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Can you tell us your name?
Yes. My name is Nicole King and I'm a registered nurse in the Central Florida area.
And so this, we're going to talk about what happened to you as a nurse during COVID. Yes. So talk us through where you were and what you did.
VIDEO - Florida COVID Nurse on what she witnessed - COVID Vaccinations in the hospital - injuries (CHD Dec.10, 2023)
Dec 18, 2023
come back to the hospital when you are near death, and we will help you die faster. The ventilator is hungrily waiting for you with a huge spike and your name tag for your toe.
And bonuses for hospitals and doctors
Blood Money, and I hope that they will be miserable and in fear. It's the only way they will Repent.
Typical response from a sheep
this is the beginning of a SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE. be obedient or else! KEEP STANDING. we cannot afford for this tyranny to continue...happening in canada as well...hospitals LTC ect are under pressure because of the governmental funding potentially beeing pulled if there is lack of compliance...WAKE UP ...
And I would bet that every mini-tyrant bureaucrat had zero clue that the fatality rate never even limped up to 1%.
I remember early in the plandemic, hearing a man relating a story about how he'd run into a doctor friend in Boston, and asked him what was happening.
His answer was: "We don't know, we're just going by what we see on TV".
The tyrants fully bought into the fear porn, and probably believed it had a 50% mortality rate.
If being misinformed wasn't the reason for their extreme behaviour, the only alternative is malice.
Even pregnancy exemption was taken away from hospital personnel in Boise ID for Covid-19 injection.
So sad and so evil and ridiculous
Should have voted for a real Conservative governor....
She is a true warrior gero..for standing up for herself and all of her colleagues and the public....
I think I mutter this to myself ten times a day now! I want to see blood on every white coat in every hospital! The anger is not good for me, I know.
I question the "body of evidence" that the old flu shot was effective or even safe. There were no long term double blind studies on the flu shot to prove any of that "science". I have been told the flu shot does indeed have heavy metals in it. Heavy metals can accumulate in the body and later on present neurological and other health problems. AGAIN LONG TERM DOUBLE BLIND STUDIES ARE NEEDED FOR ALL SHOTS.
All of the force and coercion and intimidation by the medical system/industry is the natural out-working of a system weeding out those who will not simply and brainlessly comply. The system wants automatons. All of the talk about AI and using Zoom to 'see' your doctor and such. The system is getting beyond dark, it is demented.
There are many medical professionals who did leave the medical system and have lost all they had. And they have also found out that there is life and life more abundantly, outside of the medical system, in the private, real world, where they can actually help and care for people without compromising their morals.
The system belongs to the system. It cannot be changed from within. All those who stay in the system will be covered in the mud, there is no avoiding it.
Without Term Limits, nothing will ever change.
It's too much temptation for the majority. And We The People have been Shown exactly what they do to control the political hacks.
How they fall into a, Epstein who didn't kill himself trap, I'll never understand. They can't be that ignorant to not know it's coming for them. But they are going into the Swamp, and they think that they won't be bitten by a poisonous Swamp Creature. Not a wise choice.
I thought I had heard that they were putting flu shots together with Covid boosters. Is that true? Are all the current flu shots mRNA? It is terrible to see what all this has done to the medical community….what many have allowed to happen by not speaking up. The lack of trust is huge now. I know an almost one year old baby who will eventually need a heart transplant. His doctors are still pushing the mom who herself is not jabbed to give the Covid shot to this child. They know it often causes heart issues. Why give it to a baby with part of a heart? Oh and now they are pushing her to Lao give the RSV shot. Is it mRNA too?
Yes, the Covid shot is combined with the Flu shot. That’s why the powers are pressing flu shots and not worrying if you’ve had the Covid. They will get mRNA into you with whatever shot you will take.
Combining them. Also, an aerosolized/inhalable COVID “vaccine” is in its way. Courtesy of Chinese scientists.
We will never be able to trust what is in those vaccines EVER again. They can put the same poison they put in Covid so called vaccines in any vaccine.
I agree. Taking any vaccine now is like playing Russian roulette with one's life. I feel for the new mothers for the choices they now have to make. In the US it's ridiculous the number of vaccines the young babies get.
Please stop focusing on fetal cells. Thank you for pointing out that there are other religious reasons not to take the shots. Every prayer answer from God doesn’t begin or end with, “...if fetal cells...” God prompts us about a wide variety of topics us regardless of the presence or lack of presence of fetal cells. Our religious beliefs (no matter your denomination) are not confined to one cell type, to one morally right decision placed in our path, nor to one particular shot/product/action.
I don't know how you can continue to work for an organization that forces medical treatments upon you as a condition of employment and then has the gall to actually push murdering mRNA substances upon workers and the public. I want no association with this kind of health care system. I'd rather die being my own least I will have known I did not betray myself and died with my boots on. You people cannot be excused for the horrors you have committed in the name of saving your jobs or pleasing the administration or big pharma.
As long as those pricks see money at the end, they will never stop.
Three women. Three Heroes. If It harms or kills and some profit while others die, it’s corporate murder. Body Autonomy ALWAYS takes precedence and is always a human right for EVERYONE. “Fight fight the dying of the light”
Children's Health Defense should hire her! She's incredibly articulate, a true leader.
Even I thought they had some benefits, I don’t think the experiment and risks of the experiment are justified. We all die eventually, and creating viruses to create vaccines is just insane. Our entire society is at risk of collapse because of what the virus scientists have done.
Hit it on the nail!
Covid plandemic is the fruit of 100 years of the public being brainwashed to trust the science, trust the label of ‘safe and effective’. The Covid agenda is healthcare mutated from the science of healing to expediting of death.
Merry Christmas Everyone -
Snicklink Parody: WEF [World Enslavement Forum] Head Klaus Schwab Announces "Vaxxmas Hits '23"
This nurse was most informative about how the medical tyranny in the medical system is not over, even though everyone seems to have moved on from covid mandates. It is important her message gets out there and thank CHD for these kinds of interviews and all their efforts to do just that - inform the public.
There are many more examples happening everywhere all at once with no identifiable source or pathway to object. For example, One Senior Health (formerly Iora Health) which provides health care for people over age 65 is subjecting their patients to a questionnaire asking for your assigned sex at birth, your pronouns, the sex you have decided you are now and a descriptor of your sexual orientation - with a list of about 12 descriptive options and the option heterosexual was buried about half way down and it was actually hard to find!
My blood pressure rose as I foolishly completed this offensive sex form at my annual appointment a few weeks ago. I should have crumpled it up and thrown it in the waste basket. When I told the receptionist I found the form deeply offensive she agreed but said there was nothing she could do about it. We were along in the reception area early in the morning so it was easy to have such a candid interchange with her.
My husband had the same experience at our local emergency room a few days later. No one knows who is responsible or has the authority to force patients to submit to this lastest tryrannical medical mandate. These things seem to just come from on high and everyone like sheep goes along and complies.
Fighting back seems increasingly unlikely as we are all getting worn down and just want to go on with our lives. If you think about this for more than a minute it is actually quite frightening.
Regarding legal issues with the vaccine requirement, she should contact Florida lawyer Jeff Childers of the Coffee & COVID site.
The issue with the sudden necessity of the flu shot is very easy to unravel, imo. My theory about the ongoing pressure upon people, especially those who refused to take the clot shot, is that those who are going to run the new normal social credit system need a time stamp for every account that they surveil for "the greater good" of propertyless society. Because giving or taking away people's rights needs a validity frame. There's no other way to justify subjugation without a operational time frame If people want to plan their lives in a daily basis. That's evil but only practical thinking. And the validity and permissions come with a shot as we've seen in convid.
That was the first action for the inventory of world population, where they suceeded enormously in conditioning people to the fact that human rights depend on their papers and registration respectively certificates with a expiry date.
Now that convid lost its fear potential another tool is needed. Any mandatory vaccination will do. No more excemptions. Flu shots are the same unsafe and uneffective products, but nobody cares because it's usual to hear that uneffectivity is because of your weak immune system or the new not-so-scariant. In fact it's only another chapter of the big big virus lie.
calling covid injections 'vaccines' is one of the BIGGEST 'mist-aches' of every health worker, who sooner or later will be HIT by that mistake, for good!!!! PLEASE ASK what kind of substances are in the new 'flu shots'!!! When you try it in a Kaiser Permanent-e facility they will NOT tell you!!! WIth new patents around to turn EVERY 'vaccine' into a synthetic modified modmRNA shot we got into age of PATENTABLE humans, with who knows what new 'features'... More reason to say 'GOOD BYE' to every MD's out there, for good...
What a beautiful soul, full of integrity and conviction. Thank you.
I thought Florida exempted the shot.
Florida is the 'freedom state' for psych ward molesters/the molestation of autistics via restraints and sedative injections, "Christian" parents who foolishly let their children attend Florida's Fallout 4-like public schools or/and receive 'safer smaller spaced-out' aluminum pokes, medical malpractice and many doctors attacking/physically assaulting patients with medical equipment/endoscopy equipment in the name of 'medicine', etc. And a great news site (Health Impact News) warns about how wicked Florida, the 'freedom state' actually is in lamb's clothing, never forget Jeffrey Epstein and the film "Take Care of Maya" and the Missouri psych ward kidnapping case of Chasity (
Health Impact News: Missouri Girl Medically Kidnapped Deteriorates in Mental Institution
Healthy, non-violent, non-vaxxed children and teens are banned from attending school in both 'blue hellhole liberal' states and 'free red states', especially West Virginia and Mississippi alike. But students with explosive tantrums, nonverbal students, and aluminum-induced rage/multiple, costly learning disorders' students are freely allowed to attend state schools in all 50 states, 'red' or 'blue'. I grew up fully homeschooled (almost fully, except for late 4th to early 7th grade and less than a year of middle school - after a destructive PANDAS/Strep rage where I hit school staff, had psychosis and SIBs - from antibiotics for strep throat - and destroyed a computer in Southwest Middle School in FL, I never returned to any public school ever again). My childhood and teen ASD-related criminal record/battery I couldn't control, might prevent me, an autistic homeschooled adult who never went to any highschool outside home, from having a driver's license or a job and now my mother's physically disabled (I didn't harm her recently at all, she broke her back on her own) so my healthy older siblings need to live with us to support me and my disabled mom, before it's too late and we both get shipped off to 'independent/assisted living' gas chamber camps with ventilators and abusive staff. I have never k--led anyone at all or I'd already be in jail, but I do have a history of physically harming others as a child and teen from my explosive ASD tantrums and rages.
The former health minister of Italy, Roberto Esperanza is being investigated for murder, the reason, he knew early on that the vaccines were causing harm including deaths but he ordered health officials to conceal the data as that would jeopardise the vaccination programme. A woman by the name of Nicola Magrini is also being investigated over e-mails that were exchanged.
The Philippine government has launched an investigation into hundreds of thousands of excess deaths during 2021 and 2022. The Italian health minister issue has been reported on Italian and German news outlets, the video can be found on Rumble social media..
Come back when you are dead. Only a government could have so incentivized medical personnel to create the ideal business-government-fascist model, where the money flowed to those with anti-integrity.
An injustice of immense proportions! Watch the testimony of a veteran Nova Scotia nurse who was fired for refusing to take the jab.
Listen to Turfseer’s protest song A GOOD NURSE:
I never once wore a face diaper during this Plannedmic. I work at a federal building and I told them that I would think about it, if they produced a Peer Reviewed Study showing that they worked. I'm still waiting for the review. There is NONE, and that's Real Science. I was the only one who didn't get the Rona. In Florida, Invision Imaging and the Orthopedic Institute were the only places where I was refused medical help.
They will reap what they sow. The Hammer is coming down on the corrupt medical community.
I see employees at Publix still wearing masks, struggling to breathe.
Until folks are willing to do something, nothing will change.
My primary doctor wouldn't give me ivermectin because he got a nasty letter from BCBS.
We need some Heroes who are willing to stand up now. Or you will get what you deserve.
The worst part was being locked out of my Church.
May God have Divine Mercy on Us All, especially those who are pushing the unproven experimental bioweapon jab.
I weary of their deception and games. What explains any of this except supernatural evil?
God Bless you.
I think this is my favourite uploads. All the people that stood. I don’t feel so alone ❤️
And Florida is a "free state!" What happened in NYS is that I tried my best to convince my sister, who is a nurse, not to get the vaccine; she did, and so did her daughter-in-law; both are nurses at NYS. I was and am so disappointed in them! My sister knew better!
Saved and shared, see my Community Page o YouTube, Awakening SOULdier, or not.
Our politicians are busy stealing, too. Indeed, we can see that!