Russell Brand joins the VSRF Roast tonight!
Your support is vital to sustaining VSRF through 2024
Exciting news! Russell Brand will join us tonight for the Roast!
VSRF Giving Tuesday Roast
Tonight | 7pm ET | 4pm PT
The VSRF's Giving Tuesday event today at 7 pm ET | 4 pm PT is our 'Rumblethon' aimed at ensuring VSRF's existence through 2024.
The evening begins with 3-hour live show featuring Rob Schneider, musical performances by Five Times August and Joseph Arthur, along with appearances by our allies like Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, and more—all fierce advocates for VSRF's continued work.
For donors at the $150+ level, we're offering autographed copies of essential reads including Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci, Dr. Pierre Kory’s The War on Ivermectin, Dr. Colleen Huber’s The Defeat of Covid and Neither Safe Nor Effective, 2nd Edition, and a surprise signed copy of Turtles All the Way Down, signed by anonymous(!).
In the final hour, we will broadcast our live auction featuring prizes like a first-class, one-way flight across the USA with me, where we will see if any masked passengers will take bets to remove their masks.
Your tax-deductible support directly aids VSRF's critical initiatives—assisting the vaccine-injured, funding COVID-19 vaccine research, and providing uncensored information. Our goal is to reach $200,000 which is vital to sustain VSRP operations throughout 2024.
I urge all my readers to support VSRF's vital mission this Tuesday, November 28th! This endeavor is crucial to sustain VSRF LIVE through 2024. Please show your support and contribute at www.GiveButter.com/VSRF or text 'VSRF' to 53-555.
I look forward to the Roast tonight, remember to bring a friend!
A voice of reason and he has a purple belt in BJJ. I know this sounds childish, but it would be so cool to challenge these paid liars in real martial arts matches to the death. They would get crushed by Joe Rogan, Lex Friedmann, Russel, Jocko Willink etc. Unfortunately, those in power have an army of people protecting them knowing that they would loose in a fair 1 vs. 1 fight.
Mother Nature’s Job
Is To Inform The Vaccinated
That They Have Violated
The Terms Of Their Warranty.
- Payback’s A Bitch.