VSRF LIVE Tonight: The Legal Fight for the Soul of Medicine
With Michael Turner, MD and Attorney Pete Serrano
Thursday, November 1
7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific
Live stream on Rumble
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Tonight, we are privileged to host two remarkable individuals, Dr. Michael Turner, MD and his legal advocate, Pete Serrano from the Silent Majority Foundation, who are spearheading impactful initiatives in Washington State. Dr. Turner's dedication to patient-centered healthcare, combined with Pete Serrano's legal acumen, has sparked a transformative movement challenging restrictive policies and ensuring medical freedom for all in Washington State.

Specifically, Silent Majority’s recent efforts include presenting evidence to the Florida Attorney General, demonstrating violations of Florida law by Fauci and Friends through COVID mandates. This groundbreaking work, showcases the significant impact of our collective endeavors.

Dr. Turner, a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Medical School, brings a wealth of expertise from treating over 10,000 patients since 2009. His genuine care, trademark optimism, and holistic approach to patient care have earned him the title of "the best doctor in the world" by his patients. Pete Serrano, Director and General Counsel for Silent Majority Foundation, exemplifies dedication to protecting individual freedoms.

Our discussion tonight not only explores their pioneering work in Washington State but also serves as a catalyst for the upcoming Covid Litigation Conference II, scheduled for March 7-8 in Las Vegas. Themed "Connect - Learn - Litigate," this conference is a pivotal platform for legal professionals and medical experts to collaborate, share insights, and strategize. Building upon the success of our previous conference, Silent Majority Foundation recently became involved in a litigation project, wherein several attorneys and medical professionals have been working to present evidence to the Florida Attorney General that Fauci and Friends violated Florida law through the COVID mandates. In fact, Pete Serrano connected with this project at the first Covid Litigation Conference. Collaboration with attorneys and medical professionals highlights the power of unified action and the tangible outcomes that emerge when expertise meets dedication.

This evening's conversation lays the groundwork for the critical discussions we will continue at the conference. As we bridge legal victories from Washington State to nationwide endeavors, your presence tonight reinforces our shared commitment to health freedom. By connecting, learning, and litigating together, we're not only shaping the future of medical autonomy but also affecting real change on a broader scale.

However, to fuel initiatives like the Covid Litigation Conference II, VSRF needs your support. We aired our 100th VSRF Live episode last week, a testament to the journey we have embarked on together. Your backing has brought us this far, and your continued support is vital for our continued success. Please consider contributing a monthly donation to keep VSRF running. Your support is not just a contribution; it's an investment in the fight against the corrupt elite, ensuring that we can keep the lights on and continue our mission to reclaim our rights and freedoms.
You can donate at VacSafety.org/donate
Thank you for being an integral part of this movement. Together, we will win.
Join us tonight and bring a friend. Please also share widely! Just re-post any of these links:
This hearing to remove the jabs is coming up very soon: In Costa Rica there is a hearing to take the jabs off the market. That hearing is Nov. 9 and can be watched at the link in this substack below.
I am glad that both more doctors and lawyers are coming forward to work to end these jabs and establish medical care that, first does no harm!
"The Soul Of Medicine" was hijacked a century ago.....
Most of this current tragedy/disaster known as 'modern medicine' can be directly traced to the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913, leading to the complete takeover of all medical education and research funding. The globalist agenda launched in earnest that year.
“1913 wasn’t a very good year. 1913 gave us the Federal Reserve System, the Income Tax, the 16th Amendment, and the IRS.” ~ Congressman Ron Paul COINCIDENCE?? Of course not.
* Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America *
by Eustace Clarence Mullins
The present work, the result of some forty years of investigative research, is a logical progression from my previous books: the exposé of the international control of monetary issue and banking practices in the United States; a later work revealing the secret network of organizations through which these alien forces wield political power-the secret committees, foundations, and political parties through which their hidden plans are implemented; and now; to the most vital issue of all, the manner in which these depredations affect the daily lives and health of American citizens.
Despite the great power of the hidden rulers, I found that only one group has the power to issue life or death sentences to any American-our nation's physicians. I discovered that these physicians, despite their great power, were themselves subjected to very strict controls over every aspect of their professional lives. These controls, surprisingly enough, were not wielded by any state or federal agency, although almost every other aspect of American life is now under the absolute control of the bureaucracy. The physicians have their own autocracy, a private trade association, the American Medical Association.
This group, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, had gradually built up its power until it assumed total control over medical schools and the accreditation of physicians. The trail of these manipulators led me straight to the same lairs of the international conspirators whom I had exposed in previous books. I knew that they had already looted America, reduced its military power to a dangerously low level, and imposed bureaucratic controls on every American. I now discovered that their conspiracies also directly affected the health of every American.
This conspiracy has resulted in a documented decline in the health of our citizens. We now rank far down the list of civilized nations in infant mortality and other significant medical statistics. I was able to document the shocking record of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famines, economic depressions, revolutions and wars, but who also find their greatest profits in their manipulations of our medical care. The cynicism and malice of these conspirators is something beyond the imagination of most Americans. They deliberately mulct our people of millions of dollars each year through ''charitable'' organizations and then use these same organizations as key groups to bolster their Medical Monopoly.
Fear and intimidation are the basic techniques by which the conspirators maintain their control over all aspects of our health care, as they ruthlessly crush any competitor who challenges their profits. As in other aspects of their ''behavioural control'' over the American people, their most constantly used weapon against us is their employment of federal agents and federal agencies to carry out their intrigues. The proof of this operation may be the most disturbing revelation of my work.