population wishes not just to steal the native population’s resources but to replace the native population itself.
There are lots of examples of this: European settlers dispossessed native peoples in what we today call the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, for example. The definition of genocide in international law exactly describes what those Europeans did to the local population: mass killings; inflicting conditions calculated to bring about the physical destruction of all or part of the native community; preventing births within the local population; and forcibly transferring native children to the settler population.
nonstop bombing at least since last night until 16-20 minutes ago / already 8am morning, in Gaza, according to Lina H Sharif in Gaza
European settlers who today call themselves Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders never had to account for their crimes against those native peoples. Which possibly explains how commonplace the tweet above is – and why European countries and their settler colonial outgrowths are today lining up againt the rest of the world to support Israel as it intensifies industrial genocide in Gaza.
The truth is the “Western” world order was built on genocide. Israel is just following in a long tradition. Settler colonial movements do not always end up committing genocide.
In South Africa, a heavily outnumbered settler colonial population came to an “accommodation” with the native population: apartheid. The white group took all the resources and privileges. The black group was allowed to live but only in ghettoes and squalor. In such circumstances, peace is possible only when the settler colonial project is abandoned, power is shared and resources distributed more equitably.
This happened, imperfectly, with the fall of apartheid. The final model for a settler colonial population is to drive the native population over the border, in an act of ethnic cleansing. This was Israel’s preferred option in 1948 and again in 1967, when it decided to expand its borders by occupying remaining Palestinian lands in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.
The Palestinians in Gaza are an object lesson in the various ways a native population can be abused by a settler colonial movement. Most are refugees or descended from refugees from Israel’s ethnic cleansing operations of 1948.
In other words, their family homes are in what we today call Israel. They were driven off their lands into a tiny enclave, to be ruled for the next 19 years by Egypt. When Israel seized Gaza during the 1967 war, it had to fall back on the second settler colonising option: apartheid.
So it turned the enclave into an open-air prison, or – if we’re going to be more honest – a long-term concentration camp. Gaza was a larger – and, with Israel’s 16-year siege, increasingly much harsher – version of the townships that held the native black populations in apartheid South Africa.
What we are seeing now is Israel finally recognising that the apartheid model has failed to subdue the Palestinians’ desire for freedom and dignity. Unlike white South Africa, Israel is not looking for peace and reconciliation. It is revisiting other settler colonial options. In the current attack on Gaza, it is implementing a mixed model: genocide for those who remain in Gaza, ethnic cleansing for those who can get out (assuming Egypt finally relents and opens its borders).
None of that has anything to do with Hamas. The most one can say is that Hamas’ resistance has forced Israel’s hand. It has had to abandon its siege-apartheid model – the long-term imprisonment of a population with no resources, no freedom of movement, no clean water, no jobs.
Hind Khoudary is Gazans journo. HAMAS very humanize for every hostage, get shower every day amid only 1-2 percent clean water in Gaza. Before war, 97 percent entire water in GAZA contaminated dangerous chemical because Israel.
Katie Halper is Jewish
Instead, it has returned to the tried-and-tested formulas of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Hamas is a symptom of the decades of trauma Palestinians in Gaza have been through, not the cause of that trauma. Palestinians overthrowing Hamas, or Hamas surrendering, would not turn Gaza into a Dubai-on-the-Mediterranean. Palestinians there would still be prisoners, though possibly allowed slightly better conditions.
Look to the West Bank, which is ruled not by Hamas but by the supine Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas. He calls security cooperation with Israel – suppressing on Israel’s behalf the Palestinians' craving for freedom – a “sacred” duty. His biggest aspiration is a diplomatic solution that creates a severely circumscribed Palestinian mini-state.
If Israel can’t allow freedom to the West Bank under Abbas, how is it ever going to give freedom to tiny Gaza, even without Hamas, after the United Nations declared the enclave as fundamentally “uninhabitable” in 2020? Israel could never allow the Palestinians out of their Gaza prison because their rapid growth in numbers is seen as a threat to Israel’s Jewish majority.
60,000 settlers in West Bank is Jewish American, frustrate to living affordable in US soil
Remember: settler colonial populations are there to replace the native population, not to make peace with them, not to shares resources, not to give them their freedom. Israel is doing the only thing it knows how to do. And as long as the West is cheerleading, that includes genocide.
[English version] more than 7,000 Gazans list casualties click here. First 88 names are from the same extended family [ASTAL or ASATAL], ranging in ages from 72 years old to under a year. It goes on and on like this. The next 72 from one family [HUSUNA or HUSNA, started number 89 after all-88-of ASTAL or ASATAL] wiped out too, forever. No more ASTAL or ASATAL still living on earth forever. No more HUSNA or HUSUNA forever
Gazans people is normal people. Love puppy too like Caucasian and other people, other human. Via Plestia Alaqad / AlAqad, Gazans journo. 22 Palestinian journo killed. Plestia Alaqad beg to you to speak up for Palestine. Plestia, Yara Eid, Hind Khoudary are journo. Your engagement and or posting about Palestine helps Palestinian, currently not only very weak signal and electricity but also shadow banned.
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