Okay, we're live. Can I ask what your name is? Kay Muller. And this is a story about your husband? Yes. Killed in the hospital protocol COVID? Yes. Did your husband take any COVID-19 shots? No. Why didn't he take the shots?
Your advice from this doctor? He was a little nervous about doing it and the doctor said, well, let's see and how the shots paying out for people and then we'll talk about you getting it. So he felt like he had his doctors. OK, yeah, it's I think it's OK if you wait and see what happens.
He wanted to see how they were going to affect a lot of other people first.

VIDEO - Patient (Kay Muller) killed by COVID-19 Hospital protocols (CHD Dec.10, 2023)

Discussion about this video

These recounts of what was done to people's loved ones are not easy to listen to and make me very wary of not just hospitals but GPs too.

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My last visit was 2 yrs ago and it was my normal yearly physical. My GP said "all was great and to keep doing what I am doing to stay healthy"

As I was getting ready to leave, her recommendation to me was to take the Jab and to get a Shingles Jab, too!

I said no thanks and knew I was never going back. Take ownership of your own health, because the Medical system is corrupt

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Well yearly visits don't put a lot of money in her pocket. Those jabs keep the patients coming her way ya know. Got to get the jabs!!!

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The yearly visits do produce additional income for these doctors as this is chance to push blood pressures meds, cholesterol meds, anxiety meds, etc. There is no value in a yearly medical checkup for patients, only the doctor’s pocketbook. Personally, since I literally woke up to the medical cartel in 2005, I do not see GP’s. They are nothing but drug pushing agents for the pharmaceutical industry. Drs are not trained to cure you as a healthy patient does not generate revenue for either them or big pharma, but they are only meant to treat your symptoms which makes you a life long customer.

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I was thinking the same thing. But then I am like maybe it is good to at least do yearly blood work. See if I am lacking in any vitamins etc. However it starts to feel like I visited a sleazy used car sales man trying to push his junky poison off on us and I can't wait to get out of the office.

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Hi Dorothy, I agree on the sleezy and pushy and I would throw in disrespectful when you dare to question their recommendations. From my experiences over the years, I am 69 yrs old, I would say 90% are in it for the money. They don’t have your best interest at heart, especially, when they can’t use their own critical thinking to treat you individually as a patient. You come in with a set of symptoms, they go in their little back office, plug into their medical books, either hard copy or online, and come up with a protocol set by the Medical Cartel and if they don’t follow the protocol, they can lose their licence.

The old days of your medical doctor actually using their God given brain doesn’t apply anymore I’m afraid. I’ve read that 90% of surgeries are unwarranted. Surgery should always be the last option, but a surgeon makes their living on surgeries, they will never NOT recommend it.

Remember if they can’t figure out how to fix you, they will cut it out (surgery) burn it out (radiation) or poison it out (chemotherapy).

Over 250,000 people die per year from medical errors!! Now that’s sobering. Your best bet is to do your own research, ie kind of like be your own doctor. Eat well, exercise a bit, try to get good sleep and check out a naturopath if you want medical advice. Allopathic doctors only get 4 days nutrition trainings. I would never take their advice on vitamins or food, etc. , My two cents worth!!😊

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Weird. I had a doctor appt today and the first thing they asked was did I have shingles. I have never been asked that before by any doctor. I guess those shots gave people shingles.

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My father was up to date with his Covid shots (4 times Biontech at the time) and the doctor pushed the shingles vaccine, and since in Germany the health insurance pays for those vaccines, and my father is a follower of the vaccine cult, he got the shingles vaccine. And came down with Covid a day or two afterwards.

My father is elderly. Brainwashed as he was by daily German mainstream media's absolute messaging of "safe and effective", "vaccine" and "masks and social distancing work" he had been so proud of doing everything what the government had told him to do to protect him. He was a "good" citizen. Despite the positive Covid test and despite the cold symptoms he doubted that he had actually caught Covid. He saw his Covid infection as a stigma and wanted to hide it. At that time he still believed that Covid vaccinations prevent infection. Nonetheless he was clever enough to understand that his illness had probably something to do with his shingles vaccination. Only after his 5th Covid shot and understanding that me and my unvaccinated sister and many others had no problem with Covid, and mainly since by that time the media had stopped with their daily messaging about the necessity of Covid vaccination, and also seeing some vaccine injury cases in the news, and perhaps understanding that his granddaughter's psoriasis may well have been caused by her three Biontech/Pfizer shots, he stopped being up to date with his Covid vaccine.

In a way I am glad that my father got Covid after the shingles vaccination. It made him understand a) that vaccination can lower one's immune system, b) Covid vaccines, masks and social distancing were not as effective as he was made to believe. Plus c) he started to doubt the correctness of PCR test results.

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Glad your father finally figured it out. Hope he is okay.

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Our GP's would have to know by now. No longer will I ever step in a doctor's office with any kind of quilt of not following their orders. They are guilty of murder! Even if they never directly participated in this our GP's denied anti-biotics, nebulizer treatment and of course if the patient asked for ivermetin and hydroxychloroquine, that most likely was denied too. They left patients hanging. Sure the protocol put them in a tight spot, but they could have found some wiggle room to help the patient.

I tried to talk about this with a local politician a year ago. He claimed he had no idea. Three years later after this has been going on. I think most people in authority over the general public would know by now.

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I don't know if they, GPs, or local councillors, knew from the start but I'd have thought the medics would have had reservations using new technology in a blanket fashion. Our councillors were extremely busy with regard to helping needy people with food donations, crisis management so were probably seeing the vaxx as some miracle. I'm in UK and don't know if rule still applies that aliens, none US people, were not admitted there unless fully jabbed (exceptions for those coming in via southern border). An aquaintance GP and family had NY holiday this year so presumably all jabbed up, or fake cards, but I believe they really did have them based on our conversations. So, this, to me, shows they are just as guillable as anyone else and just because someone has a degree in medicine or other field, does not automatically infer they are intelligent, does it!? I agree that doctors should have treated patients normally instead of just following protocols. I personally know of two women, different areas, who strangely came down with pneumonia in Dec 2019. Both hospitallised, very ill, but got through it. However, if their illness delayed to March 2020, they would certainly not be here with the new protocols.

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Those protocols are not new. They've been ongoing for at least 10 years, here in the UK ie The Liverpool Pathway Care protocol was found to be guilty, but sneakily, they only relabelled it.

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Doctors were the first group affected by mandates, well before the general, non-elderly population started to get pressured to take them. All doctors working for hospitals or medical corporations in the US had to get vaccinated early on. The largest hospital system in our state not only mandated it for the doctors, but they cancelled the health insurance of any SPOUSE of doctors who didn't get vaccinated - yes, I'm talking about you, OSCHNER! This is what has led to the cognitive dissonance of many doctors. Put yourself in their shoes. They took it themselves and told their patients to get it before any of us knew how bad it was. It's much easier to keep telling yourself it's safe and stick to that narrative than it is to apologize to patients and live with the dread of potential physical consequences to yourself and family, and the moral consequences to your patients.

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The problem in Canada you have to have a GP to see any specialist if you are in trouble, everything goes through the GP first.

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As per Dr. Scott Jensen …

“Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for, typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."

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According to AJ DePriest, a healthcare policy analysis expert, Respiratory System diagnosis with ventilator support for more than 96-hrs. was $39,896.58, in addition to the per-covid admission payout.

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Those financial incentives are insane. In Germany the hospital first got money for having free ICU beds so the number of free ICU beds went up considerably. The hospitals were told to postpone elective surgery. Elective surgery is a huge money making operation for German hospitals since about 30 percent of everyone's salary goes to German health insurance providers and every patient can get all sorts of surgery without paying extra. Data Analyst Tom Lausen proved that probably due to the lack of ICU patients during the first waves German hospitals were keeping normal care home residents and palliataive patients longer in ICU than usual so as not to lose money. German hospitals also got more money for each "suspected" Covid patient, especially on ICU. An incentive for hospitals to a) have high CT values for PCR tests in order to have more false positive test results, b) declare a lot of hospitalized and ICU patients with heart attacks, strokes, cancer as Covid Verdachtsfall (suspected covid cases who often had negative PCR tests). During the first wave in spring 2020 two thirds of hospitalized Covid cases in Germany had negative PCR tests, and during the wave in Winter 2020/2021 half the hospitalized Covid patients had negative PCR tests (See data from 'Initiative-Qualitaetsmedizin' who have data from one third of German hospitals). German hospitals received a considerable amount of money for those 'suspected' Covid cases with negative PCR tests, and the hospitals needed money because the numbers of hospitalized patients in Germany had dropped considerably during the Covid crisis from 19 million per year to 17 million per year). The government later brought in legislation giving financial incentives to hospitals who had at least 75 percent of their ICU beds occupied. And of course hospitals made then sure that at least 75 percent of ICU beds were occupied. It is clear that the majority of hospitals changed the number of available ICU beds according to the number of ICU patients they had so as to be profitable.

This enabled the government a) first to calm the electorate because at first a huge number of empty ICU beds were "created" on top of the 25,000 ICU beds that had already been there in Germany before Covid. When the push for vaccination needed to be done so as to use up the many millions of Covid vaccine doses that had been puchased for with taxpayers' money (8 or 10 vaccine doses for each EU citizen!) the fact that less than 25 percent of ICU beds were available was blamed on the unvaccinated. This was used along with preventing the unvaccinated from boarding airplanes, from visiting relatives and friends in hospitals and residential care homes, from entering department, furniture and DIY stores and clothes and shoe shops, from entering restaurants and Coffee shops. In order to build pressure on the whole population to get their two and then three Covid vaccinations.

An insane amount of propaganda and manipulation.

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Thank you for bravely telling your story, Kay.

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Very sad … breaks my heart.

it is not uncommon in the States that doctors get $39,000 for putting a patient onto a ventilator.

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As a critical care doctor I’d have to say that is not true. The hospital maybe gets paid, but not the doctors

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I didn't expect to encounter a critical care doctor on the comment section of Dr. Makis' substack, but I'll take the opportunity to speak to one frankly, for what it's worth. The very fact that you feel entitled to jump in and deflect blame to a third party that apparently owns your doctor patient relationship should result in some self-reflection on your part. The fact that someone like me who formerly had the highest respect for medicine, being the daughter of a physician, sister to another and sister-in-law to another, now despises the whole lot of you should terrify you. The benefit of the doubt that has protected and coddled your profession is unearned by the current generation of you and is now officially revoked. Prepare for a whole lot of transactional interactions with patients and rejection of screening tests and well patient visits once the covid vaxx has finished its decimation of our populations.

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But so many docs just followed the orders especially early on in the pandemic when steroids were not part of the hospital protocols . Many docs were reporting that they saw less need to go on ventilators if steroids were given at first sign of hypoxia. Unfortunately steroids only became part of the Mainstream protocols around June 2020 following recovery trial results

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Just to add that there is a video of Dr. Jensen speaking … if you scroll down the page. That is the American medical system … Dr. Jensen is an example of a doctor who has integrity. People need to know the facts, even if mainstream media dismisses him.

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Of course they did!

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Did you cower and piss your leg like a dog when your hospital administrator owner kicked you for giving a patient ivermectin? My critical care brother in law did.

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It was more the Hospitalist and other intensivists that drank the “FDA” Koolaid. They denied and people died

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And they will be arrested and executed! We have already executed 250 doctors! In October of this year! We’re in a war and have been for a while about seven years mostly information more but it’s getting kinetic underground. But the battle is still above ground with these crazy shots. Anyone who conspired to inject their patients with this poison and watch their patients get sick and die, will be arrested and tried and executed for their crime against humanity.

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My GP that I wore in three years ago about the poison shots is dead because she took the poison shots. 50% of this humongous practice were no longer there because they were rivals so disabled they could not work anymore or they were dead. When I brought this up when I walked into the office attempting to get an appointment which was literally six weeks out, I voiced this in the waiting room and several patients agreed a couple of the doctors remaining heard me next thing you know a couple days later I get a letter in the mail where they kicked me out of the practice! All those doctors and they are pushing this shit they will all be arrested tried for crimes against humanity and they will be hung that’s exactly what they deserve! Well personally I think they should suffer the same demise as the patients they killed. So I think they should be tied to a hospital bed forcibly given REM death severe to shut the kidneys down, fill their lungs with fluid, then vent them and dope them up with fentanyl and morphine and all the other garbage they injected into people to suppress their respiration so that they eventually died within 10 days! These doctors and administrators who push this garbage they need to be punished and they need to suffer. Being hung or shot is too quick of a death in my opinion they should be held accountable and suffer the same consequences as their victims!

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Nuremberg 2.0

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I totally agree with you Cheryl, hanging is too good for them!!!!

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Her husband was murdered 100% for the financial kickback the VA got from the federal government. All of the doctors involved with his patient got financial gain from it and the nurses to because they have to keep your mouth shut. Anyone who has a family member that was admitted into the hospital with supposed Covid and ended up dying because they put them on Randazzo veer invented them, these people were all murdered for the financial gain! there’s no sense in walking around this issue anymore you must recognize the gigantic elephant in the room! If I were in this woman’s position I would find an attorney who will represent her and sue the hospital. I understand there are many people who are starting to do this now. all of the people involved in the hospital including the administrators who are the ones pushing this baloney and this protocol, will all be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity which has a death sentence! All of those nurses and other hospital workers who state well I was just doing my job I didn’t wanna lose my job but I’ll go ahead and murder these people anyway! Nurses know more about these patients in the damn doctors do they see the patients dying right in front of them within days of this drug protocol they know it’s killing them and yet they continue to administer it any way! They are culpable in murder! So this woman needs to find a good attorney who has the guts to go up against the hospital and the system and sue the living shit out of them! I believe most of these big medical hospitals will be closed because we’re going to totally new medicine which is med beds that heal you using vibration and crystals. All of these doctors who harmed their patients will all be arrested. The world is changing in a positive way . It’s unfortunate that we had to go through something so horrible to finally start to open our eyes. Ignorance can cost you your life as it did with this poor man.

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Remdesivir and vent

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People need to get Ivermectin on their own. Also use zinc and Quercetin.

Take extra Vitamin D and C, Zinc, Quercetin daily.

Read the protocols on the FLCCC website.

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the audio is so terrible it makes listening a most frustrating experience!!!!

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Complain complain complain

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I am sincerely interested in hearing these stories so having the audio set so low that I cannot hear what the invited guest is saying makes for a frustrating experience. I've given feedback on this audio issue before and it has only gotten worse. Perhaps by clearly complaining the audio issue will be corrected. Hope this makes sense to you.

Best regards.

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This is so important for people and the medical community to see. It’s hard to imagine our valued health professionals acting this way but it must be imagined even of those physicians and nurses and pharmacists that we have prior relationships with. Somehow the psychopathy of the death cult hides in plain sight and is not necessarily telegraphed by emotional display of anger or rage which most people would associate with the motive energy of murderous intent. No this is stone cold self-righteous intent to kill under protocol and abetted by everyone in that hospital and whatever public health “authorities” are in the circle of should be informed. The malpractice of presumed Dx without examination and no treatment for the classic pneumonia was bad enough for jail time but the remdesivir and sedative/ narco drugs is a capital charge case for the treaters and anyone in a chain presuming to tell doctors how to treat. The FDA and CDC have no authority to determine medical practice in a specific case so these zombies are on their own. Turn off the sound and LOOK at the behavior to SEE. [— we ask by the Blood of Jesus Christ which speaks to the Throne from the Mercy Seat that this and all innocent death under death cult protocol be brought swiftly to and end. ]

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I truly hate the sieg-heiling, cowardly bastards in the medical profession who aspire to Dr Mengele-level cruelty; hate their total self-confidence and their total contempt for the patients. The brainwash against "unvaccinated" must have been going on for years by 2021: my brainwashed sister from the CA Bay Area already in 2019 was laughing at her husband for "not believing in" the flu vaccine, and she is not even in the medical profession!

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Did they stay together!?

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He fell in line, and is now more vocally pro-Narrative than she is!

His anger at being bullied, and insecurity/shame at having risibly "wrong" views (per the entire MWM and "sophisticated" taste-making outlets like The New Yorker and the Atlantic), morphed into a determination never to be "wrong" again.

I have seen this in other couples, particularly the self-righteously jabbed-up ones.

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(MSM, not MWM)

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Everyone needs to read this book, "What The Nurses Saw", An investigation into systemic medical murders that took place in hospitals during the covid panic & the nurses who fought back to save their patients, by Ken McCarthy....https://www.amazon.com/What-Nurses-Saw-Investigation-Corruption/dp/B0CPQVTDRT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=39OR76P7SMF8

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I watched this and in my head Im screaming, "give the man Ivermectin, it'll save his life" but that didn't happen did it, no, the hospital really needed that big fat bonus so they had to kill him. The evil we're seeing today is unbelievable.

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Everyone, especially unvaccinated people need to have in the medicine kit, Ivermectin. It is possible to buy it, you just have to do your research!! I have it and wouldn’t hesitate to use it at first signs of anything viral.

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I would say especially vaccinated people. We unvaxxed have strong natural immunity. It’s the vaxxed who are getting ill over and over again!

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I got my Ivermectin from indiamart.com

For help with dosages and other supplements go flccc.net

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I have Ivermectin and fenbendazole along with narcotics for severe pain, I also have a shit ton of antibiotics just in case the supply chain goes down.

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That is not feasible. Antibiotics go out of date after a while and might eventually end up in the drinking water. Also antibiotics have a detrimental effect on our gut health/immune system and can make us weak.

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We bought enough ivermectin to share with friends and family if needed. I recently took it for five days after picking up a cold from the grands. Ivermectin stopped the cold symptoms in their tracks.

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In Germany we cannot get Ivermectin. I personally would not know how to go about it. You cannot order Ivermectin from abroad. Custom will seize it when it comes into the EU.

Custom also seizes natural medicines from Asia (for example ayurvedic or traditional Tibetan or Chinese medicine) that are sent through the post.

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By the time my husband got covid in September 2021 during the great "Delta wave of unvaccinated in the south", we were fortified with the medications from Dr. McCullough's protocol and had bought an oxygen concentrator and had it on hand just in case. We had been following Dr. McCullough and had heard him speak locally in our small city (God Bless the man - he was traveling to any city that had a brave doctor that would host him- clearly exhausted but unable to spread the word any other way). It was clear to us that if either of us went to a hospital in our town, they would kill us. He is 60 and has co-morbidities but is healthy, self-employed, very busy, and sought after in his field. He was ill for a few days, but he never even abandoned the clients that sometimes desperately need his expertise, taking care of things after hours when others weren't around to be exposed. We never needed the oxygen concentrator, but it was worth every penny to have Dr. McCullough instructing us that we needed to take our health into our own hands. It breaks my heart that so many were so egregiously deceived by so called healthcare workers.

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Horrible stories, all. Please address your sound issues. Turn up the volumes.

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The medical community pushing statins. Cholesterol is another money maker for most involved.

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The patient is not the customer. No business would stay in business for long by killing their customers. The customer is the government, the insurance company and the drug companies. You are just the means by which they get paid by their customers.

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So sad to hear! And so enraging to witness the complete moral decay of my own profession: medical doctors!!! and their awefull deads, their complete abandonement of their duty to keep patients at least safe!! And Kary gave the world so much with his genious PCR technique - to the see it abused in a global agenda of culling the heard that even turned against himself! Keep telling the aweful truth always everywhere no matter the costs!! about all the fraud of covid and ideas behind it and corrupted doctors!! Eventually truth will win. Soldiers die on the battle field, we might „die“ economically or worse: loose our freedom for speaking up, going against the global agenda - but our children will be freed from them and be able to prosper.

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And how did Kary, the inventor of the PCR test die? Was it a natural deathvright before covid broke out?

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God bless 🙏

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Heartbreaking and frightening. We’re in our 70s, have refused the jabs all along and have never had COVID. Our doctor pushed the jab relentlessly but we refused. We’ve upped our Vitamin D, and I prophylaxed with ivermectin (FLCCC protocols) for 2 years (no adverse reactions). We are very lucky. I pray for the victims. I always read these reports because I believe I owe it to the victims. Thank you, Dr Makis for documenting their stories.

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Saving the vaccinated isn’t the big picture.

They did nothing to save you. They never would have and they never will. I offer as evidence that they did nothing to save themselves.

You don’t have time to worry about them. You really don’t. I offer as evidence that those who harmed them aren’t worried in the least about them and they never will be.

The people that harmed them are after you.

Those that have been harmed are not even in the frame of what you’re looking at.

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How horribly sad. They actually targeted the unvaccinated. I heard about this, but this is the 1st testimony I have ever listened to.

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"Sorry, we don't do that here". Met with that response as well. Dr Paul Marik's protocol here for Sepsis: > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfXVce34A78

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Disgusting, disgusting disgusting!!!

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I Love The Sound Of It

And I Love The Looks Of It

On Their Faces.

The Chronically Vaccinated

And Their Doctors

Are Living In Torment.

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The medical mafia has no heart or soul. All they care about is pleasing their masters while gathering in mountains of money. It's murder in plain sight.

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The same thing happened to my husband …..except we refused Remdezivir… the drugs and lack of proper treatment ….6 weeks of he’ll….

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So, so sorry.

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The global population is living in a warzone. HEALTH is the - tip of the spear! #EXITtheWHO! This is what the Ministry of Health Canada thinks https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4401 now closed! NOTE: There was NO legal vote on May 27/2022 and NO Official vote on May 28/2022. The amendments were NEVER passed! NULL & VOID - JamesRoguski.substack.com The trickery is ongoing... WHO has a constitution that it keeps setting aside

Open Petition https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4623 (60,393 signatures) (Foreign Affairs) EXIT UN/WHO

Open Petition (Democratic Process) https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4701 360,336 will close day before Christmass so we are running out of time. "NO Confidence Vote"

Private Members Bill C-368 to REPEAL C-47 Sections 500-504 draft written by Shawn Buckley (lawyer instrumental in Canadian's NCI - National Citizen's Inquiry - can view vids on rumble and the report has been written and is available. NHPPA.org https://nhppa.org/private-members-bill/ This page has x2 petitions an electronic and a paper, lots of info. here! My natural health practitioner gave me a cough syrup that is the BEST I have ever used. BASE is Calendula (extract).

ShineON* Katie - my badge is available at preventgenocide2030.org (Dr. Rima Laibow)

P.S. Bankers pulling strings of Corporate pulling strings of UN/WHO pulling strings of Politicians and the human race is subjected to "the Beat-Down" - only worse as the goal of war is enslavement of those still left alive! CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency IS SLAVERY). Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari Report). Her site also has a free section, because she never forgot her - roots! Like Dr. William Makis and so very many others... thousands... 10's of thousands - Let's be careful with the broad paint brush!

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Your government hates you! Wake up!!!

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The government (MPs & MPPs) works on behalf of the people who placed it into office, and the voters just allowed it to happen. Do you hate the roach you step on?

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Unfortunately the worst audio ever.. what a waste of an interview.

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I could hear it fine, it must be your device. Use earphones as I find that it is helpful when the sound is not good, Just saying!!

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That’s all you have to say about it? I really dislike complainers.

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It was fine. Turn your speaker up. She is a soft spoken woman. Man the things people complain about

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I just read the notes.

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How to Advocate for a Loved One in the Hospital - BudesonideWorks.com

Three Important Resources (in US):

1. C19 Hospital Hostage Helpline

* To get cost-free help immediately with Patient Advocacy, call our C19 Hospital Hostage Helpline at 1-888-C19-EMERGENCY (1-888-219-3637).

2. Hospital Hostage Help Web Page

* Get advice and tools to help you at HospitalHostageHelp.com 

3. Know Your Patient Rights

* Get valuable tools to help you understand your rights. (see interview of Patient Advocate Laura Bartlett)


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