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This is going to be short, but I wanted to draw your attention to the fact that AI is being harnessed for the betterment of humanity by allowing people to access PrEP virtually.
Groundbreaking HIV-prevention initiative harnesses AI to bring medicine to the people
Here we go:
A key enabler to the programme is an AI-powered ePrEP mobile application, which seamlessly integrates routine HIV self-screening and a national courier service to deliver PrEP directly to the client at their preferred location. With the primary objective of improving accessibility, uptake and adherence to PrEP medication, ePrEP aims to bridge the gap for rural clients and individuals encountering barriers to using clinics.
I honestly don’t know what to say about PrEP anymore. It’s all gotten so crazy; I’d be halfway unsurprised if it weren’t “mandated” at some point for certain populations (like former Texas governor Rick Perry attempted to mandate Gardasil, but failed—living in Texas, I can’t believe he had the nerve to even try).
Just in case you’re curious about the process of obtaining PrEP with the help of artificial intelligence (and having it delivered to your “preferred location,” whatever that may be), here it is:
The following is a step-by-step overview of the process required:
Enrol and download the ePrEP app: Clients can easily enrol and download the app, available for Android (6.0+) and iOS (13+), and create an account;
Self-test for HIV: Clients complete a risk assessment and scan the unique HIV test kit barcode to link it to their record, ensuring accurate tracking and monitoring. The app then offers clear, digital instructions for clients to perform an HIV self-test, making the process straightforward and accessible;
Capture and interpret results: Clients are guided to take a photograph of the completed tests, ensuring the results are accurately recorded. The app verifies that the correct test is being used and that the quality of the image is acceptable, and helps clients to interpret the results; and
PrEP home delivery: Counsellors are sent HIV test images captured via the app alongside results interpreted by both the client and AI. This information is used to facilitate the delivery of PrEP to clients with negative test results at their preferred location, removing the need for in-person clinic visits. Clients who test positive are immediately contacted and connected to antiretroviral therapy initiation at their nearest or preferred healthcare facility.
The app, which was co-designed with input from clients and health workers who specialise in HIV, also offers versatile access to counselling services via various channels such as WhatsApp, PleaseCallMe or phone calls. It incorporates a dedicated support page featuring programme links and contact information for healthcare providers.
I have to admit, as someone that thinks the whole doctors-as-gatekeepers model of medicine is a real problem, and probably discourages some people from accessing needed care, I can totally understand the appeal of a program like this. The idea of reducing or even eliminating in person visits is extremely appealing, and I think that in some ways it can be a positive thing. (I’m libertarian politically and hands off as a general rule.) Yet, at the same time, this is why it has the potential to be so dangerous—it makes it easier to access dangerous medications with minimal education to the patient regarding the potential side effects. You probably have to scan a QR code to see the list of adverse effects, most of which are likely downplayed. (Disclaimer: I don’t know if this is true, but it wouldn’t surprise me.) But the real problem isn’t that it’s getting even easier to access PrEP; the real problem is PrEP itself and the mere fact of its existence and that it is being so heavily promoted to everyone.
Finally, in case you were concerned that leaving physical doctors out of the situation might lead to a lack of “adherence,” worry no more:
Users can choose to receive self-screening reminders and notifications through WhatsApp or SMS. The aim is to maintain continual engagement and encourage adherence to screening protocols.
And there we have it. “The aim is to maintain continual engagement and encourage adherence…” The continual focus on “adherence” is beyond creepy. I really have no words left. It’s all so tiresome.
I will be posting lightly until New Year’s (although you never know when I might pop on here, so keep checking your email!) so I just wanted to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays (whichever you prefer), and a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year! Thank you for being with me in 2023; I have some exciting things planned for 2024!
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If you’re a new reader and would like some background as to my views on HIV AIDS, including the “existence” question, please refer to this post and the links contained therein.
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The Nancy Drew of “HIV”
Being here has been a thought provoking, happy Festive, Merry Christmas to you and all your readers